More dolls to share with you…

I got even better at the listings tonight. I found out I could load them and have them all set, but wait until the first one becomes activated on Ebay before I push the save button. So you could see what was going to be listed tonight on the right side of my blog even before it was published on Ebay. At least I’m assuming you all could see it… and not just me…

If you want to see any of the items listed on the right side bar, just click on that item and it will take you to the Ebay listing. If you are using a phone, the pictures are at the bottom of my blog… past the comments.

There are the 4 new things listed and this time they will only be 3 day listings…

Cindy texted me and asked if they could come here, stay a day or 2 and then whisk me off to Springfield, MO, to visit with Deb? Of course I had to say yes! I WANTED TO SAY YES! So she’s coming Monday… which means I had to make these last few auctions end before she came…
So I opted to have them end after 3 days…

I won’t be listing anything else until I get back… BUT in the meantime I can still be finding things TO LIST! This is really working! I’m so excited…and wish I had done it sooner…

I’ll figure out something for those blog posts while I’m gone and I’ll be back soon and we’ll start again!

Now for those hints as to the new auctions for tonight…

One is purple and it goes fast… but of course… Roller skates!

This is seen at a hospital… but of course… Scrubs!

This item is purple too, but it has some sparkle to it… An Ice Skating outfit for the American Girl dolls. I was SO impressed with this set… it is wonderful!

And the last hint was…Not one, but 2 dolls!

Well, I need to get busy doing something else… I worked at cleaning my house today before our company came, then we went out for dinner… Tomorrow is Food Pantry day, so I’ll be gone for that. I need to work in my sewing room and get more things purged.

I will see you Monday, but remember, I’m taking a break from selling my things until I return home.

Cindy sent me the pictures again and they were bigger and clearer this time… I’ll share a few each day. (They came from an Antique booth in PA)

If you click on them, they will enlarge… much better, right??? :o)

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “More dolls to share with you…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Some more nice things listed; that doctor set would work well for Magic Attic dolls, too, I imagine, as they are 18″ but slimmer bodied that AG dolls. The purple skating outfit is wonderful, too! I think I have skates for Molly, but can’t remember if I have an entire skating outfit or just the skates. And Effner collectors will LOVE having those two beautiful examples of her work!

    Thanks to Cindy for sending pictures!! I see some Bye-Lo types in the suitcase. Over to the right is a Chatty Cathy (yellow dress), and I’m pretty sure the purple bear is by Annette Funicello, as I used to have it, if memory serves. I’m wondering if that is a Mary Hoyer doll between the bear and the M.A. doll (red dress)?

    Second picture–such fun to see all those Madame Alexander dolls, and some child’s dishes, too!

    Third picture–Nancy Ann Storybook dolls, a cute Ginny, and some Steiff animals! LOVE the giraffe (my favorite wild animal), but I think I would have a hard time picking a favorite, as I really LOVE that yellow bear!!

  2. Marilyn in Colorado

    Of all the AG ice skating outfits (the modern ones), this one is the most becoming. It’s even prettier than it looks on Jeanne’s model. If you think you might want it, grab it quickly. I can’t imagine that you’d be sorry.

    I just dressed my Julie in jeans and a winter sweater — green with white pine trees — and was remembering the year I got her. I’d been looking for an Ivy and saw a picture of Ivy and Julie. I immediately realized it was Julie I wanted and remembered that Jeanne was selling one. Great relief! Someone else wanted her, but she wasn’t gone. I realized that no doll that belonged to Jeanne had ever failed to benefit from her stay in Carbondale and happily outbid my competition. She’s still as beautiful as on the day she was made. Lots of good memories start on this blog.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Please thank Cindy for the pics. So fun seeing the Ginny dolls and the Storybook dolls. I well remember the blue and white polka dot box from my girl. Mine was Alice in Wonderland which I received about age 5. 🙂 Always enjoy seeing Steiff too. Fun.
    Have a fun trip to visit your sis with your sis.

  4. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, you have some really pretty items today! Yes, as Marilyn mentioned, that is the best of the skating outfits that AG has ever made! I happen to have it and Ruthie looks beautiful in it. The scrubs set is really nice and so complete with many pieces!

    Those roller skates, hmmm, I do have roller skates, but not it sure if everyone who would use skates like these have them. I need to check!

    Oh, those dolls would have me looking and looking and looking at them as a little girl! I see so many that were from my childhood! I had some of those Madame Alexander Storybook dolls, which my grandmother gave me. They were porcelain, and had organdy dresses, which sadly I never was able to really take care of because they were not play dolls, but more of a doll you put on a shelf. You aren’t supposed to give those to young children, but my .grandma did. It was a strange sight, to see a doll without an arm or leg at my house, but a common one! Love all the red dresses there!

    Stuffed animals were not an attraction for me as much as dolls were. I liked the “real” animals better!

  5. Thank you, Kathie for the reply on the doll groups. Busy couple of days including my daughter’s birthday so I didn’t get back to you.
    Fun to see the dolls and stuffed animals at the antique store. Thank you, Cindy for sharing them. Enjoyed seeing the Storybook dolls and Steiff. I still have my growling Steiff bear from childhood tucked away in the cedar chest.

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, wow, the dolls are so pretty. I need to find this mall. Uh, no on second thought, it would probably be a very dangerous place for a doll lover like me (laugh).

    Travel safely. I know that our area is going to be hit by a snow storm tomorrow. According to the news, it may be a “plow-able” snowfall. I didn’t even know there was a name for that.

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