Not necessarily Christmas, but something for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends…

Thanks so much for your comments on yesterday’s outreach to the people in need. There has been an enormous rise in the number of people coming and giving back to them is a very small part we can do. Pastor Nathan does an EXTREMELY good job at running the place… It’s a privilege to be a part of it…

Well, as promised, I did do some sewing Saturday evening and I’ll show you what I was working on…

Back in the early Fall, I had made a pair of leather boots for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls and they were sort of a raspberry color.

I thought I might have trouble finding something to go with them, but this corduroy goes absolutely perfect with them.

I made Sara a coat from this same fabric with a dress underneath, but I wouldn’t let myself look at those pictures, so this one is slightly different… mostly the back…

I added a box pleat in the back this time to make it a little more form fitting… then I added a little black tab that 2 buttons are sewn onto…

A beret and the set was pretty much complete…

…unless I want to take a little bit of time and make a dress out of this same fabric as Sara’s. What do you think… a dress added or just the coat boots and beret?

Thanks everyone…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Not necessarily Christmas, but something for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Ooh….want want want WANT!!! 🥴 How about making a pair of those boots in MY size?! I promise, I have pretty small feet…it wouldn’t take a whole lot….

    I do love that outfit SO much, and especially those boots. There would be a lot of squabbling around here, and I’d have to draw names to see whose turn it is to wear this outfit next!

    I think I’d leave it as the coat, hat and boots set, at this point. It would then be available for auction that much sooner, and someone might even get herself a Christmas present….

    My first PT was today–mostly evaluation, but a couple of little exercises to work on. Next session is Thursday.

    Oh, and the big news is, I got to church yesterday! First time in a month. It was so good….and I am so thankful….

    1. HI Charlotte,
      It’s funny, the other day I saw some really cute red leather shoes, but they were a pretty small size… I think a 4 or a 5 and I thought of you.. I remembered you saying you had small feet.

      Thanks for your ooohh’s and aaahhh’s on the outfit… I knew you’d like the purple… :o)

      I hope they aren’t too hard on you at PT… I just finished up a month of visits and go back to the dr. on Thursday… so far, it didn’t do anything for the spot on my collarbone that hurts…

      Yay for making it to church… and for getting a shirt on by yourself!
      That’s big news!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    You did it again! How in the world you can put together somehting so fantastic and original in such a short notice is beyond me! I know the boots were already there, but the coat and beret are just darling and fit so well. I would also leave just that for the auction.

    If you remember, the picture I sent of my dolls in their coats out shopping, a couple of weeks ago. Unknown to most, they are nude underneathe the coats! While some coats are roomy enough for wearing something underneath, most aren’t and in addition, the clothes get wrinkled or smushed up if the coats are left on over them for awhile. Since I do scenes, they never wear clothes underneath, except for undies.

    Extra question: Who is this doll modeling the coat set?

    1. Hi Linda,
      Oh good, since your dolls were nude under the coats, I don’t feel so bad now… this coat is pretty roomy so a dress can easily fit underneath it!
      The doll is my new Violette… she’s still being called my newbie here… I think she’s such a sweetie!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. It may not be a Christmas outfit but very pretty. I also would leave it as just a coat hat and boot set. One thing I would love to see is a “Christmasy” corsage. Maybe made from silver or white pom poms with dangle jingle bells. Like a snowman face pom pom with dangle bells. Maybe silver leaves? That would give a little sparkle and be easy to change for the season or occasion.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      Your ideas of adding a bit of silver to the set sounds pretty, but I have already listed it… I guess if the winner sees your comments, they could make something like what you mentioned… good ideas!
      Thank you ,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Love seeing Violette. Her hair is so pretty. This outfit should keep her warm in the very cold weather everyone seems to be enjoying. Red triangle freeze warning here right now. Keep warm everyone. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      At the moment here we’re still trying for cool. I went out to the garage this morning to bring in some boxes for my village and it was warm and humid. Ugh! We’re supposed to get rain tomorrow with a cold front behind it. Dare we dream. It’s almost Christmas.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        I’d like to trade a little warm, not humid, for the cold here. This is the tail end of the big storm that is headed to the plains middle ground. At least we have sun. 🙂

    2. Hi Joy,
      Yeah…Violette will be warm, but nude under the coat… not sure how that will work, but so be it!
      Freezing? We are at 54 degrees right now and it’s raining… crazy… it was freezing this morning!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love the coat, hat and boots and agree that those would be plenty for your auction. That corduroy is so lovely and the boots, well I agree with Charlotte. Wish they were in my size.

    Liinda, I didn’t comment yesterday but I always love the pictures of your girls doing wonderful things. They have so many more opportunities than my poor dolly children. Hopefully I will get some of them changed for the upcoming holiday season. My RRFF Naomi Ruth (Freida) got a lovely new outfit from Cottontail so I must make sure to get that on her.

    I was hoping to get more dolly Christmas couture sewn this year but with things so upside down around here with the renovations and our Chorale concert being later than usual this year, I don’t see that happening, I’m suffering from diminished energy, both mental and physical at the moment. I usually decorate the house a lot more but I just decided the tree and the village were it for this year. They’re both in the dining room. You enter my house through the kitchen so I always do a lot there and the dining room and the living room but this year my kitchen is a catastrophe with all the stuff in there from the closet that I lost and the new one not yet close to appearing in the new laundry room. So when I decided not to do the kitchen I pared down further since not doing so would mean dragging in and going through several boxes. Aside from the village which is in dedicated boxes, the other decorations went into boxes where they would fit so things for the kitchen and living room are all mixed up. I am forever thankful this year in particular for online shopping, wish lists and family members who prefer gift cards.

    Jaiden is getting an adorable Brother sewing machine for Christmas. She had a toy machine on her wish list, but she is almost 11 and I felt needed a real sewing machine if she’s interested. It’s white with pretty blue trim. Very basic so she should catch on pretty quickly. But it does have a lot of features but even the basic machines these days have more than when I started sewing. I also bought her the nicest sewing box. I’m a believer that if you don’t have all you need to do a project you won’t get started. So I found a very nice sewing box that contains everything she will need to get started including tons of thread in different colors. I bought her a “learn to sew” skirt pattern and the elastic she’ll need. The pattern has four views from the simplest to two with a shorter curved overlay (one self and one contrast) and one with a contrasting band around the bottom. I’m going to go through my stash and pick out a piece of fabric for her. Maybe something for spring so she can make a skirt for Easter. I have no idea where all this is going and I’m not going to put any expectations out there, but if she wants to sew I’m sure going to give her all the encouragement she needs.

    Well I must get back to building a village. Hopefully I will be finished today and can get all the boxes back to the garage.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Our middle grand will be turning 10 in February, so I was thinking of the same sewing machine idea. Does the Brother you bought have a model number? It sounds perfect. 🙂

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        The sewing machine has a model number I’m sure and I will get it for you. But I got it at Wal-Mart. It was the least expensive. They had a Singer too, but I have a Singer embroidery machine I bought before my Husqvarna Viking embroidery machine and I had trouble with it and Singer couldn’t seem to get it fixed. It was a tension problem that the repair person where I bought my other machine managed to fix when Singer couldn’t. My other option was the Brother and I don’t hear a lot of problems with them. Jaiden’s machine is white with a light blue design. I think it also came in gray with a different design on it.

    2. Thanks for your kind comments on Violette’s outfit, Barbara. I wish I had a pair of purple boots too! I do have a pair of red leather booties, but purple would be something! :o)

      I was just lamenting on a doll forum that my Christmas sewing has come to an end and I was so wishing I had gotten more dresses sewn… but like you, I had too many things on my plate that came first…
      We have our Christmas tree up but no lights or ornaments yet… :o(

      Maybe Jaiden will become your new sewing buddy! Woudn’t that be fun? My first sewing project in 4H was an elastic waist skirt… :o)
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I haven’t dressed any of my favorite dolls for Christmas yet. Not sure if the LIttle Darling group did a Christmas exchange this year… I always participated and didn’t even look into it this year….where did the time go? The beautiful outfits I have received over the years just make me smile…I must get them out!
    Jeanne, Love the coat hat and boots. Such a rich unusual color. Charlotte are you drooling over it😳😉?

    1. Hi Kathie,
      Yes, Charlotte was drooling! She wants a pair of purple leather boots… FOR HERSELF! :o)
      The fabric for Violette’s set IS an unusual color combination but very pretty in person. I hope the colors come across in my listing!
      I hope I have time to look at your laces again and decide on something for the first dress of the new year! :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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