“Think Vintage”… a great little shop!

We went on an excursion to a town just over from ours and visited the cutest little shop. I had been in it before, but it has definitely expanded…and gotten “smaller” at the same time. It’s a REALLY fun store with lots of “littles” in it… mostly handmade by the owner… I think her name was Andrea Simmons and the shop has been there for 10 years! She has a real gift for making cute and very tiny items that are so adorable you just want some, even if you don’t know what you are going to do with them. She had an Easter section, a Christmas section, a Mother’s Day grouping, and just about anything else you can think of. It’s a pretty tiny shop once you are inside, but it doesn’t matter, because so many of her things would fit on the tip of your finger… or sit on a dime. Rebecca and I ooohhhed and aaahhhed a lot! Some of her tiny little things are .59 and .85 so you can buy a LOT for your money… Someone who has a miniature doll house would be in heaven in her shop!

Well, I better show you some pictures… I hope you’ll click on them so they’ll enlarge… HAVE FUN SNOOPING AROUND!

I put my finger in this picture to show you how tiny this little dresser is…

Don’t you love it?

It’s easy to get lost looking at all the tiny little things she has created…

I think my hand covered up the tiny little Easter basket that would probably have fit on a dime…

Well, that was a fun trip to Murphysboro… hope you enjoyed it like we did!

See you tomorrow…
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on ““Think Vintage”… a great little shop!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    OH, what a fun shop, Jeanne!! Thanks so much for sharing pictures with us today. Of course, my eye was immediately caught by the vintage hankies on display in that yellow cupboard. I was recently given a whole box of vintage hankies by a lady in our church–they had belonged to a relative of her husband, and no one wanted them, so she took them (to keep them from going to Goodwill or something), and had them in her house for years. Then she saw the picture of the vintage hankies I had gotten at Expo, and offered them to me.

    I also noticed what looks to be old Nancy Drew books (upper left corner of one picture), and I see she had made “signs” with Scrabble tiles–painted the little trays first and then put the letters in place to spell out words.

    But the miniature things!! Reminds me of my friend Daria, who made miniatures. I have an Easter basket with little tiny Peeps and other “candy” made from Fimo clay; it is small enough to be used by my little Gigi or even my 6-1/2″ Hitty! At her memorial, there were a number of other miniatures on display that she’d made, too. Every bit as tiny and amazing as some of the things you showed us. Thank you!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh boy, what a fun little shop, Jeanne! I love miniatures, and had the best time decorating and setting up my two doll houses, plus my Dept. 56 villages, so this shop would be the perfect place for me! I see so many darling things, and a picture caught my eye, the Guardian Angel picture, of the two children crossing a bridge that is missing a board, but guided by their Guardian angel A favorite of mine!

    The crocheted doilies are beautiful hanging from a shelf, the tiny eggs and chicks, well, everything is just amazing! I wonder who dusts all that?? It seems that no one else has dust,…..except me!

    Did we ever have a storm yesterday morning! I was thinking about you, since it went from west to east and you were right in the path. And the tornado in SE Missouri was not that far from us and Cape Girardeau.

    By the way, your link to your Etsy shop didn’t seem to work on the RRFF site. Did you notice that?

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks so much for sharing the great photos of the mini shop. There are some really fun things. For those of you who are not able to travel to Murphysboro, Illinois, today, Lee & Pearl has free doll size Easter cards. Only takes two sheets of regular printer paper. I haven’t made them yet, but they do look cute. 🙂 https://leeandpearl.com/free.html You have to put in your email, and then the mail arrives with the cards to download.
    I need to get going this morning, but I’ll be back later to enlarge Jeanne’s, pics and look some more. So much to take in. 🙂

    1. Thanks for mentioning the Easter cards, Joy. They offered them another year as well. You should grab the Easter baskets and vintage Christmas cards while you are at it. They are really sweet as well.

  4. What an incredible shop!! All those tiny items. One could spend a lot of time looking around. What fun!!

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    So many wonderful miniatures in one place. Must have taken you all day to browse. I saw a lot of possible dolly photo props. I really loved the pot-belly stove and the cute little bedroom set. I saw the Nancy Drew books that Charlotte mentioned and the box of hankies. I sure wish I had been able to get the box of hankies my grandmother had, some of them given to her by my sisters and myself. But I was in Texas when she passed away and wasn’t there for the disposition of her things. My uncle handled the big things, but I have no clue what happened to her smaller things. But my mother did snag me something that I love. It was a plaque that was on the wall in every one of my grandmother’s kitchens over the years. It’s the first thing I ever memorized when I was little. It says “No matter where I serve my guests it seems they like my kitchen best”.

    We had a stormy day here yesterday and more rain is expected for today and tomorrow. Just heard a loud clap of thunder so we’ve got another one coming in.
    Skyy and Jaiden have off from school tomorrow and are coming out so I can finish up Jaiden’s skirt for Easter. I need to make sure it’s comfortable around the waist before I stitch the elastic. I had plans for doing some outdoor chores with them tomorrow like using Sean’s pressure washer to wash my windows. David’s is more powerful so I will be using Sean’s whenever I can get to it since it’s supposed to rain tomorrow. I needed to do some weed spraying too and Sean had plans for Skyy helping down at the shop, but the rain may put paid to all that.

    I don’t think they have off again until the end of the school year. Hard to believe that is just around the corner. Sean and Dionne got a note from Skyy’s school yesterday that he will be in three advanced classes next year (8th grade). Skyy is a good student but tends to slack off a bit when he gets good grades and then if they drop he works like crazy to bring them up. It’s like a challenge, so maybe having him in advanced classes will keep him challenged so he doesn’t do this. We’re just very thankful to see all this while he is in middle school cause that can be such a dicey time for kids. Both our kids were wonderful throughout middle school and high school. Elementary school not so much. We feared for the future. Glad those fears were unrealized. I always think of the quote from Dr. James Dobson that says “Be patient with your children while they are trying to find themselves, even if it appears they are not looking”.

  6. My good friend will enjoy looking at those pictures for sure…she has a darling dollhouse and has made many of the furnishings.Such a cute shop and fun with Rebecca. Enjoy your time together🥹😍
    It is actually starting to show signs of Spring around here. I see a Robin and some Daffodils coming up and next week is supposed to be much warmer. WHOOPIE!🌷🌞

  7. What an adorable little shop! I love miniatures. So many cute things to look at. I also saw the old Nancy Drew books. I have almost every one of the original 56 in the yellow matte covers I read in grade school. The ones I don’t have I didn’t care for as much. I think I also see a Jessie Wilcox Smith print. I like her artwork along with others. I know your header picture, Jeanne, is by her as well.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I wish I had the Nancy Drew collection I read when I was growing up. I didn’t have them myself but our school library had them all. We bought them for Andrea but they were the newer editions and had many changes I didn’t like. And I understand they have been revised once again.

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