My long and busy Sunday, but I did some sewing Saturday night! :o)

Okay I have a few things to share…

First up are the 2 dolls listed on Ebay… They end this evening (Monday) and can be yours if the price is right! :o) They both have bids and I hope they make some little (or BIG) girls happy this Christmas. If you missed seeing them, you can click on the pictures of them at the right side bar or you can click HERE and HERE. Kirsten has sold but I have forgotten how to add the “current” and “previous” captions at the top of my pictures… (need to call Sarah I guess!)

Okay, what’s next? Oh yes… my busy day…
It was the “Spirit of Love” at the Food Pantry today. Every year they have a big celebration and try to bless as many families as they can… They had to sign up for it earlier and then today is the day when all the fun began. We blessed 280 families today with food, health and beauty items, dog and cat food, lots of miscellaneous and then there were the TOYS…Toys and other items for kids are collected all year long and then shelves and tables were set up to hold all the various toys and goodies for the children… If the kids happened to be walking around with the parents, there was a girl at a table and she had crayons and pictures set up so they could color while their parents went inside the Toy Barn to “shop.” The parents gave us a paper with their child’s name(s) and their age…and we “sort of” had things set up with the girls on one side and the boys on the other… just to make it a little bit easier. It was a good feeling helping them find something “just right” for them to bless their children with… Then they could take it to the “blue barn” and get them wrapped… when they were done, their kids were picked up and they finished down the other side of the walkway. My best friend, Leann, and I were kept VERY busy most of the day! It was a bit chilly out, in the 40’s, (I was blessed, because I never ever got cold; even gave my gloves to Leann for a while, and my feet never hurt either) :o) Anyway, here are a few pictures of the Toy Barn… and where we were all day… We started at about 12:30 and left when it was dark… about 6:15.

This is where the toys were today… in the shed that we usually have the coolers of food and freezers full of meat and things.

If you click on the pictures they will enlarge.

The toys were lined up on both sides…

Here are the baby items at the beginning of the day…

…and this was what was left at the end…

This was another picture of some empty shelves…

Here are some pictures of the people pulling their little wagons from station to station picking up their items…

I can tell you I walked a lot and my fitbit proves it… 10,013 steps! woohoo!

Here is a group shot with the Pastor of the church!

When I got home, I took off my puffy coat and put on my “bakers” hat… well, not really…

I wanted to bake a few things for my 2 favorite Postal Clerks who help me with all my dresses I ship out… they both work on Monday so I wanted to get a box made for them… I just picked simple things this year… chocolate chip cookies (from a Betty Crocker mix), some Chocolate No Bakes, that I’ve made a zillion times, and some mini Nilla Wafers dipped in melted Ande’s Mints… and a few sprinkled with chopped up peppermint bark candy…

It was a bit messy on my stove…

But they taste close to a Girl Scout Thin Mint cookie…

I put them in a box and added a few “stickers.” :o)

Now, I bet you thought I’d forgotten about sewing for my dolls, didn’t you? Well, Saturday evening, I DID work on something, but you’ll have to come back tomorrow to see it! :o)

This girl is heading to bed!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “My long and busy Sunday, but I did some sewing Saturday night! :o)”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wow, you did have a busy busy day, Jeanne! And you and your church blessed many families, who might not have had much of a Christmas without you all.

    And after that…baking and food prep!! Girl, I get tired just reading about all you do!!

    Looks like those other two AG dolls will be on their way to new homes soon. Hooray for a couple of someones!!

    Big news here: I made it to church today! Among my achievements in the past 24 hours are: making a hotdish (an easy one, and not much “lifting”), putting on a long-sleeved top all by myself, and tying my own shoes! My shoulder is aching tonight,though, so I will be heading to bed early with a warm pack, I think!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, you sure do get around, and around, and around! It’s hard to keep up with you and all the good you do for others! That Spirit of Love must surely be a Godsend to those who need it! How nice to be able to pick out gifts and not worry about the price, plus having them all right there on one place! I should be so lucky, but I’m not complaining! I still need to get a few gifts here and there, and who knows where i will find them?? We could use somehting like that right here!!! 🙂

    Love the little Christmas packages of cookies and candy you put together! Sadly our regular mailman has retired and we have several different ones deliver ur mail, and who knows which one will be doing what day? It’s hard to get acquainted with someone you see once and then never again. I can’t say enough of our “regular” guys, but it just doesn’t happen anymore.

    By the way, the decorations at the entrance of the Spirit of Love are spectacular and the little snowmen on the windows is a cute idea! Thank you for all you do!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Wow, now you can add, “How to decorate a shed,” to your repertoire. What a great set up for toys, food, and general distribution. Do they donate the leftover toys to the fire department or other toy distribution places? Now, we can see that extremely hot shed where you almost had a heat stroke last summer. That is a lot of steps for one day. Wow, you must have been exhausted.
    And then heading home to bake special treats for the mail people. Good days work, Jeanne. 🙂
    Exciting for us, but last evening at dusk, other person said, there’s a crow in the tree outside. I said, crows aren’t out after dark! By the time I got to the slider door, other person had out the binoculars, and we were scanning the tree in the dark. I said, get the big flashlight. We quietly opened the door, and I turned on the light aiming it into the tree. And there it was. An owl! And a Great Horned Owl to boot. We’d been hearing the soft whoo, whoo for a week or so at night, but to actually see it was something else. As it sat there way up in the tree, we saw it blinking at the light. It was so cute and huge. Only had the light on for a few seconds so as not to blind the poor thing, but what a great photo it would have made. It will always remain as a picture in my mind though. We quickly went back inside so we wouldn’t disturb it any more, but not before, I had to whisper a few whoo, whoos, at it. When we looked out again it had vanished. Guess it didn’t like my imitations. 🙂

  4. So tonight Maryellen and Nora will have new homes. Interesting on Nora that she will go for more than if the first bidder had used the BIN.

    So glad to hear the furbabies aren’t forgotten in the Christmas giving. Wow, you had a lot of families to serve.
    What a lovely assortment of toys. I even see a few Care Bears. I had a homemade Good Luck Bear that I eventually passed to another child.
    I’m sure those treats will be appreciated by your Postal Clerks. We have the same three people in our post office, but our mailman retired a number of years ago and now we rotate between a few whom I no longer know on a first name basis. I do however have a gift and Christmas card for my wonderful FedEx guy who is so very helpful and delivers all my kitty food, litter etc. as well as other things. He’ll even carry the boxes completely into the garage for me to unpack.

  5. The AGDolls you sold look even better than new. I didn’t get my two listed so will wait till January 😉
    My gosh your church does some amazing things! It isn’t very often a food pantry has frozen items. That is such a treat to those who are short on food….and the gifts and toys….my gosh! Plus the work you do all year with the foreign students too!
    So your picture says your pastor….the young man on the right? Was it his wife who passed? I assumed it would have been an older person?
    Thanks for reminding me that cookies don’t always have to be fancy…good is good🤗 So many happy families and kiddos…good job!!

    1. Hi Kathie,
      This isn’t my church… it’s a church here in town that reaches out to the poor, the homeless and they are the ones who have the Food Pantry. Our church just works closely with them…
      Nathan, in the picture, is the pastor there… he isnt my pastor…
      Our pastors wife’s homecoming services will be this coming Friday and Saturday… they have been waiting on some family to get in town…
      I took the cookies to the Post Office and there was SUCH a long line… I waited my turn and when I gave them to my two favorite workers, Kathy, smiled a big smile, and said. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! I think they needed a cookie break as soon as things let up!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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