One doll sold… 2 to go…

Well, Kirsten was the first of my dolls to sell… she’s on her way to sunny Florida!

Maryellen and Nora are still waiting for their “forever mommies” to pick them! :o) (as I was typing this, my phone pinged and just like that… Nora is one step closer to finding her new home!) (another ping… and Maryellen is heading “somewhere”… we’ll see in a few days!)

You can click on the pictures at the right side bar (or below the post if you are on a phone) and it will take you to the listings for Maryellen and Nora… or you can click HERE and HERE.

I had a very busy day at the Food Pantry. We are getting to ready to serve 400 families with food and presents Sunday! I will be working in the Toy Shed and should have taken a picture of it today, but didn’t even think of it… maybe I can remember to take one Sunday. I got home and had too many other things to do for a post about something doll related… BUT, Miss Linda came to my rescue with some Merry dolls sure to brighten up your Saturday!

This is what Linda emailed me… If you click on her pictures, they will enlarge!

The girls are back from their shopping trip, and I am speeding things up! It’s the night before Christmas now (thankfully, not really), but I need to trim another tree here, so got them dressed for Christmas Eve. Ruthie is doing finishing touches on the tree, Susan is reading The Night Before Christmas with her kitty on her lap, Molly is ready to hang her stocking, and Betsy is holding her Elf on the Shelf, and fixing Santa’s treats, and can’t forget carrots for the reindeer!

Kristen is ready for St. Lucia Day. Cecile is dressed in her holiday gown. She is wearing pantalettes made by you, but I added the black velvet ribbon and roses on them to go with this outfit.

Here they are helping Santa in his workshop! I believe this is the third one I sent, so I think I will be done for awhile. Not wanting to hog the blog! I will say I am having fun here with them, and after “playing” with my dolls, vacuuming, washing and cooking don’t seem quite as fun!😉
All three dolls are wearing AG clothes, all of which are now retired.

Linda, I don’t look at it as “hogging the blog” … I think of it more as “Saving the day!” Thank you so much!

See everyone Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “One doll sold… 2 to go…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Congratulations, Jeanne, on the sale of Kirsten, and impending sales of Nora and Maryellen! They are all lovely dolls, and some one(s) will be very happy to get them!

    Linda, thanks for sharing the pictures. I especially love the one with Molly and Betsy in it–of course, they are two of my favorites (and I do have them both), so I have a soft spot in my heart for them. I hope the doggy doesn’t eat the cookies before Santa gets there!

    Elaine, I’m so sorry to hear about your recent fall, too! No, I don’t seem to need “lessons” from anyone! From the time I was a young child, I’ve always had a poor sense of balance, plus born with one foot turned out, and that didn’t help with walking, either. I was talking to my brother today and mentioned the MRI my doctor wants me to have, once I can lie comfortably on a table again, to see if something is going on. We kind of are thinking Not MS because of my age (76)–it’s usually diagnosed quite a bit younger than what I am, as I recall! I do try to remember to carry my cell phone in my pocket if I’m going to be in the basement or outside, so if I do fall, I can summon help. I do have my hubby here, but he’s quite frail (almost 90), and really probably couldn’t do a whole lot to help me at this point. Do you carry a cell phone in your pocket? Might be good, if you have one. Or one of those alert buttons to press, as you suggested.

    Jeanne, I actually did land a Little on my hurt arm, but it doesn’t seem any worse for the wear. That left hip has sure been sore today, though!

    I am two-handed typing tonight!! Woohoo!! If I stand at my laptop instead of sit, my arm is in the right position to type normally for a while, at least. And today was Much better–Jon came over and took me around for my several errands. I now have a nice 2-pound box of See’s candy for our dear neighbors who have helped us so very much this past month; I need to write a note, and then I’ll call them and have them come and get their thermos (they brought us soup during the power outage)!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh Jeanne, I was shocked to see that you sold Kirsten! You always made such beautiful outfits for her and actually inspired me to get her! Well, it’s good to see that someone loves her too, and she was the first to go, owing to her sweet face. The others are cute too, especially Nora, but yes, i haven’t seen any outfits made for them recently, at least not that I remember. I hope they like their new “families”!

    Thank you, Charlotte, for the ocmpliments! Yes, Molly and Betsy are the “stars” around here and get more than their share of everything good!

    Thank you,Jeanne, for showing my doll pictures. I really need to get going here and finish decorating my big tree, so the dolls are going to have to stay the way they are for now until they get to wear their “Christmas best” dresses!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Jeanne, I just looked at yesterday’s blog, and now realized that you sold just one of your two Kirsten’s, so you do still have a Kirsten to sew for! That made my day!

    2. Linda, it’s always fun to see your girls in the various pictures you send to Jeanne. The scenes are so creative and festive. It’s really neat how you add the wonderful accessories here and there as well as the girls’ pets. Thank you for treating us with your photos!
      I have a question- who is the doll in the third picture, right side, with the red dress and Santa hat? I don’t recall which one she is of yours. Thanks.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Thank you, Paula! That doll in the third picture is my Scarlett, an AG JLY doll, #49. I wanted a doll with blue eyes, but not blonde hair, and found her on EBay. She is a very pretty doll, with medium skin, bright blue eyes and dark, wavy hair. Of course, she is now retired, so I am glad to have her. She has been in my pictures along with Ivy and Emmy for awhile, so I have had her for a couple of years.

        1. Yes, your Scarlett ! I forgot. I do remember her now. She’s a beautiful doll and looks gorgeous in her red outfit.
          Thank you, Linda.

  3. Karen from Kentucky

    Lovely pictures, Linda! I especially like the one where everyone is looking at the lit Christmas tree. It’s also neat to see Kirsten wearing her St. Lucia candle wreath 🙂

    Your dolls are very sweet, Jeanne 🙂

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Karen! I like that first picture too, since it reminds me of how magical Christmas is for children. I too, like Kirsten in her St. Lucia gown, and since it took more than a few years to get all the pieces, I really do appreciate it.

  4. You been very busy, Jeanne. I’m sure many of the families who come to the food pantry and toy shed are grateful.
    Congratulations on selling the beautiful caroling dress as well as the three dolls – 1 sold and the two ready to go.
    Wonder who’s next for another outfit?

  5. Joy in northern CA

    The girls in their jammies with their pets is such a happy scene. Love that they didn’t forget Santa and his reindeer either. The tree is beautifully decorated as well. Cecile and Kristen are also meticulously dressed. I’ve always wanted the Santa Lucia outfit. And what special helpers in Santa’s workshop. Love their outfits. How interesting that the one dress is also the one that I see on Jeanne’s doll for sale. This scene is just wonderful. Thanks so much Linda for sharing your photos, and Jeanne too.
    I am a bit late commenting today because I was pulled away when other person yelled that the toilet was leaking in our bathroom. Horrors. When I got there, other person was pointing and said, it’s wet! So, what’s with that? Wouldn’t someone who saw that grab paper towels or something and start sopping up the water?? Or even turn off the water to the toilet? Nope. Even the wicker wastebasket was still sitting in a puddle. So, of course, guess who got to mop up the mess? I presume that it is a wax seal, so hopefully, we can get over to Home Depot later and get a new one and fix the toilet. However, right now, it is pouring rain. Water inside. Water outside. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Joy! I enjoy being able to show my dolls to all the sofa sisters! Who else sees them?

      No, that is not the same dress that Jeanne dressed her doll in. I am assuming you mean Ivy’s dress, but they are similar. Mine is an AG dress, and Jeanne mentioned in the auction, that hers are from Dollie and Me. I will still need to change the 40’s girls and the modern girls in their Christmas dresses! Good thing I don’t have children around here any more! I seem to have traded two “real” children for 10 doll children, and you just have to guess which ones are more demanding!😊

      I too, always wanted that St. Lucia outfit, and I started collecting it years before I ever had Kirsten. Good thing too, because by today’s
      EBay prices for that outfit, I doubt I would ever get it!

      Hope you’re ur water problems are over by now!

  6. All your girls look so sweet, Linda. Quite impressive that you can change them to three different scenes for the Christmas holidays. Your ’40s dolls with their Christmas tree is a wonderful scene. Love Cecile’s dress and Kirsten in her St. Lucia outfit. Always enjoy all the little extras. Coconut’s Santa hat is especially cute.

    Doing the Toy Shed would be so rewarding, Jeanne. I miss those years when we would go to the homeless shelter to serve meals throughout the year and bring toys at Christmas.. Just donating to our local toy collecting isn’t quite the same.

    Your PC Kirsten was a sweetie. I love those early softer painted faces.
    Wonder if we’ll see one more Christmas dress and who the lucky one will be?

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Laura! Sometimes I wonder why I do this, but that doesn’t last very long, and I just love dressing up the dolls and making scenes in which they are doing something fun. I have all the things, so why not? I try to do different things from the years past, so take pictures and then review them in order to decide who wears what and what they will be doing. My house looks like a toy store sometimes!😊

  7. Debbie in North Carolina

    Linda, I wish I had time to say more, your dolls are a delight! As usual. Thanks for sharing and to Jeanne for posting.

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