I’m back after a busy week and weekend…

HI everyone,
I feel like I have lost 10 pounds since we last met together. (I only wish!!!) The last ten days have been a whirlwind of activity for us! We enjoyed the visit with Rebecca and Karn but they left Saturday morning. Friday morning we went to the big World Hunger Sale inside the mall, in the Old Navy Store. (they moved to a different location.) We thought it would be CRAZY busy but it was manageable and not too bad.

Rebecca was definitely the better shopper. I found a few things I’ll share soon… I got 10 things for $10.00 total… BUT REBECCA got 48 things for $10.00. They had one section of the store in the clothing department where they gave you a plastic bag, about the size of a Walmart bag, and you could fill it with clothes, shoes, purses, belts, socks, bras, etc…(wearables) and she definitely knew how to burrito-roll her items to make them fit in the bags and not waste any space. Each bag was blue and marked $2.00. She pretty much only resells ladies clothing, but occasionally she finds men’s things and sells them. She found several things with the tags on them and was pretty excited with her haul. It wouldn’t surprise me if she takes that $10.00 and turns it into $200-300!! Yep, she knows what she’s doing and does it very well.

We were going to hit a few other stores, but the days we went to them, they were closed because they were helping with the World Hunger Sale. Oh well…she was thrilled with what she did get.

She brought some minor alterations home with her this time but they were pretty simple and some of them she wanted to just know how to do them. I didn’t have to use any scissors so I fixed a few things for her. While I was doing them, she cleaned up my sewing room. It was quite a mess… since I haven’t been sewing, I’ve been trying to work in my sewing room, but really what I was doing was just moving things from one pile to another.

She gave me a little talk about my hand and told me I needed to do my hand exercises, eat protein to help with the healing, use ice on it and then heat if I want, and wear my brace as often and as long as I can possibly stand it! So I’m really hoping maybe by next week I can start doing something in my sewing room… something dolly related! Do I hear an AMEN??

Here are some Peonies from Kristoffer… they smell divine and are absolutely beautiful. They came from his yard.

So today was the big Baby Shower for a friend from church. She is from India and they have been wanting to have a baby for 10 years. It’s quite a miracle that she is pregnant. She shared the story today.

There were 35 ladies there and we had a wonderful time celebrating her and her soon to be baby girl.

We played a few games (courtesy of me…) Here’s one…”What’s in Your Purse?” We broke up into groups of 4 and I gave them this list…and they had to see which group could come up with the most items on the list in 5 minutes, using items from their purse! The winning team had 33 items! It is a really fun game and lets you have lots of interaction with the other girls in the room.

I made Sandra a baby corsage from baby socks and some lace. (I hadn’t made one in years…and almost forgot how!)

We decorated the basement of our old church and tried to make it pretty…

I used some Little Debbie Fancy Cakes and decorated them with buttercream frosting. I piped the flowers with my left hand… not perfect, but no one complained. :o)

Here is a picture of the group of ladies…and one of Sandra standing behind the table after she opened up LOTS of gifts!

She received some really adorable baby girl items and it was such a warm feeling watching her look at each gift. This picture was just part of what she was given… there were several things too big and off to the side I forgot to take a picture of.

I made two baby bibs for her. One said “Made in America” and the other “Food Critic.”

I really think everyone had a wonderful time!

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “I’m back after a busy week and weekend…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wow, you did have a busy weekend! It was fun to read about all the things you did. I trust that Rebecca and Karn made it home safely?

    What a lovely shower, and what a miracle this baby is!! I’m glad she got so many lovely gifts. I’d love to know how you made that corsage with the baby socks!

    I think that’s a really fun shower game, and I was looking over the list to see how many of those items *I* might have in my purse! Gift cards, yes, and cough drops and a datebook/calendar, but certainly no nail polish! Not even lipstick any more.

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      It was really too busy to enjoy everything… Rebecca and Karn were supposed to have come the week before, and that would have spread things out a bit, but noooo… let’s combine it all into one week. All I can say is I’m glad last week is over. Yes, they did make it home safe and sound.
      I should have just recorded the sound in the room when all the ladies were searching in their purses… calling out things they had. It was crazy, but so much fun!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Marilyn in Colorado

    The baby shower gift table looks like a World Hunger sale table, but with more items. That is going to be one well-dressed baby. Her mother will have a nice time describing her shower party to friends back home.

    I was looking at the pictures of the dolls you rehabbed and sold There’s something very satisfactory about making something that seems worn out new and pretty again.

    I’ve also enjoyed seeing the dress details pictures and the pictures of some of the early outfits. You’ve learned a lot about fit and embellishment, but the early dresses nevertheless had a great deal of charm, and the cream brocade for Felicity was spectacular.

    Rebecca is undoubtedly right about treatment for your thumb, and not being able to use your hand is frustrating, but you’ve been able to keep the blog interesting, even without being able to sew. I’ve always liked the “my life” columns.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I wish I had taken a picture of the table with all the gifts wrapped…it was so pretty and “girlie!”
      It was so nice to get such sweet emails from the ladies who won those dolls… so far it seems everyone was really happy they bought them.

      I just found a 12″ Ruby Red Fashion Friend Siblies doll at the Goodwill this morning. I’m debating about what to do. I was thinking of using her as a doll to try things on. I’d like to try to change the eyes in the doll by cutting a hole in their head so their eyes can be changed different colors if you like. On a low priced doll… it wouldn’t be quite so scary as it would be on a $150.00+ doll. I just might give it a try… but first I’d need to buy some new eyes. Then I’d kind of like to try my hand at a faceup for her… just to see what I could do… hmmm…

      My hand/thumb is better, but just feels so vulnerable sometimes… I certainly don’t want to do anything that takes me back to square one!
      EEK! So I’m going to take it easy…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, you did a wonderful job on those Little Debby cakes! Such pretty colored icing and my goodness, with your left hand?? I doubt I could do anything that well with my left hand, …and I am left handed!

    What a wonderful array of gifts for that lucky baby girl! I wonder if the mother-to-be registered at a store or stores like they do here. It sure does look like she will have enough of everything for quite sometime! Your little sock rosebuds are just darling and something only you could think of doing!

    Kristoffer’s flowers are beautiful! What a thoughtful son who knows how to win your heart!

    As far as that list of things in purses, I might have 5 at any given time. I try to keep things at a minimum, but it depends on where I am going as to what goes in my purse. When you have small children, you can really pack a lot! I was always to “go to” for everyone for Kleenex, but now I have things in my purse just for me! So nice!

    1. Thanks Linda… I’m glad you and everyone else seemed to like the cakes… I did them late Saturday afternoon… hoping I could make them look decent enough that I didn’t have to go buy a cake or cupcakes!

      Sandra did register at Amazon, I think… I never looked because I knew I wanted to make her the bibs.

      Rebecca told me corsages were kind of a thing of the past, but I didn’t care… I knew Sandra would love it, and she told me yesterday, she’d keep it forever. :o)

      I absolutely love the way Peonies smell. They are so fragrant… the blooming ones in the middle are slightly pink and makes the whole bouquet so pretty!

      After we played the game, I asked, “now, who realized they need to clean out their purse?” Lots of ladies laughed! We had lots of fun doing it! You should have seen the piles of stuff on the floor! :o)

      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thanks Joy,
      I missed seeing you there… We did have fun! She is quite the happy mama to be!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Sounds like a great sale you were able to attend and the prices, what a deal. Glad Rebecca was able to find some good resale items too.
    Beautiful flowers from Kristoffer. I’ve never seen peonies in white.
    What a lovely shower. I’m not much for showers, but this one turned out to be a lovely one. So sweet to see the pic of mommy to be wearing your corsage. Can’t believe the left handed cake decorating. Great. Perhaps, you should have asked George to step in and help. 🙂 I took the purse quiz and only came up with 12 items. When the kids were little, it was a regular shopping bag. I’ve downsized considerably. 🙂
    Lots more yard work around here this weekend. Allergies are bonkers with the wind we’ve been having, so not so fun. I received tracking from RRFF, so looking for a box maybe Wednesday. Seems like it has been a long wait for him.
    Good to hear from Marilyn. Awhile back I think they were having planned power outages. Hope it wasn’t for too long.

    1. HI Joy,
      The World Hunger Sale was really organized so it was easy to find what you were looking for… First stop for me… “Crafts” Any surprise there? nope!
      The peonies in the middle of the bouquet are just the palest pink and so so pretty! I love how they smell.

      The shower was fun, but most of all, it was such a blessing to Sandra. She is truly glowing at this point in her pregnancy… I think she’s due July 15th…

      George would have been no help with the decorating, although he was a big help…he did all my dishes…washing all those little couplers and tips, and decorating bags.

      Maybe your wind could blow the pollen away to help ease your allergies.

      Is the RRFF you are waiting on, William? I LOVE his outfit.
      Tomorrow is the last day for preordering Mae and I’m still undecided. I was just looking online at the 16″ Disney Animator dolls, wondering if I could just use one of them for my model… I think the one with the chubby tummy must be the one that fits almost the same as Mae. I’m still debating…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Joy in northern CA

        If you want Mae, now is the time. I believe that this is the very last preorder for her and then, no more. 🙁

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    What an amazing haul Rebecca made from the World Hunger sale. Can’t wait to see what you found.

    I understand Sandra’s elation at being pregnant after 10 years. My daughter and son-in-law were married 12 years when she got pregnant. If and when was not up for discussion other than between them so we were never sure if it was a conscience choice to not have any or they were trying and it was taking time. Our grandson, Anderson, is now 6 1/2. Since Andrea had serious complications after having him, there will be no more but it is a definite blessing to have him.

    Your peonies are absolutely beautiful. Kudos to Kristoffer for his green thumb.
    My parents only had white peonies so for years I never knew there were other colors.

    The baby shower looks like a lot of fun and what a great job on the little cakes. I am so totally right-handed that doing the flowers with my left hand would create quite the catastrophe I’m afraid. I have known my stepson’s fiancée since she was ten years old and one day I was sitting across from her during dinner and realized for the first time she was left-handed. I never knew. She said she is mildly ambidextrous. There are some things she does better with her left and some with her right but she is not able to do all things with both hands. I have a sister that can do that but she ate mostly with her left hand so I always had to make sure to sit on her right side whenever we were eating or we would constantly be bumping arms.

    We had quite the storm last night. Unfortunately it did not cool things off like the last one did. It only made the heat wetter. It never dropped below 75 last night. We’re definitely on the path to our 80+ degree nights and won’t see that change until probably October.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Yes, indeed, Rebecca truly is the queen of resale selling. She was so excited to come back home and look at everything she bought. She knows labels like no other person I know. She can tell you which brands came from what store like it was nothing.

      Sandra is SO very excited to be pregnant and can’t wait to see her little girl. Babies from India are so beautiful!

      The peonies are blooming all over town and I love seeing them. I need a bush or two or three of them. :o)

      Kristoffer is kind of like your stepson’s fiancée… he’s left handed but can use his right hand for lots of things…

      It has rained most of the day here, but yesterday it was a warm/almost hot 81 degrees.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, your daughter is an excellent shopper! I can tell that you two had fun together.

    I like how you apologized for making perfect piping on the little Debbie cakes because you used your left hand. I wouldn’t have done that well if I used two right hands (laugh).

    The baby shower arrangements were lovely. Blessings to the family.

    Well, in fewer than 48 hours it will be May! Yeaaa!

    1. Thanks Dorothy,
      Yes, Rebecca is an excellent shopper. She didn’t even look at anything else at the sale… just the clothes section. Not me… I found a few things in other places…
      You are so silly… two right hands… I will certainly be happy when I have one good right hand and one good left hand. Thank you! :o)

      I know… you are the official May Counter Downer for the Sofa Sisters… Someone has already sent me a picture in honor of May 1st! How did it get here so quickly???
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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