Ruby Red Fashion Friend, Violette, gets 2 new pieces….

I didn’t think it would take me so long to make these two pieces, but it did… and I’m still not finished…

Plan A was to make her a pretty white embroidered gauzy-like crop top to go with her jean shorts. This fabric is as dainty as a kleenex, or maybe even tissue paper, so you have to sew slowly and not pull it away from the sewing machine too quickly or it will gather up your threads. After I got it all finished and was taking pictures of it, I noticed the neckline was maybe too tightly gathered up and the midriff was too loose… oh dear! So I’ll have to adjust that tomorrow…

I had some ribbon that I thought I was going to make some flip flops from, but it turned out to be too stiff, so I moved to plan B. I used a piece of the denim and frayed the edged the same width and used that for my sandal top and made 2 layers of leather for the soles.

I thought they were fine, but they wouldn’t stay up on Violette’s heels, so I had to go to Plan C. This is what I did… stitched a star on the outsides to hold the elastic cording up… They were still wet on the inside where I glued my thread ends down, so she couldn’t try them on just yet. I’ll show them on her feet tomorrow.

Well, that’s it for my day. I’m heading to bed…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on “Ruby Red Fashion Friend, Violette, gets 2 new pieces….”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, those pieces are just too cute! I agree–the neckline seems a bit tight and the lower edge a bit loose; should be easy to fix.

    Nice save on the flipflops, too–those little stars make cute accents while serving a purpose!!

    Thanks everyone for all your prayers for Ron and me. I read all the messages, and appreciate each one.

  2. Joy in northern CA

    I think that when the top is adjusted, it will be sweet with the shorts. I know the fabric is lightweight, but maybe the pattern needs to be slimmed down overall to accommodate whatever fabric is being used? Guess, I’m trying to say less gathering as it looks a little too full. Interesting, as I too have been working on a similar top. Won’t be anywhere nearly as nice as yours though. 🙂
    A nice cool 68 inside this morning and foggy. However, we’re expecting it to hit 90 later today. Not going to get much done outside other than watering. So, I have been able to start in again on some dolly outfits that have been languishing in the unfinished pile. I’m so slow.
    Hope that Jeanne and George, get some good news about rescheduling today. So difficult to just wait for a call. I know I would be the squeaky wheel on this. Bad me.

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, she is adorable no matter what you put on her.

    I promised myself that I wasn’t going to look for another doll but every time I see your Violette, I think she is so cute. I may have to start stalking ebay to see if I can find one (smile). I think she was a limited run so I don’t think I can find her new.

    Prayers continue.

    1. Hi Dorothy, you might also try looking for Jasmine as she and Violette are very similar. Violette is slightly more tan and the wig colors are a tad different. They both are the “Daisy” sculpt. I’ve also seen a number of re-wigged RRFFs on the fan club and just like AG dolls, it’s amazing what a wig swap does.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Laura, thank you for this information. I like the tan color best, I think. What fan club do you mean? It is on Facebook? I don’t have FB.

        1. Laura in Ohio

          Yes, the RRFF Fan Club on Facebook. I had never joined FB before, but signed up in order to be able to purchased the Club Anniversary doll, Rose as you had to “join the club” to be able to purchase her. I just browse a few minutes what people share, no time to participate in one more thing. Two other doll boards are quite enough.

          1. Dorothy in PA and the World

            Dear Laura, I belong to several UFDC clubs plus several other online clubs.
            I will see if anyone in my local club belongs to the RRFF FB club. That might be a good place for me to start. Thanks!

  4. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, what a cute outfit for Violette! I think the top is just what she needs, but yes, maybe a bit less full and tighter around the bottom, looser the top. But those sandals are just adorable! And to think they were just going to be plain slip-ons!

    Prayers that you hear from the hospital soon. Waiting is no fun!

  5. Violette will certainly be cute and comfortable in that white crop top. Those sandals are just too cute and a nice different look from flip flops. The little stars are an adorable touch.

  6. Everything is looking great. I googled “doll glasses” and several came up if you could get them in time.🥴

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