~ BLUE RIBBON ~ for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls is now listed on Ebay…

I was really hoping everyone wanted something simple with this dress set and apparently you all did! I had to go somewhere this morning and before I left, I searched in all my ribbons and trims and could NOT find a ribbon in the right shade of blue. It is a different color than most blues. I had decided if I couldn’t find anything in town, I was going to have to make a fabric bow that matched her dress, but I really wanted a solid blue to sit in her pretty blonde hair.

I looked at Hobby Lobby and almost had given up, when I spotted this blue ribbon down on the bottom shelf and it matched my fabric swatch and leather scrap just like I had hoped! I scooped that roll up and was so happy! When I got home I started crafting a ribbon and when it was done, I was very pleased with how it looked with her dress set. Just what it needed!!

Then I decided I wanted to try and take a few pictures outside because it was a beautiful day. BUT…the wind was blowing some pretty strong gusts. I was determined to get some pictures, so I put Sara in her stand and tried standing her in a few places… it was so windy, she almost blew over 3 times. YIKES! Here are a few of my pictures outside… and a video or two…

The first video is a little bit all over the place. I was trying to juggle my phone, and not drop it, keep her from blowing over and trying to keep the hair out of her face. (Let the video go all the way across if it’s buffering and then go back to the start and watch it.)

The second video is shorter, but you can see the wind… her bow was flapping so much, I thought she might take off like The Flying Nun!

Whew… I’m glad she didn’t fall over, especially on those bricks!

Anyway, we made it… here is one more picture of her in front of the Bradford Pear trees, but the wind had just about blown all the white blossoms off… it would have been a pretty picture if there had been more on the trees…

Well, that’s enough to entice you… if you want to see the listing on Ebay, you can click the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

Thanks everyone,
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “~ BLUE RIBBON ~ for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    You found the perfect blue for Sara’s hair bow, Jeanne! But what adventures you had, trying to get those outdoor pictures!

    BTW, I see this outfit already has its first bid–yay!

      1. Congratulations! Who/ what did you win, Charlotte? I didn’t see anything on the fan club.

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Thanks so much! I saw you won a prize from Ruby Red too… looked like it was a hat and a purse? congrats!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    So pretty, Jeanne! Sara is my favorite of all the RRFF dolls, and this outfit is just made for her! Just one of these days she might come to live with me!

    The bow is perfect! She looks just like a little girl should look, no overly made-up face paint, or crazy hair, and that outfit is perfection for her. The perfect dress, with the perfect shoes and purse, plus little things, make this a hard one to pass up!

    Yes, the wind was a-blowin’ yesterday, but hey, it’s SPRING! That last picture is SO pretty, and Sara looks very happy! Little does she know…….!

    1. HI Linda,
      I’m with Joy, thinking that little Betsy would LOVE to have Sara as her big sister!
      I’m glad you like the bow in her hair.. yesterday was wind and today it’s wind AND rain… and pretty chilly out there too! No pictures could have been taken today… unless it was a rain coat!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. You found the perfect ribbon. It’s the right blue and sheer is especially nice for springtime.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I’m so glad this ribbon was sheer…if it had been grosgrain, I think it would have been too thick… I’m glad you like it!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Love the pic of Sara with the ornamental pears behind. Can’t get either video to work for me. Stops midway. The bow is a great color match. I’m sure Sara will be hiding somewhere in order to make packing this dress difficult. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      I’m sorry you couldn’t get the videos to work… the first one was 22 seconds long and the second one was 2 seconds long… just long enough to catch the wind gust. Today it’s nasty and rainy and windy… not a good day for pictures!
      I slipped the dress off Sara last night while she was sleeping! She’s back on the dolly shelf between the other girls.. .chatting away like nothing ever happened. :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      blessings, Jeanne

  5. Linda is right…she has that sweet little girl look. Perfect for Spring and Easter. It is an unusual blue and that ribbon nailed it. Great combo.
    I can tell from the pictures you are way ahead of us …you have green grass…not yet here…and haven’t seen a Robin either.🫣

    1. Thanks for the compliments, Kathie!
      I am SO glad Hobby Lobby had that blue color… I really didn’t want it to be a fabric hair bow…
      My hubby was raking the gumballs this morning, before the rain came, trying to get them piled up before the grass grows any taller… They are hard to dig out of the tall grass…
      We saw 12 doves in our yard, under the feeder this morning. Maybe that’s a sure sign Spring is almost here!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Wow, your pears are blooming out? Ours are still in small bud. The crabapples are even that far yet. The robins have been back a couple of weeks. yay!
    Sara looks very sweet. The big bow on top is just perfect. Love sheer organza ribbons.

    1. HI Laura,
      Our Bradford Pear trees were SO pretty about 3 days ago… just white fluffy puffs everywhere. I should have taken a picture of them… but didn’t! :o(
      Thanks for liking the hair bow… I think everyone was in total agreement on this one…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Sara looks so lovely in her Easter finery. The outside pictures were great in spite of the wind. That actually made them look more natural. So glad there were no mishaps during the shoot. I really love the shoes and purse and the ribbon is so sweet.

    I finally have the rest of the info for my tax guy so maybe, just maybe, I can get back in my sewing room for some serious sewing soon. And now that I don’t have to worry about ceiling drips I can really enjoy the experience. Plus I have 69 dolls to dress for Easter. I know that because Jaiden counted them the other day.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I love the outside pictures too… especially when I have a fabric or accessory that is hard to describe the color. Thanks for your kind compliments!
      I hope you get in your sewing room soon, too… You have been gone long enough, you just might forget how to sew! But I doubt it! You’re seasoned and it will always come back to those who have done it a long time!
      69 dolls, huh? Wow, I hope you have something Springy for everyone!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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