It’s May 1st… Let’s see some dolls around the May Pole!

It’s May 1st and Dorothy, in PA’s very favorite day of the year! I hope this brings a smile to her face and yours too!

Nothing is sweeter than seeing dolls dancing around the May Pole… and guess who sent me some pictures? Linda’s dolls in St. Louis are up first! They are adorable in their fancy long dresses with wreaths of flowers in their hair.

Next, I received a picture from Joy with her little 10″ girls dancing around the May Pole in California! They are so sweet too! I think I counted THIRTEEN dolls around their May Pole. Good job setting them up Joy!

And… I once made a May Pole and Kirsten was the young lady dancing around mine…

I had quite the contraption for the set up… using just about anything that might work for my May Pole.

I thought I had done 2 different May Pole doll dresses, but the other one I was thinking of with Kirsten was a Mid Winter’s dress.

Happy May 1st to everyone… CAKE FOR EVERYONE! :o)
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

34 thoughts on “It’s May 1st… Let’s see some dolls around the May Pole!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Ah, May Day at last!! Do the children ever make May baskets and take them around the way we did on May Day any more?

    Loved seeing the pictures of the Maypole dancers!! Linda, the dresses on your girls are just lovely. Joy, yes ,I think I counted 13 dolls, too. What a lot of work to go thru!! And Jeanne, I think that is one of Kirsten’s prettiest ensembles of all those you’ve made for her.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    May 1st is here! I never did dance around a May Pole, but did make those flower baskets and put whatever flowers in them that I could find, and leave them at the neighbors doors, like Charlotte mentioned. Of course, that was in the mid 40’s, so a LONG time ago! Children today don’t seem to even know about that tradition!

    My goodness, Joy, what a cute bunch of children dancing around the May Pole you have created! That must have taken quite a time to dress everyone and get them in place! Did you make your May Pole? After looking at some on Etsy, I decided making one was the way to go, especially after seeing the prices and the sizes.

    Jeanne, Kirsten’s dirndl is just amazing! I especially love her in the picture with her hair up in a braided crown. My mother fixed my hair like that when I was in kindergarten. Of course, being German, helped with that look!

    So interesting to see how your May Pole was constructed! It certainly did look good in the pictures with Kristen, and no one could ever tell what the real deal was!

    Thank you for showing my picture! I wish the lighting was better, but it was kind of an overcast day when I took that, and until yesterday came along, sunshine was at a premium here for awhile .

    Happy May, everyone!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Linda, I did make the Maypole and all of the dresses. I loved sewing for those little ones. 🙂

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, I am so happy to see your lovely children dancing around the Maypole! What joy that brings. Thank you!

        1. Dorothy in PA and the World

          Dear Linda, thank you for your kind words.

          I love being part of the Jeanne’s Sofa Sisters family.

          I feel like we give warm virtual “hugs” to each other. Thank you for the one you just gave to me! Now, I am giving one to you. Have a wonderful May Day!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Hope the day is lovely for Dorothy. Even other person remembered that it is May Day today. 🙂
    I really do like Kirsten’s special dress and Jeanne’s fun Maypole set up. It made me laugh, but was so inventive as well.
    I well remember trying to set up all of my Tonner kids for that Maypole scene some years back. I didn’t have doll stands, and everyone kind of leaned on one another until the big crash. Everyone ended up in a heap. They were all laughing, and I was so frustrated, but I tried again and again until I finally got a picture. I think I used rolled scotch tape to hold the ribbons to their hands and the jumbled mess of ribbons on the pole reminded me of the only maypole dance I ever attended. That under over thing was more than I could handle at that time. 🙂 Thanks Jeanne for sharing my picture.
    I absolutely love Linda’s Maypole display. It’s genius. What a perfect way to make a display that can brighten May days. The girl’s dresses are spectacular and I love how they all look like they know what they are doing with their ribbons. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Happy May Day everyone.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, thank you for sharing your children’s celebration! They are adorable. I am definitely smiling.

    2. Linda in St. Louis

      Ha, ha,Joy, they get one ribbon and just stand there, nothing to it! Thank you for the compliments! It looks like there were three homemade May Poles in today’s blog, and why not? Easy as pie!

  4. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Happy May Day and thank you all for the lovely photos! They bring back memories of my college days when the freshmen, (freshwomen) were required to do the May pole each year.
    I keep on plugging along, my sewing machine went berserk but I finally fixed it, don’t know how I did, really. I have 2 orders from 2 ladies that are asking for things I haven’t made before.
    Went to the back doc for the 2 week follow up from the epidural. He can’t explain why my back area is fine on the way to church in the car and hurt all the way home in the car last Sunday. Still hoping to avoid surgery.
    Wishes for a lovely month of May for each of you, and for a certain thumb to heal very soon.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      My uncle had spinal stenosis and opted for surgery. He was in his mid to late 80’s. It worked so well for him, and he was back playing tennis in a week. Against doctor’s orders, but worked for him. Hope you can get some relief. A painful back is not pleasant.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am most happy today indeed! Thank you and the Sofa Sisters for sharing their lovely photos. I wish I had a photo of my kindergarten class dancing around the Maypole but alas, that was decades ago probably before cameras were invented (laugh).

    Here is my little contribution to the day. Happy May 1 to everyone!

    (a silly ode to May by Dorothy in PA and the World)

    Let’s dance & sing
    send up a cheer
    for the month of May
    is finally here

    Let’s think of love
    & those we hold dear
    for the month of May
    is finally here

    Let’s say a prayer
    for God to hear
    Hallelujah, May 1
    is finally here!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I love May too Dorothy. When I lived in PA it was my favorite month and I always planned on having a May wedding with Lilacs as my flowers. But then I moved to Texas and got married in January so we could have a ski honeymoon. It was 85 degrees the day we got married and my attendants wore velvet long-sleeve dresses. You can only imagine…

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, I am going to petition the state of PA to make May it’s official “happy month.” What do you think (laugh)?

        We have a flower and a tree and a slogan (don’t ask me what they are though – chuckle) so why shouldn’t we have a month?

  6. Laura in Ohio

    I’m back after just shy of a three weeks absence. My precious kitty Truffle went to Heaven on April 20th. It was fast and unexpected. She’s my sweet brown tabby rescue I shared so often in photos and in the last batch I shared. I know she’s safe with Jesus (like my other furballs) until I see her again, but I love and miss her so very much. My heart is broken.😿😭 💔🥰 She and her best friend/possible sibling Treacle (pure black kitty) who went to Heaven in 2021 were rescued from our downtown parking lot across from our small theater in 2017. My vet thinks Truffle was 17.
    My dear friend Paula knew beforehand and Linda knows now since I checked into the doll board at the end of last week, but letting everyone else knows if you wondered where I’ve been.

    How pretty your dolls look, Linda. I really like Betsy’s what appears to be peach dress.
    How sweet you little dolls look, Joy. They look like they are in motion. I see Ann Estelle.
    I really liked that dirndl on Kirsten, Jeanne. So lovely and springlike and Kirsten dancing in bare feet.
    Beautiful poem, Dorothy! Thank you for sharing your lovely talent.
    Happy May Day to you and all the Sofa Sisters. 🌹🌷🪻💐

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Laura, I’m so sorry to hear about Truffle. But you have many memories of your time together and know that you provided her with many wonderful years she might not have had if you had not rescued her. Seventeen years. Amazing.

      1. Laura in Ohio

        Thank you, Barbara. Yes, my vet told me back in the spring of 2018 after I rescued them that previous October that neither of them would have survived the winter of 2017. That is a comfort to me.

    2. Linda in St. Louis

      Laura, thank you for the compliments! Yes, that is a peach dotted Swiss dress on Betsy, but you can’t really see the white dots very well.

      I knew you were grieving Truffle, and knew you would be back. So sorry to see our fur babies go, and we never have enough time with them, it seems. I’m glad you are back with us!

      1. Laura in Ohio

        Thank you, Linda. I’m not over my grief of Truffle by a long, long way, but I’m finding comfort in my other kitties and a bit of distraction in things I enjoyed before.

    3. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      So sorry you lost your lovely Truffle, Linda it is always hard. I lost my cat Sooty during Lockdown he was about the same age as your fur baby. We just acquired another cat (that makes 4 now), abandoned Sam tried very hard to find his owners. He is a very pretty little thing I must send a photo, a silver and black tabby. Kai has named him Pluto.
      Sending hugs

      1. Laura in Ohio

        Thank you, Anne. Truffle was my precious furbaby. No worries for the mistake. 🐾🐾 Laura

    4. Joy in northern CA

      Oh Laura, I’m so sorry to hear of the death of your Truffle, but what a memorable story to have of the parking lot rescue. I know it’s hard as I still wake up sometimes at night remembering one of our special pets from the past. My thoughts are with you.

      1. Laura in Ohio

        Thank you, Joy. Yes, there are many things that cause me to remember one of my furbabies. Each one had such a special personality. I’m looking forward to seeing them all again in Heaven someday.

    5. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Laura, so sorry for your loss. I hope that you can find some comfort in the memories that you hold in your heart.

      Thank you for you kind words about my poem. I always feel I should contribute when I can because I can’t cook or sew or craft (smile).

      1. Laura in Ohio

        Thank you, Dorothy. Yes, I will find comfort in my heart’s memories until I see Truffle again.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    What beautiful Maypole pictures. Linda’s girls look so lovely and really seem to know what they are doing. Betsy is as adorable as always. Joy’s picture is precious. How nice that so many are willing to participate in the Maypole dance. You have certainly been a busy lady, Joy. You made all their cute clothes and the lovely Maypole too. Wow!

    I love the picture of Kirsten with her Maypole. Her outfit just shouts “Spring”. You make lovely dirndl outfits. So much thought and effort goes into them and it definitely shows.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Barbara! Well, we have had a May pole dance before, so I’m sure the girls know exactly what to do!

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks Barbara. I used to sew a lot for that size doll, but my more recent things have been for the Ruby Reds. That Maypole was a piece of cake. Just stuck a dowel into a vase of marbles and tied on the ribbons. I like Linda’s pole a lot. 🙂

  8. What wonderful pictures from Linda and Joy! I’m sure it took awhile to dress all the dolls as well as making the May poles.
    We sofa sisters appreciate the work put into the scenes for our enjoyment.
    Joy, I’ll never forget the camping tent you made for your group of girls. The camping scenes were great!! You should show it again!
    And Jeanne, I’m glad you showed your picture of Kirsten in that beautiful dress. – I don’t remember the picture though so it was nice to see it.
    Laura, I know everyone appreciated hearing about Truffle. I’m glad you shared what you’ve been going through. Especially since we’ve seen Truffle in your sweet pictures of the kitties. Those of us who have pets, certainly understand what you’re going through.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks Paula. You know, I was looking at that tent the other day. The last time I used it, it was for the Meadow Dolls. I should do something for the Ruby Red kids too. Thanks for the idea. 🙂

    2. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Paula! For me, it’s fun to dress the dolls!I I feel like I am 8 again when I do! 🤣

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