~ Perfectly Purple ~ for the Ruby Red Fashion Friend dolls is now on Ebay!

I don’t know how I managed it, but I got the purple coat and hat set listed on Ebay this evening.

Somehow in the middle of listing some hens for my hubby on Craigslist, taking a few more pictures of Violette, helping the “roofing” guys figure out where the leak in my sewing room roof was coming from, picking up some pants that need to be hemmed for a friend at church, going to the Post Office to mail Maryellen and Nora to their new moms, packaging up something my hubby needed returned, getting my 8000 steps in for today, calling a caterer for a few food items needed for the funeral dinner Saturday, picking up 2 items for my hubby at Ace Hardware… I managed to get it listed! I can’t believe it…

However, my hubby did make dinner tonight… he was up on the roof with the guys, and he swept the floors! We are a pretty good team! :o)

Okay, first things first… I was so happy that so many of you chimed in and said it was fine to just list the doll coat with the hat and the boots and be done with it… Well, I “almost” followed your advice, but when I was out and about today, I saw this… and it was the “perfect accessory” so I added it to the set! :o)

I took a few more pictures…

If you’d like to see the listing you can click on the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE to see the listing on Ebay.

My Thursday, Friday and Saturday are booked getting ready for the funeral service and the dinner, so I’ll try to think of something interesting to share with you to keep things going…

I will see you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “~ Perfectly Purple ~ for the Ruby Red Fashion Friend dolls is now on Ebay!”

  1. Joy in northern CA

    Oh, Jeanne’s blog just showed up. Was thinking she was ill, but no just a whirl wind of activity going on. Can’t believe all of the things she gets done in one day. Quite amazing, but most important, has that darn roofing company finally figured out where the “new” roof is leaking? Certainly hope so. 🙂
    Finally popped up to 31 here this morning. Hoping that this is the last extremely cold day, but might carry on a few days longer.
    And excited as the RRFF Christmas girls are arriving. Looks like mine is scheduled for arrival next Tuesday. 🙂
    Not sure when the heavy weather is supposed to arrive for many, but keep warm.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I was being summoned to dinner last night as I was finishing up my listing on Ebay… and thought since my pictures were ready to use, I would just write my blog…
      I started on it, went to eat, came back to finish it, and “thought” I had hit the published button, but hadn’t! Oops!
      I got a few emails this morning about it..
      Yes, the roof fix seems to have worked. We got a steady rain last night for quite a while and no drips! I am hoping to get my thread holder put back up… yay!!
      I hope you get back to the weather you like the most!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Sally from Colorado

    Hi, Jeanne. Well, we are happy you are all right but living life wearing roller blades. Watch out.
    Haven’t been tuning in much as the last three weeks have been tough with diverticulitis. Today, I feel like I’m crawling out of the hole.
    Cute coat set; I immediately recognized the coat from Sarah. It’s lovely. I have seen super pics from Susette and Linda, the laces, but I haven’t really followed everyone. Hope you are all getting better like Charlotte and getting to your sewing, enjoying church and families.
    Jeanne, I hope you can catch your breath.
    Warmest wishes to all.

    1. Hi Sally,
      As I was driving across town last night to pin up this guys pants, you were on my mind… I realized you hadn’t been on lately… so sorry to hear you have been dealing with diverticulitis… icky!
      I hope today is a turning point and you start feeling better…
      My hubby is calling me.. gotta go…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh, here you are! I have been decorating my tree, so didn’t see the blog until now. So glad you had no computer problems,…again!

    You always seem to find the perfect accessory to go with your outfits, and this just fits the bill! Looks yummy!

    1. Thanks Linda!
      My tree is up, but nothing on it yet… not even the lights… oh well, another day!
      Sorry I wasn’t on earlier thus morning! Oops!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    I think this is our last day of late spring weather for awhile. It’s going to be 48 on Christmas Eve with a low of 32. We will have a few short days of that so it will finally feel like Christmas. After that it looks like we will be in the 60s with nights in the 40s for the rest of December and January. That is my perfect weather. I looked ahead for March and 70s are predicted with nights in the 50s. Still nice. I didn’t want to know anything after that.

    Sally, sorry about you diverticulitis. My aunt had that. She had to watch what she ate all the time. Hope you are feeling better.

    Joy, I told you more about the machine in a reply yesterday. Will hunt up the serial number for you after lunch.

    Still working on my village. Sean will help with the lights this afternoon. The guys are here for lunch so gotta go.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks so much Barbara for the information on the sewing machine. I’ll check it out. 🙂 We do have a new printer. The tank one you mentioned. Working great. 🙂

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Don’t you love the printer!!! I love having the ability to print so many copies without worrying about the cost of ink. I think it’s the model number I need to get you for the sewing machine. I intended to look for this today but got sidetracked. I can’t seem to put paid to any of the items on my “to do” list. There’s always tomorrow I guess.

    2. Hi Barbara,
      All warm days must come to an end… and it looks like yours are just about over! Maybe you’ll have a white Christmas. Do you remember the last time you had a white Christmas? There used to be a jewelry store in a town close to us that had a sale where if the customer bought something and put it on layaway, and if it snowed more than 4 inches (I think it was 4 inches), on Christmas Eve, you would get your jewelry item for FREE! I don’t know if they are still in business or not. I’ll have to listen to see if I hear it this year. I bet that owner was watching the weather like a hawk! :o)

      Thanks Barbara… are you enjoying your new serger, or are you TOO busy right now?
      See you tomorrow,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m so glad it was nothing more than not pushing the button! I was probably the first one that emailed you last night!

    Loving the coat and boots; someone else would have to drink the cocoa, though–much as I love chocolate, I’ve never cared for hot cocoa, chocolate milk, or chocolate ice cream! Go figure….

    In regards to your comment yesterday, Jeanne, I would LOVE to have feet as “big” as a size 4 or 5!! Try 1-1/2 or 2!! That’s the size I wear when I buy shoes from Cinderella Shoes (as I have done since 1962, when I discovered a tiny ad in my Seventeen magazine…), which specializes in small sizes. They now only start at size 2, so if/when I buy shoes from them, that’s what I have to buy, and hope they fit. (In the kids’ dept., I wear a 13-1/2 or 1–a shoe person in Nordstrom many years ago told us, when you go from children’s to women’s sizes, you go one size larger and 2 widths narrower, so my 13D [as it was then] translated to a 1B.) Sadly, my knees don’t want me to wear heels any more, so I have a closet full of cute shoes that no one else can wear!!

    Sally, I am so sorry about the diverticulitis; I will keep you in prayer. Ron had that 10 years ago–went from “I don’t think I’ll have lunch today” to writhing on the bed in pain in about an hour. He ended up in the hospital on IV antibiotics and pain meds for a week, and that didn’t help him at all, so they removed 2′ of his colon and he had a temporary colostomy for six months. Then he was “reconnected” and things gradually got back to normal. When he turned 80 the following year, I decided he deserved a party, so we had a surprise party for him after church one Sunday, and he really was surprised!!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Sounds like you need a large doll for all your cute shoes. My 11-year old granddaughter takes the same size I do – an 8B. But her foot is some narrower so a couple times I ordered shoes and they were too tight so I just gave them to her. Fortunately I love cute shoes so she liked the ones I gave her just fine.

      My Chorale director son’s (40 years old) was rushed to emergency twice with what they thought was diverticulitis. Turns out that he has a micro-tear in his colon. They kept him in the hospital for a few days until he no longer had any signs of fever and infection. They said it can be healed with medication so he is home, on medication, and doing fine now but it could have escalated into something worse if he hadn’t got treatment quickly.

    2. Hi Charlotte,
      Funny, that you love chocolate, but nothing else chocolate! :o)
      WOW… that is really a small size shoe… now when I see the 13 -1’s, I’ll be thinking of you!
      How sweet of you to have a party for your hubby… I bet he was glad those days were over…and a party was just the thing!
      Thanks so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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