How to take one doll pattern and make it 5 different ways!

I had another busy day, (hopefully only a few more really busy days and I’ll be kind of back to normal). BUT… at least I remembered to hit the PUBLISH button this time…that’s what happened yesterday morning… I was too busy and forgot to hit that button… OOPS!

Anyway, Sissy, one of our Sofa Sisters, sent me some pictures and an email explaining them… I’m sure you’ll love them. I love her first line to me… and YES… Sissy, I can use them on THIS busy day! :o)

Hi, Jeanne, Here is something you can you on a busy day.

This is my 15” Tia doll from My Meadow. The first photo I saw of her, made me think she would be darling as a shy little Asian girl.
Charlene Smith painted her for me and showed her on FB in an the Asian outfit I made for her by adjusting a pattern by Magalie Dawson.
Her photo caused other Tia mommys to want outfits so here are some I made, and a photo of her and Mae by My Meadow. They are having
a lovely chat, probably trying to decide what to write in their letters to Santa! Merry Christmas!

Thank you Sissy! They are so adorable and it looks like Tia is thinking hard in every one of her pictures, as to what she’ll be asking for this Christmas. Hmmmm… maybe a new dolly for her!

They are all so different and so very cute. I drafted a few Asian patterns for my 16″ Kish Chrysalis dolls that I need to resize and use them for a doll I sew for today… like maybe the Ruby Reds! :o)

Thanks again Sissy! You saved the day for me today!

See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “How to take one doll pattern and make it 5 different ways!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, Sissy, your Tia and Mae are just as sweet as they can be. I love how you used beading to trim the outfits, and the various fabric combinations, too. Of course, my favorite outfit is the one with snowflakes–anyone who knows me won’t be at all surprised about that! I have a whole collection of snowflake fabrics! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Charlotte! I had such fun sewing Asian outfits for some of my Kish dolls it is really nice to sew some again. The Snowman outfit was a surprise request from a client for whom I had made one of the other outfits. Her friend liked it so much I had to make another for her!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Sissy, you have the cutest little dolls wearing the cutest little outfits! You did an excellent job of making such darling outfits, and each one stands out in it’s own way! I love the dangling beads on the sleeves and bodice! What beautiful fabrics you chose, and i really like that first outfit!

    Thank you for sending these pictures to Jeanne!

    1. Thank you, LInda! I had a lot of Asian fabrics left over from sewing the same pattern for my Kish Song, but have had to buy more. I am surprised at the interest the first one caused!

      1. Sally from Colorado

        Jeanne and Sissy, thank you SO much for sharing these amazing outfits on the super cute kiddos! Sissy, fabulous work and excellent choices of fabric colors and designs and scale. I can’t get over how each one is so very lovely and unique, though my favorites are the top one and the fourth one down. Just beautiful.

        Barbara, Charlotte and Jeanne, thanks for the prayers and sympathy as this diverticulitis abates. Poor Ron! Thank goodness I didn’t get that far.

        Jeanne, oh PLEASE draft your Asian patterns to RRFF. I got on the Kish bandwagon when you were done sewing for them, alas and alack. Hope your day today and tomorrow go well. I’ll be thinking of you.

        10 degrees here this morning but going up. No wind so far….

        1. Hi Sally, prayers for you! I didn’t read the blog until late yesterday. I certainly hope that you are feeling better.

          1. Sally from Colorado

            Thank you, dear Laura. Doing so much better finally. Having a good day here and hope you are, too. 🙏

  3. Sissy, Thank you so much for sharing these photos! Anyone can see you really put love and joy in each outfit. It can’t be forced and makes it really hard to pick a favorite. But I’m really drawn to the aqua and coral and Tia models it so well. Thank you and Jeanne for sharing

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks so much Sissy, for sharing your lovely pics and Jeanne, for using them today. I absolutely love the fabric combinations on every one of the outfits and the great extra details. With your Asian Tia, I do love the first red outfit. So many special additions too. But, the aqua and pink is lovely as well. Then, I just enlarged the outfit Mae is wearing, and it is a definite keeper too.. My Tia has arrived, but I definitely need to keep her away from Jeanne’s post today because I’ll never hear the end of it if she sees these outfits. She’s wrapped up in a blanket right now to keep warm as it is still still 31 here this morning. 🙂

  5. Omgosh Sissy! Thank you for sharing those fantastic outfits! I’m in awe of your skills and the fabric combinations and colors. I will be visiting those pictures again and again. The beading is so perfect too.
    I’m going to try and make fruitcake today. My friend used to make it and it just sounded good again. One of those things you just love it or hate it but this one has maraschino cherries pecans pineapple and not much citron. Also..Do any of you have the recipe for fruit cake cookies? They are a soft cookie. Hope I’m not going beyond the bounds of the blog🥹😋by asking😳.
    Enjoy your day off Jeanne
    Have a good day!

    1. Sally from Colorado

      Hi, Kathie,
      I have a fruitcake cookie recipe with raisins, pecans, candied fruit (King Arthur makes a super mixture I have used also for stollen.) I also add chopped tart dried cherries, chopped dates, candied pineapple.
      I can either send it to Jeanne or you may email me.
      Today I felt chipper enough to make my chocolate dipped peanut butter bonbons. Feeling a bit more like Christmas today. 😉

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Sissy, I just love those large My Meadow dolls and you have made such wonderful outfits for them. I can’t come close to choosing a favorite. I’ve never made any Asian patterns but think I might like ot give it a try.

    Jeanne, you asked yesterday how it was going with my serger. You hit the nail on the head when you said I’ve been too busy to use it. But I will be hunkering down with it this weekend because I really want to make a Christmas dress for Jaiden. I’ve never used the blade on a serger because I was always doing 1/4″ seams but this has 5/8″ so I will be using the blade. Then I will be using the coverlock to do the hem on the bottom, sleeves and around the facing at the top. I will be doing some practice seams, etc., before I get started on the actual dress just to get the feel of doing it. This serger is great because it works as well on cotton fabrics and knits, but the fabric for Jaiden’s dress is a red knit with gold threads running through the fabric. Really pretty and the dress is very simple. I will probably do the short sleeves although I would love the long sleeves, but she would get so little wear out of the long sleeves here, especially since she tends to be hot natured.

    Kathie, my mother used to make cookies she called little fruitcakes. The actual name of the recipe was Michigan Rocks. Those cookies were delicious. I don’t like fruitcake with citron, but my aunt used to make a fruitcake she called a blonde fruitcake. It had no citron but lots of nuts and other things like maraschino cherries.

    Are any of my sofa sisters doing the Jacquie Lawson Advent calendar? I do them every year and send them to some of my friends and family. My daughter and grandson spend time with it every evening during Advent in lieu of a bedtime story. The calendars are amazing. I need to head on over and see what is up for today.

    1. Hi Barbara, my grandmother always made white fruitcake which had candies orange, lemon, pineapple, and maraschino cherries, but no citron. Probably the same or similar to your blonde. She also made Christmas stollen along with about at least nine different cookies. This was back in the 1970’s when you had to even crack the nuts by hand. She would start the day after Thanksgiving. I’m impressed the years I manage three kinds with all the rolling, cutting, and shaping those German ones require. This year won’t be one of those.
      I love Advent calendars having grown up with the German ones which are a Nativity scene, and you open 24 little doors to reveal toys, lebkuchen, angels, holly etc. until a small manger scene on Christmas Eve.

    2. Hi Barbara,
      One of the Sofa Sisters sent an Advent Calendar to me… so I’m joining you in the fun each day.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Sissy, your dolls are so cute, and I love your combination of fabric and the beautiful beading. Tia looks so thoughtful in all of the photos, planning what she wants for Christmas. In the last phot I can imagine Tia thinking of things while Mae appears to be ticking off items on her fingers. Thank you so much for sharing.

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