It’s time for something pink… for Freida

HI everyone,
I’m hoping today is going to be my best day since the 4th, when I actually got sick. I am feeling better and hope just getting back in my routine makes me feel better too! Thank you for carrying on without me! I knew you could…and you did!

A Happy Belated Birthday wish to Ron! What a milestone and many more to come! :o)

And Congratulations to Karen on the announcement of her new baby coming! We are so happy for you and your hubby!

This isn’t much again, but it’s a start. I decided I better make at least ONE Valentine outfit for someone… and since I had already shown that white embroidered bodysuit/peasant top on Freida, I thought I best finish something to go with it. I did get one thing finished…a skirt…and I had just enough fabric to make it…

Then I happened upon this fluffy pink-ish/coral fabric and haven’t totally decided what it will be, but it WILL be used… You can see the silver threads in the first picture the best and the skirt fabric too.

I’m trying to think of a name for Freida… you see, for the last 40 years when my hubby’s hair has gotten long and he needs a haircut, he runs his fingers through it and it stands out from his head. His hair is super thick anyway, (seriously, it’s like carpeting!) so when he fluffs it out, we’ve had a running joke that I call him Freida or sometimes Thelma and tell him I guess it’s time for me to get my scissors. It’s just some older ladies names I’ve been calling him all these years and every time I try to call Freida, “Freida,” I get that image of his fluffed up hair in my mind.

I told him I’d like to change her name and that Joy had suggested Liz. He told me to hold her up and he studied her for about 10 seconds and said, “I think she looks like a Marissa!” I have NO idea where that came from… So, I’ll keep working on it, as I sew this new set, I’ll be wondering what to call her. I’ve even looked up Native American girls names and ran across a few, but generally, the dolls I buy have already been named… so we’ll see what happens.

Well, I hope you have a wonderful day… It’s nice to be back… I hope I’m here to stay this time! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

25 thoughts on “It’s time for something pink… for Freida”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    WELCOME BACK!!! I’m so glad to hear you’re feeling better, and even up to a little sewing!

    I do LOVE that skirt fabric–it’s just perfect with the blouse. Love the pretty pink fluffy stuff, too. I wonder what that’s going to be?! (My Freida is looking over my shoulder and thinks, whatever it is, it should be Hers! LOL Looks like I have another “pink girl” here!)

    Now, as to your Freida’s name….Well, if you want to stay with the same initial letter, she could be Francesca or Faith or Flora (or any of several others). If you want to go with something Native American, I did a little research in one of my name books and came up with some I thought might work. I’ve always liked Niabi (“nee-AH-bee”), which means fawn. Then there’s Talula (“tah-LOO-lah”) which is Choctaw and means water sprays to sky. And Lomasi (“lo-MAH-see”) which means beautiful blossom.

    I sent a link to her pictures to a friend of mine and she immediately thought Freida looked like a beautiful Jewish/Israeli girl, which opens up a lot of possibilities for names, including those in the Bible, such as Tabitha (leaping gazelle), Naomi (cordiality) and Esther (star).

    Way more than you wanted/needed, probably! But I do love names and reading about them!

    BTW, thank you again everyone for the birthday greetings for Ron. He had a quiet and easy day Friday, but I think he was happy.

    1. Charlotte, one of my most favorite things to do is name my dolls when I get them. I very seldom keep the original name of any doll. It’s fun to be able to name the AMG dolls that come as just a number.
      I have a few folks that have several names, only because I can’t make up my mind which name fits the best.
      Sometimes my names are because a doll reminds me of someone I know or knew or sometimes it’s just a name I always liked. Some names are very simple or plain too, I love those names too.
      I admire our Laura’s talent of coming up with doll names. She puts a lot of thought into it, along with the meaning of the name.
      I liked your suggestions to Jeanne today. Good names.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thank you, Paula. As I may have mentioned in the past, names are a hobby of mine, and I own about 9 or 10 baby name books including 3 specific ones–A/A, Scandinavian, and Jewish! (The Jewish one shows the name written in Hebrew as well as English.) Most of my dolls have middle names as well as first names–and so did the two dogs we used to have!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Welcome back to your own blog, Jeanne! That sounds kind of strange, doesn’t it, but my goodness, what a month you have had! January has not done you any favors, for sure!

    I see that you have started “something”, but it is kind of puzzling to me. The blouse and skirt look kind of summery, while the fuzzy pink material looks kind of wintery! I’m trying to see how you are going to put these together, but you must have a plan already, if you are showing us.

    As for names, I like Francesca for Freida. She looks a bit regal and I think the name fits her perfectly. No doubt you will get more help on that!

    Stay well!

  3. Welcome Back! I love your new dolls hair in the two braids. The one is almost to unbelievable,
    She is such a pretty doll, she needs a pretty name. Someone will come up with a good 😊 one!
    Have a good day!

    1. So glad to hear you’re feeling better, Jeanne! Just pace yourself though.
      That’s a funny story about George’s hair and the name, Frieda. I can see how the name doesn’t fall in line for your doll.
      I liked the name Elizabeth/ Liz because of her looks. She actually reminds me of Elizabeth Taylor’s daughter Liza. I only recall seeing a few pictures of her daughter in which to say that. However, Francesca is really pretty and I’d say that fits her looks. You’ll find the perfect name for her. She is a beautiful doll.
      Her skirt is perfect for Valentine’s Day. Can’t wait to see how you finish it and what you’re doing with that luscious pink material. I thought her top was something you keep on her when you aren’t sewing for her? Would that be included in her outfit?
      Have a nice day, everyone!

  4. Hi Jeanne! Glad to hear you’re feeling better. I love the skirt fabric. It looks perfect for Valentine’s without being too “hearty.”
    Funny story about your hubby’s hair, he’s lucky to still have a full head of it!
    In keeping with the Fr.. of Freida’s name, I think she looks like a Frannie, Francine or Francesca. I’m sure you’ll find one that suits her.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      There is already a RRFF doll named Phanie. She was introduced in France. So, the name would sound the same although spelled differently. I vote for Francesca. 🙂

  5. Karen from Kentucky

    Thank you, Jeanne! Glad you’re feeling better! I like her skirt. I have a cousin named Marissa. She has dark hair and I am having trouble remembering her color of eyes. I am sorry I can’t think of a good name for Freida.

    I did find out something interesting I didn’t know before. The original classic face mold of Pleasant Company was based off of a German Company called Gotz (spelled various ways) dolls (Romina, Romino, and Somina):;_ROMINO;_SOMINA. I saw one on Ebay for a very expensive price. The Romino and Romina are a set of twins.

    1. Hi Karen, Yes, that’s right about the Gotz mold. You can sometimes find the Little Sisters on eBay. They have closed mouths with no teeth showing.

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Very glad to see that you are back to us in one piece. Hope that there are no lingering effects, and don’t push it. No more relapses please.
    Since Freida reminds me of Elizabeth Taylor, I thought of Liz, but I’m sure she will tell you exactly the name she likes. 🙂 It’s funny how the faraway shots make the Valentine skirt look more red and the close up brings out the pinks. If you’re going to use the bright pink fluff, hopefully, a closeup can be used for the photo. Since she is sitting on the fabric in the last pic, maybe it will become one of those puff bean bag type chairs? That would be fun. Seems like Freida needs something to bring out the Valentines. A necklace? Hair thingy? Maybe a pile of Valentines that she is mailing to her friends?
    No word yet about the delivery of RRFF Dawn, except that she is in the mail. Hopefully, there will be an update soon. My other girl, Alexandra, originally coming from Russia, missing from scans since early December, has still not surfaced. Last scan was in Germany. She’s definitely coming the long way to CA. 🙁
    More sun here today and no rain in sight. Come on rain…

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Joy, that is exactly what I thought when I saw Freida sitting on the fabric–a beanbag chair!!

      I hope Dawn and Alexandra show up soon!

  7. How about Maria? She reminds me of Natalie Wood in West Side Story for some reason. So very glad you are doing better. Continuing to pray for you.

  8. Sally from Colorado

    Welcome back, Jeanne. We are all overjoyed to have you back at the helm. Just don’t overdo. Easy advice but SO hard to follow. 😬
    You have a really pretty start going on here, of course, and undoubtedly you will come up with a wonderful name for her. I long ago gave up names. Too many dolls, too many cobwebs!
    Everyone have a super day. Either get better or stay well! ❤️

  9. Wonderful that you are feeling well enough to sew and put together such fun fabrics. I like Linda’s name of Frannie 🤔 it fits her a s a modern girl but she does have a old fashioned look sometimes too!
    Have a good Monday…..we are hoping to have an electrician come…our system is taking turns blowing fuses and replacing them doesn’t seem to help. Cooking in the kitchen with a lamp on the table feels like camping! Ugh

  10. Glad you’re back, Jeanne. You carried on pretty well for having become ill on the 4th. Good that your up to a bit of sewing, so that must mean you’re on the mend.
    Freida’s pink skirt is lovely as is her blouse.
    Hmm, as to a name. We knew a little girl named Marissa who took violin lessons right before my daughter’s time and she looked just like this doll. The Elizabeth Taylor talk made me think of Susanna from “Raintree County”. I like Charlotte’s suggestion of Tabitha. My daughter has a doll named Naomi and I suggested that one. Pretty name as well. 🙂
    I agree that changing a doll’s name to be your own is one of the fun things when she arrives. I have no qualms about changing a PC/AG assigned historical and moving them to a different era. I love Felicity’s name and didn’t change hers. I also couldn’t seem to get a new name for Samantha to stick since she was the first one I loved in the catalog back when there were just Kirsten, Samantha, and Molly. She was Samantha for too many years. I do always call her Samantha Evangeline though. Obviously I’ve changed my Caroline, MG, custom Nellie, and now Josefina. Everyone got a new first name, two middle (Josefina got three middle), and a last.

    Hope you get some rain, Joy. We have about four inches of snow and it’s blowing around.

  11. Barbara in SE Texas

    Welcome back!! Hopefully no relapses this time but I would take it slow for a while. It’s amazing how being sick can sap our strength without being aware of it. When I’m sick I usually just forget about everything else and lay around for a few days so I’m not aware of how little energy I’ve lost. But then I start feeling a little better and things are so behind I try to catch up too quickly. When I was younger, I would just push through it. These days I give in and go take a nap. In the words of Scarlett O’Hara, after all tomorrow is another day.

    I love the skirt and blouse. It does look summery, but I think by February many are ready for some summery brightness, and it definitely does look very Valentinish. I can’t wait to see what the fluffy pink fabric becomes. So many possibilities on that one.

    As for names. I’m in a quandary, too, about renaming my Freida. I already have a Freida and am not that fond of the name that I want two. Freida is the name of my tiny BAB bunny. She was named by my hubby out of thin air. I spell it Freida and he spells it Freeda. Either way it still sounds the same so another name is needed. My grandmother’s name was Leota Savilla. I read a book once about a little Native American girl named Leota. I was disappointed to find out it wasn’t a Native American name and I can’t find a “location” for Savilla at all. My sister was going to name a daughter after my grandmother, but she had a son and then no more. I adored my grandmother so maybe I’ll go with that as a tribute. Leota was also my mother’s middle name. I ended up with two Chloes so to differentiate them I added “Danielle” as a middle name for my Mini Maru Chloe. I thought of leaving Freida’s name as a middle name and put another first name with it but I’m not over the moon on doing that. Freida looks like so many different ethnicities I could probably just pick a name I like from any of them., but I like the Jewish idea since my uncle/Godfather was Jewish and he was like a father to me. If I go that way I think her name will be Naomi Ruth since I love the story of Ruth and Naomi. I usually love naming my dolls, especially the ones I get from Magalie, but starting from scratch is easier than changing a name.

    I’ve been sort of in and out of the blog lately but can’t remember seeing anything from Anne in NZ in a while. I read that some communications were down due to the volcano and tsunami. Hope all is well with her.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Barbara, I have a name book in front of me here, and looked up your grandmother’s names (and variations). According to my book, there is Leotie (leh-oh-TEE, or anglicized to lay-O-tee) which IS, in fact, Native American and means “blossom of the prairies”, so I would think that Leota could be a variation of that.

      As to Savilla, I didn’t find anything in the girls’ names section (haven’t checked other books yet, though), but in the boys’ names, there is Sevilen (seh-feh-LEN), which is Turkish and means “much loved”, so perhaps that is the root of her middle name!

      I think her name is really pretty, whatever it may mean!! (And I, too, love the story of Ruth and Naomi!)

  12. Ingrid B in Western N Y

    Hi Jeanne
    I’m so glad to see you’re back and feeling better. The new outfit looks very nice with your girls coloring. I see a cute fuzzy jacket.. maybe I’m right. We shall see. Cute story about hubby’s hair. I can understand why you want to change the name. I rather like the name Marissa. I’m not a fan of the name Freida but my freida is staying a freida, there are to many new girls around here and I find it to hard to remember when I rename them. LOL

    I’ve been MIA for a while. I’ve enjoyed reading the comments and seeing everyones photos. It’s so very sweet of everyone to carry on when it was needed! I liked seeing all the contributions and it’s fun to see what you all are up to.

    Jeanne and I must have gotten sick around the same time ( first week of January ). I’ve had three video visits with my doctor/PA. Two courses of antibiotic’s once with steroids once without, I’ve got a pill that is suppose to stop dizziness (infection in my sinuses and left ear) and a nasal spray to dry things out. Today my sinus infection seems to be cleared up but my ear is still plugged. The room spins when I stand up but my cough is mostly gone. Doctor suggested that if I was concerned about my ear I go to Urgent Care or the Hospital. I was told more than once that they aren’t seeing sick patients in the office at this time. Sooo weird because isn’t that why one calls their doctor? Interesting!

    Happy belated Bday to Charlottes honey and a big Congrats to Karen and her hubby.
    Hope this finds everyone well and/or on the mend.


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