Ruby Red Fashion Friends, James, will be my model ONE more day…

…Then I’ll switch to one of my girls with long pretty hair!

I don’t know what everyone is referring to on the comment page…the “new” format??? since I am the “administrator” of this blog, I guess I don’t see things the way everyone else does. I’m hoping it was just a one day glitch! I sure don’t want anything new invading my blog.

Another thing… several of you said you liked the brown jacket I used as a pattern proof. I’m sorry to tell you, but it’s awful fabric… stiff and just a cheap cotton… maybe even a polished cotton, but it was in my scrap bag, as I thought it was terrible. I only picked it to see if it would be similar to a denim I might use. I actually ended up using a much softer denim fabric, so it really didn’t help much.

Okay, so I tried again and I like this new jacket better… It’s supposed to be a 3/4 length sleeve jacket, not long sleeved.

I worked and worked and thought I was finally done, except for the buttons, but when I laid it down, the left side (looking at it) is shorter by about 1/8″ and just a bit of a ripple in it…RATS… I know I won’t be able to live with that… especially when I add buttons, because they will be off too if I line them up to match on each side. It won’t be a terribly hard fix, but one I should have noticed… I think what happened was my fabric stretched… as I topstitched going down on one side and then around the jacket and UP the other side. That does make a difference in fabrics. So… I’ll fix it…

I wanted to use some antique metal brass 2mm buttons but I wanted to put them closer together like this… but I only have 2 left and I need those for the pockets…

…so I spaced them out and that “might” work… we’ll see…

I grabbed a few fabrics for a possible dress, just to show you what I was thinking of doing… any other suggestions are welcome too! :o)

Maybe I don’t want a dress… hmmm…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Ruby Red Fashion Friends, James, will be my model ONE more day…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, the new format has a big box with a shaded in “reply” box at the bottom right, and as soon as you start typing a new section rolls up that has the “w”, “f” and envelope -email, I’m assuming). Last night when I commented on yesterday’s blog (I’m talking about 2 a.m. on 10/2) it was still the old way, so it must have changed after that. (Just tried, and when I clicked on the envelope, a new “box” slid open with spaces for your email address, name and optional website.)

    Oh, gosh, I feel your pain on that jacket stretching a bit on that one side. I am wondering if perhaps topstitching should be done from center back/lower edge up and around to CB/neckline, on each side? That way one side won’t stretch more. Or machine baste the fronts, both in the same direction (bottom/up) so that when you do topstitch around, it’ll hold both sides evenly. Hm, something to think about.

    Actually, I think I like the yellow print fabric the best of the four you show. I could see it as a sundress, maybe, with a flared skirt. The elephant fabric is cute, but might be too juvenile for RRFF dolls. The other blue fabric is okay, but I’m not a fan of the brown at all. But then, I rarely ever wear Anything brown myself–I might have one pair of brown shoes, but that’s about it!

    By the way, Jeanne, James needs underwear!! Yes, he has a cute little tushie, but….the poor boy is just mortified that we are seeing it!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    First off, Jeanne, yes, James needs a pair of underwear!

    Another thing, now I see a new what you would call a new “format”, just a different way of doing what we always do. I guess I was too early yesterday to see it. I don’t think it makes anything harder, just different. For most of us, click onto the envelope to put in your email and name, espeically if you are getting the blog through your email.

    I don’t know, I just don’t “feel” any of those dress materials. I did like the print of the brown jacket yesterday, sort of an Indian vibe, and wonder if you had anythig like that in your stash for a skirt or dress? I think that would be more for fall than flowers. Just my take.

  3. I like the buttons lowered, looks intentional otherwise I get the feeling you ran out of buttons, if that makes sense.
    Like Linda I also am not feeling the summer fabrics. But the elephants could be fun. School trip to the zoo? 

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Yes, the new format for typing is interesting. Funny how things can be changed with no word from the maker.
    I’m still a fan of the brown fabric. Even if it is awful fabric, please put on the other sleeve and try it on someone with a sweater or top underneath. 🙂
    The denim doesn’t look as bulky as yesterday. Don’t know why. I think it will be a great seller. However, I’m not a fan of any of the fabrics for a dress. The elephants are cute, but maybe for a 30’s look on a Connie Lowe girl or a pair of pjs. Just doesn’t seem to go with the more modern Ruby Red’s. Just my opinion. Although, I would like to see a dress in the Anne of Green Gables style sometime.
    None of the fabric choices are as striking as some I’ve seen. Maybe one will grow on me. 🙂 Have anything in orange or rust or leaves or stripes?
    We have the fire department coming out this afternoon for a free assessment of the landscaping. Of course, they want only rock within so many feet of the house for fire prevention, but hoping to get some ideas of ground cover etc. I think they come in a fire truck. Should be interesting. 🙂
    Have no idea what the W means. Can’t remember how I responded yesterday. I think I’ll try the envelope today. 🙂

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I changed my mind. I’ve been studying the fabrics and the elephants seem to have the right color blue to match the jacket. Something just was missing until I remembered the great buttons. With the buttons on the jacket, they would pick up some similar color in the ele print as well. Here I go again. Will it be W, FB or envelope?

  5. Kathie from Omaha

    Maybe todays comment will go through…yesterdays didn’t. I think the yellow is cute with the jacket. 
    Dr day today. Hate those oxygen tests. We have had 4 days of 90+ temps and tonight mid 30s with rain.. hopefully!

  6. Okay, happy Tuesday! I have things together now.
    Oh yes, James needs underwear! I will say the sight gave me a good laugh. 🙂
    Love the sunflower fabric, but it looks summery especially with the light denim jacket.. The elephant fabric is really cute and different. I consider RRFFs to be versatile. I’ve seen adorable little girl outfits on them as well as slight older teen styles. I think a lot of it depends on the particular one.
    Btw, I clicked on the W and WordPress comes up.

    1. Hi Dorothy in PA. I wanted to wait until I posted to see what it looked like.
      It put the lines and spaces where I put them today.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Laura, it just feels a bit off. My space bar doesn’t work correctly with this new layout. I an only space out one space. I can’t make paragraphs.

  7. Lauren From the Land of Lincoln

    Hi Everybody,
    Jeanne I may be alone here but I like the blue bumblebee pattern…I dunno I am just a sucker for the color blue and I think the blue denim goes well on the blue fabric. Also, I think that we have a census here and that we can all agree that James needs some underwear! (: LOL! 

  8. Hi everyone,
    I have sent a text to Sarah, my webmaster, to see if she can tell me what is going on. I didn’t know what it looked like until now, when I decided to post my comment. I’m not finished with my typing yet, but I do see the W, F, and envelope. I’m hoping when I click on the envelope it works and goes through.
    Looks like I need to make James some briefs! :o)
    Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am glad you will be making James some briefs (laugh). I am glad that you were able to test out this “new” comment section. If feels off a bit. I don’t like not being able to make paragraphs. I can’t
    use the Enter key when I try. I can’t tell if the site will make a space or not. It looks like you are on the way to creating another lovely outfit.

  10. Now I’m going to have to try another comment to see what the deal is with the paragraphs…

    Well, I just hit the enter button twice and it moved down to a new paragraph for me…

    Maybe tomorrow it will be better…
    Blessings, Jeanne

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