A Round Eared Cap for Felicity today…

My goodness, this outfit is becoming a “one piece a day” kind of outfit. We are in the Thanksgiving season at church and there are lots of things to be planned and taken care of. I’m doing my best to do sewing on the side! :o)

I did manage to get the round eared cap made to wear under Felicity’s decorated straw hat… I had just enough of the lace I used on her dress to add to the ruffle on her cap. I used a tufted very lightweight cotton fabric for the cap part. The brim has been interfaced so it will hold its shape.

Want to see it?

Of course you’ll want to see it under the hat…

Felicity is beginning to look like a real Colonial young lady, isn’t she?

…just a few more pictures…

Whew! That was a big part of the set accomplished…

Just ONE MORE THING… for Felicity! :o)

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “A Round Eared Cap for Felicity today…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m glad to see you had enough of that lovely knitted lace to use on Felicity’s cap, too. It’s really a very nice addition, and ties it beautifully to her dress.

    One more thing, huh?!! Hm, some kind of reticule, I’m thinking! Can’t wait to see it!

    I finally figured out how to add my picture to my wordpress sign-in; I had noticed others had done so, and I thought it was a good idea. It’s always nice to see who we’re “talking” to!! This was taken 9 years ago (I have lots more wrinkles now!), when I was in Michigan, blueberry-picking with my best friend. We met in first grade, Dec. of 1952, when we moved to her town, and we were best friends almost from the moment we met. We have had many similarities in our lives–even ended up with last names that are just one letter different!!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, your namesake, Charlotte Noelle, is happy to “see” you. She said to tell you that she is waving to you.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    First, Charlotte, why is your email address on your comments? It’s says in plain words by the envelope at the bottom where you sign your email address, “Address never made public”! I wonder if it has to do with including your picture? Maybe Jeanne can remove it.

    Jeanne, I just love the little cap for Felicity, I think it is adorable and of course, when Felicity gets to where she is going, like at someone’s house, she can’t wear the big hat, or even at home receiving company!

    Oh yes, a reticle is just what she needs to finish this lovely outfit !

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Good catch, Linda! I went to WordPress and changed it. I just hadn’t scrolled down far enough to see that I needed to do that. Now (if you look at this comment) you will see I have it corrected. Thanks!

  3. Susette from Southern California

    What a beautiful outfit from head to toe, every detail well thought out!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Oh cute. Felicity wears that cap so well. I would love to see some outdoor photos, weather permitting. Maybe, she can be posed in one pic with her skirt up a tad to show her lovely petticoat underneath? Maybe like the wind blew it up or she is adjusting her boots underneath?
    Well, the Ruby Red Christmas girls have been previewed. Lots of glitter but very cute girls in the Diana mold I believe. 🙂
    38 this morning. Cold for us.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what a lovely addition to the outfit. The cap is so pretty. I wonder what the next thing will be. Hmmm.

  6. I love the round eared cap. The lace to match her dress is perfect. Felicity will look very elegant for Thanksgiving service at Bruton Parish Church. It was one of our many stops on our trip to Williamsburg. Fascinating to see that and walk through the cemetery and read the headstones. Yes, a little reticule to hold her hanky and offering money and she will be ready.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love the sweet little cap and I’m so glad you had enough lace to embellish it. It’s a perfect addition to the lovely dress. I don’t have any Colonial girls but I always loved that time period. When I lived in Wilmington, DE, we were close to New Castle where they had Olde New Castle Day. Women would be dressed in colonial attire. I remember asking my mother how they could get around in their homes that were actually very small with those big skirts and petticoats. She reminded me that not all women wore the fancy attire that I think of as Colonial and those that could afford to dress like that lived in much larger houses.

  8. Marilyn in Colorado

    I always love the Williamsburg hats. This one is lovely for fall. And the new cap is one of my favorites. Have you tried walking in one of those skirts? Adding even 4″ to each hip means running into everything. Imagine changing to Regency style dresses. It must have been like running around in underclothes.

    When we were at the Bath costume museum, we were tossed a real Regency everyday dress. It fastened up the back with hooks and eyes, as if it had been made last week. I was quite surprised. (Notice that I keep mentioning Regency, and remember that Elizabeth hasn’t been seen for a while).

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I will take note of what you said… I was just looking for reticule pictures and saw LOTS of Regency dresses! She swoons! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

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