Just a few more Christmas pictures…from California!

Well, I have 2 more birthdays to report! It turns out Monday was Kathie’s birthday! AND… it was Donnell’s birthday too! We should have had a party for everyone who had a Christmas or “near” Christmas birthday!

I’m trying to get things back in order for the new year but I’m having a slow time of getting things done. I think I’ve been away from sewing so long, I’m a little lost at how to get back into things. I’ll figure it out!

Susette sent some pictures to share with everyone. THEY JUST MIGHT CONTAIN DOLLIES!!! :o)

Susette is excellent at setting tables and just look at this!

How many dollies are on the tree? Probably only Susette knows for sure! She said the tan teddy bear is like the one her Nana gave her when she was 2.

Another face with a name today… Susette is the lovely redhead in the front row! :o) Along with her family… Young Krish is beside her…

She bought Ruby Red Fashion Friend, Russell, because he looked like Krish… HE DOES!

Susette’s Ruby Red Fashion Friends booted out the teddy bears and took over the chair! They look ADORABLE! :o)

Thank you Susette! I wonder if anyone else ever did a dolly Christmas tree?

I need to get to bed…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on “Just a few more Christmas pictures…from California!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you, Susette, for sharing your pictures! I enjoyed them so much. Your table is beautiful–I love your china, and even your stemware matches! The Santa napkin rings are so cute!

    Loved seeing your “doll tree” with dolls and bears around it. The “gingerbread” house advent calendar is fun!

    Nice to put a face with a name at last! You have a beautiful family–and yes, Russell does look like Krish! (I have Russell, too–he’s wonderful!) Loved seeing your other Ruby Reds, too.

    Joy, after Christmas I’ll try to get out at least some of my cookie cutters. At least one is as old as I am–a blue celluloid gingerbread boy–but many are more from the 70s and 80s. However, my “prize” is a set of vintage celluloid flower cookie cutters in their original box, which I won in a silent auction at my late mother-in-law’s church years ago. I’ve never used them, they are just almost too special, I think!

    Linda, “Poor PItiful Pearl” was quite different from The Lonely Doll”. Pearl had a very round head, as I recall, and a very sad expression on her face. I never had one, but I remember her fairly vividly from my childhood, when I saw her in the catalog!

    Sissy, I have been to Helen, GA! That was when my girlfriend Liz lived in the Atlanta area, and I had come to visit her shortly after they moved there. The first place we went was to Babyland General Hospital, where I adopted Katherine Elizabeth, who I saw being born from the mother cabbage! But we also went to Helen, and walked around, looking thru the wonderful shops. It rather reminded me of Leavenworth, out here in Wash. state.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What wonderful pictures, Susette! I very much enjoyed seeing how you “do” Christmas there in California!!

    Your table setting is so cheery and just beautiful the way everything goes together, from the gorgeous, china, silver and goblets, not to mention that wonderful centerpiece! Just sitting down at your table would be enough Christmas cheer for me! You have a wonderful artistic talent!

    Your doll tree is so special and delightful, seeing it all lit up! Is that your childhood Mary Hoyer doll there? Those teddy bears and the sweet gingerbread house fit right in! A beautiful display!

    You have a great looking family, your grandsons, so handsome, and granddaughter a real beauty! Good looking sons too! And yes, Krish does look like Russell! How fun is that?

    Thank you so much for sending these pictures in for us to enjoy!

    Charlotte, yes, right after I commented on the Poor Pitiful Pearl doll, I discovered that I was very wrong about her, comparing her to The Lonely Doll. My youngest sister had a Poor Pitiful Pearl doll , and I just could not understand what the attraction was!🤣

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks Jeanne and Susette for sharing the wonderful photos. I can’t believe how much Susette’s, grands have grown. I was thinking that they were still pretty little. Love the perfect tablescape too. Festive but not overdone. The little ceramic houses tucked in here and there are a lovely touch. I’d love to have that replacement bear and the house in the first tree photo. So sweet. Such fun things at Susette’s place. And Ruby Red Russell is a wonderful impersonation of Krish at the piano. Thanks for sharing your lovely home, Susette.
    Can’t wait to see what Jeanne comes up with next in the sewing line and which doll might benefit. 🙂
    Enjoying some rain here. We need every drop.

  4. Susette from Southern California

    Thank you, Charlotte, Linda and Joy. The Mary Hoyer doll that Kathie rehabbed should certainly be there in the skater dress that my mother made for her. Next year. Krish and Riya will be playing some Christmas recital songs for us this afternoon. Thanks, Jeanne, for posting the pictures.

    1. Susette you had a wonderful Christmas! Everyone dressed for a Wonderful dinner at a beautiful table! The carnations and roses and Pomegranates made an awesome centerpiece! Love your Christmas China. A pretty table makes memories as well as the menu😉Thanks for the tour and seeing your fantastic family😍
      I have a Dolly tree too along with a pink tree full of Margaret Furlong ornaments.
      Some of us just love Christmas.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Susette, your Christmas table looks absolutely beautiful. Your doll tree is amazing and I love your teddy bear. David actually still has the teddy bear he got the first Christmas after he was adopted. I think he was four at the time. He came from a very dysfunctional family and had never had a Christmas present until then. He said when he saw the teddy bear, which he’s sure was as big as he was, he was overwhelmed. I really would love to have him restuffed with some of the nice stuffing out there these days, but I’m afraid he might totally fall apart if I mess with him. After all he is about 72 years old. You have a truly lovely family. Your granddaughter is beautiful.

    I’ve never done “Christmas Dinner”. We have always been in the church choir and have often done two or three services Christmas Eve which resulted for years with us getting home after midnight, having to wait until the children were asleep to play Santa and usually not getting to bed until around 3 a.m. and needing to rise early, especially when they were little. I never went back to bed after opening gifts but I sure did not feel like cooking so it was ham and potato salad for Christmas dinner. I actually got that from my mother. She tried for years doing a formal Christmas dinner but no one seemed to want to sit down and eat. My mother was a nurse and while she had off Christmas Eve she usually had to work Christmas Day and she was on the night shift so cooking all day didn’t work for her either. Most countries that have a formal Christmas dinner as a custom do not have Thanksgiving a month before. Bottom line is I love a beautiful table set for Christmas dinner and I totally admire those who can make it happen.

    These days we have Christmas at Sean and Dionne’s and we celebrate Christmas and my birthday on that day. Dionne makes the best chicken enchiladas and that is always my birthday dinner request so that is also Christmas dinner.

    I just got the notice yesterday that L’il Dreamer Jovi, my Christmas/birthday present, is due to arrive tomorrow. I was hoping she’d be here for Christmas Eve but at least she is arriving during the holiday season since she is dressed for the occasion. I can’t wait to see her in person.

  6. Just wonderful to see your Christmas table, Susette. The dishes, stemware, and little gingerbread houses make everything look so festive. How fun to see your doll tree also with its pink and teal lights, little dolls, and tassels. The teddy bear is very sweet. So very nice to see you with your lovely family, Russell certainly does bear a striking resemblance to Krish, and Melody’s piano is perfect for him. Your Rubies look happy to be by the tree. Thank you for sharing all the great photos.

  7. Marilyn in Colorado

    I love china and table settings, and Susette’s table is lovely. I really like the pomegranates with the flowers and the Santa napkin holders and the elves. This must be the result of years of collecting. Now I want to see what you do for Easter and Thanksgiving. Have you considered eating on paper plates on TV trays and just admiring the table for a few days, instead of having dinner there?

    You really do have a lovely family, though I’m sorry no one else got your red hair.
    Then there are the poinsettias — and the sunshine — and no coats. We have sunshine today, but it’s definitely coat weather.

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, you will figure out what to sew next. I am sure one of the dollies will raise her or his hand and say “pick me, pick me!” Then you will be off.

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