A new dress for Ten Ping and Mini Sara… Ruby Red Galleria dolls

Many of you already know this, but Ruby Red Fashion Friends, Sara, has a new little sister who is still on pre-order from Happily Ever After dolls. You can see her along with “big” Sara, if you click the link! She is a Ruby Red Galleria celebration doll of them being in business 15 years! She is expected to start shipping the end of May or the first of June… last I heard…

She is the exact same size doll, on the exact same body as my Ten Ping… 8″ tall with lots of articulated joints. Since lots of ladies will be needing new dresses for their dolls, I thought maybe I could sneak in another dress set for her.

I had to help my hubby with some computer stuff today and we went somewhere tonight so I only have the ideas in my head and a few pieces cut out… but wanted to show you anyway…

This is the sweetest, tiniest pink and green flower print… and it’s perfect for Ten Ping or Mini Sara. I had a perfect shade of felt for her jacket too…

I put a mechanical pencil beside Ten Ping to show you her size…

Isn’t this fabric sweet?

I also have a perfect accessory for this tiny set… here’s a close up picture of part of it… :o)

Well, I know it doesn’t look like too much now, but just wait… :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “A new dress for Ten Ping and Mini Sara… Ruby Red Galleria dolls”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That is a darling little print, and the felt for the jacket is just perfect, Jeanne. I know a little girl in this house that will be thrilled to learn that “Auntie Jeanne” is making something in her favorite color (again)!! 😊 But what on earth could that accessory be? That really has me stymied.

    Thanks for the congrats on my win (RRFF’s recent contest)! I was so surprised when I saw that notice on FB earlier today! It’s the “Coming up Daisies” accessory set–looks to me like a hat and purse. My girls will have to share…..

    I see you have two bids on Sara’s outfit now–yay!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What a darling piece of material, Jeanne, perfect for a tiny doll! I love the pretty spring-like color and Ten Ping is going to be happy indeed! Now, that accessory set is really stumping me! What on earth is that fluffy white “stuff”? Is that a piece of black patent leather??? What in the world???

    I am thinking that this mini-doll is not a little sister of Sara, since Callie is her little sister, but this new doll is just that, a mini-Sara, which is the idea I got when I read about her on the Ruby Red site. She is an exact replica of big Sara, but with more joints or something. But just the same, anybody could make her little sister too.

    Oh yes, things are blooming here also, magnolias, Bradford pears, tulips, daffodils and hyacinth’s! Cherry trees are about to start, so I wish the warmer air would take hold and stay with us without all this back and forth to winter!

    Congrats, Charlotte, on your win! Maybe you can show us on one of your dolls!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thanks, LInda; I will try to do that. I’m way behind on taking pictures of the new dolls I got the beginning of the year (or whenever it was…sometimes the days melt together…).

  3. Joy in northern CA

    The latest outfit will be very sweet on Ten or mini Sara.
    When I first looked at the sneak preview, I immediately thought that the photo looked like a piece of obsidian stuck in a snowbank. But, no couldn’t be that. So second guess is the hoof of a lamb? Maybe Jeanne is branching out to add animals to her repertoire?
    Rained all night, but maybe we’ll get a day of clearing. So wet around here.

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love that fabric so much I have it in both pink and peach. I used the pink to make matching dresses for my MA 18″ Gracie and my WW Camille. I think I once sent pictures to the blog of them wearing those dresses. Although I used it for larger dolls, it is the perfect size print for a small doll. I have several of the Vintage Mini fabrics I got from Home Sew. They are all pretty and perfect for the smaller dolls.

    My Mini Sara is going to be the little sister of Sara. Her name will be Stevie Pillar.
    I don’t have Sara’s Siblie Callie just Hanna’s Sydney and Bella’s Bailey. But I might get Callie at some point. Mini Sara is totally adorable. I guess you could do a scenario where Mini Sara is Sara as a toddler. Lots of stories there.

    Congrats Charlotte. I never win anything. Oh, you mean you have to enter to win? Mostly I never see the contests to enter. I believe that I have the accessory package you won. I haven’t opened it yet but will when I dress everyone for Easter. The picture of it on the website shows it with the cutest long skirt but I don’t see that for sale so I guess I’ll have to make one.

    Joy, I hope your rain stops soon. Too little rain is no good but too much is worse for me. I’m allergic to molds and fungus and you can see the toadstools all over my yard when it gets too wet.

    Warming up again here. I’ll be glad when the weather settles down so my body can get in a groove. Yesterday it was 40 degrees when I got up, today it was 72. I’ve had the heat on now it’s time for the A/C again.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Hope your weather decides to level out. I can see mold growing on our retaining wall. When it dries out, that needs to go. Unfortunately, the weeds are loving the rain. They are everywhere.

  5. Mother Nature must be having either a nervous breakdown or menopause…she is so unreliable. 😳🫣 we still don’t have even a hint of Spring….which means when it does come it will get hot right away. All of the Sofa Sisters will have to tell her it “will be OK” so she settles down a bit!
    The latest little print it just the right size and nice to know it will fit the new little doll too. Accessories will be fun to watch…soooo tiny!

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