Ruby Red Fashion Friend, Violette’s new bag… blue or green?

Well, I heard enough comments to can the glasses for Violette. I might show a few pictures of her with them on, but they won’t be included in the listing… I realized too, that a lot of the dolls come with glued on wigs… and that convinced me to leave the glasses off.

However, I did decide to make her a boho bag, and left it kind of in the air as to which fabric I might choose… the choices were varied, as usual, so I just picked the one I thought looked best in person… Yay to all those who picked the green…

I added a big pocket on the front and a couple of felt flowers to pick up the colors in the hair bow…

Violette likes it and said she feels “stylish!” Oh brother…

If you use it as a crossbody purse, it’s easiest to lay the purse on the floor, have her step into it, and pull it up from the bottom, like this…

BUT… hold on… all you blue people out there… take a look at this…

I made it blue on the other side and added a double pocket with the hairband fabric as a trim along the top…

Okay, so are all the “blue” people happy?

What if I told you there was “something” inside the purse… would you like to see it?

Yes, it’s books… some I made especially for Violette…

They fit down inside her bag and will perfect for long afternoons at the park…

Violett’s only problem is “which book to read first!!!”

Well, I hope everyone was happy with the decision I made… :o)

I will see you Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on “Ruby Red Fashion Friend, Violette’s new bag… blue or green?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Yes, indeed, Violette is certainly “stylish”!! Cute idea, to make one side of the bag green and the other blue–and the hairbow fabric around the top! I might have tried making it reversible, but I think that would have been too bulky.

    Love the books you gave, her, too!! Such fun.

    Barbara, thanks for your kind words yesterday, and for your prayers. I guess I was kind of halfway expecting something pretty soon, and I truly haven’t felt “frantic” about it, or anything, but will admit to a couple of weepy moments on Wed. when I was at prayer service at church, and actually on the way to church, too.

    As to your sewing machine…I’m sorry it’s still in the hospital, but this might be a chance for you to get a couple of projects cut out and ready to sew, so you can just fire her up when she gets home!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I totally understand your weepy moments and you should allow them. In some ways they are cleansing and allow you to get on with life with a clearer head. I’ve had some of them myself at times and they tend to creep up on you when least expected. I will be praying for strength for you and Ron.

      If I can find the top of my worktable I will do as you suggest. I don’t like pinning and cutting so having a stack of swimsuits available to just sit down and sew would be a great idea. When I went to drop off my machine, I got shanghaied by one of the women who works there. I was looking at the amazing, new machine editions. She saw me looking and got me to sit down at the Husqvarna Viking Epic 2. It was a dream machine but at $17,000 I decided mine was just fine. She told me I could finance it with no interest. I have about 8 payments left on my car and I’m looking forward to the extra cash. I don’t think I want to have another bill. Maybe if we sell some more land. It is a dream machine. Sigh………

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Oh, my….$17,000?! That’s almost as much as this house cost in 1968!! LOL If I needed a new machine (I already have 5…), I would still stick with Viking, but would go to one of the much simpler ones. I do have the Viking #1+, which embroiders, but have used the embroidery function very little, despite having lots of the cards, etc. for it (some from my best friend when she went up to the Designer 1).

        Thank you for the prayers. Yes, I am pretty good at those “weepy moments’….plenty of experience over my lifetime… I always tell people who are grieving, don’t be afraid to shed tears; you may give someone the gift of allowing them to comfort you!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I’m happy, Jeanne! I liked the green material best, and thought the blue was second best, and look what happened! Perfect! You are quite the mediator!

    The books are just what Violette needs when heading off to school, which is now on the horizon. Seems like vacation just started, and now all the stores are getting the kids ready to go off again so soon! If I remember correctly, summer was like forever when I was young! It was after Labor Day before we started back, but that’s not the way it is today. They have s many holidays and breaks now, I guess it just makes sense to start earlier.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I never could get over the fact that the kids here in Texas started school in mid-August. It is so hot and they start football practice and cross country right off. We started school the day after Labor Day in PA too after getting off in early June. Summer did seem long but at least I felt we had a summer break. I was told that the reason for starting school here in mid-August and ending in May was because kids used to be needed in the fields to help harvest the crops. Hard to imagine though that when the kids were needed in the fields there was no A/C here so August and September must have been a difficult time to sit in a classroom. Jaiden goes back 8/10 and Skyy 8/28, but she has a longer Christmas break. Here in Sealy they start 8/16.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Oh cute! I was thinking reversible, but this is a better idea and probably easier than having to flip the bag inside out. Great added detail as well. Perfect for Violette to tote her books and treasures. She can bring it along on an outing to the lake and flake out on her beach towel in the shade. 🙂
    Guess you won’t hear about the rescheduling until next week now. Hope you both have a relaxing weekend. Take care.

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love your compromise on the hobo bag. Too clever. I like the trim that matches the hairbow. This is an adorable outfit. It’s amazing how these outfits seem to evolve as they go along.

    It was good to hear from Anne yesterday. She’s been on my mind. Glad to hear she is doing so well. Aside from wondering about how she is doing after surgery several of my Hydrow rowing videos were filmed in New Zealand and I think of Anne actually seeing all these places in person while I’m rowing. But hearing one of the athletes talk about a 30 hour plane ride (not sure where she started from), I think I might find that a bit difficult these days. Hydrow goes all over the world to film their athletes rowing in different locations. One of the more recent took place on the Brazos River near Waco. I wanted to go watch since Waco is pretty close, but hubby had something else to do so we didn’t.

    Hope you hear soon about the rescheduling. I don’t like waiting. I’d rather deal with whatever it is and get it over with. Praying for a successful surgery and quick recuperation for George whenever that is.

  5. Yes, Violette is “stylish”. There’s always bound to be one or two in the bunch that are fashion conscious. What a cute little flippable bag that turned out to be.
    How nice she has some books as well. I loved Nancy Drew as a child and read them all from the school library. Then as an adult I bought the yellow matte covers I remembered. Have most of #1-56, only missing two I still want and the few remaining I didn’t cared for as much so complete isn’t important.
    Oh. the Bob kitty book. 🙂 I enjoyed those movies. He was one special cat.

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love the books, especially Nancy Drew. I think that Violette looks stylish too!

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