She thought she could, but she can’t…

I’m very sorry, but I need to take a few more days off. I kind of had a relapse yesterday…and I am SO tired… I just can’t write anything.

Maybe you can tell us what is going on with the weather where you live… or if your MIA doll ever arrived… (Charlotte!!!) Or if your NEW doll arrived… (Marilyn!)

I will try and rest up and be back Monday…
Have a nice weekend.
Blessings, Jeanne

43 thoughts on “She thought she could, but she can’t…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, Jeanne, I’m so sorry you are back to being sick again. That is no good whatsoever! You just take your time and rest up, and I’m sure the rest of us will find things to chat about this weekend!

    I meant to comment yesterday on the wonderful gift Kristoffer gave you! It will be so perfect in your sewing room! How thoughtful of him!

    Karen, I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your little red hen. I’m sure some would say “only a chicken”, but, as I’ve found out thru my years of judging sewing and cooking for 4H kids who also raise animals, there is no such thing as an “only a….” animal!

    Today I did some shopping–got several flavors of Jelly Bellies for Ron (he had marked all the flavors he’d like, on the bag that was left from his last such treat, and I did manage to find several of them) for his birthday; also a new one-pocket t-shirt (he Has to have a pocket!). Then I went to JoAnn’s, hoping to find some more Tutti-Frutti prints (a poly-cotton blend woven plisse’ fabric that I’ve used in the past to make things for my dgd when she was little; leftovers in dresses for some of my current RRFF dolls), but they no longer carry it. I hope I have enough of appropriately-scaled prints for more dolly clothes!!

    And, yes, Freida is here!! She’s gorgeous! I brought her in thru the garage and kept her box in the basement until later tonight, when I went down and opened the box and let her out. She is sitting beside me, even now.

    I had written an email to the RRFF (Music City Merch.) company last night, expressing my unhappiness at it taking so long to get my order. They explained that, when they offer free shipping (as they had for my order), they go by whichever company has the best shipping deal on the day an order goes out. They also said that, when they do Not have the free shipping offer, you can choose your shipping method. So now we know!

    Not sure if Ron wants to do anything special for his birthday; we shall see!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Jelly Bellys!!! I totally love them. One year the two women I worked for got me a compote full of Jelly Bellys for Secretary’s Day – as well as taking me to lunch. I was over the moon. Best Secretary’s Day ever.

      And you are right there is no such thing as “only” when it comes to animals. We have a lot of young people here who raise animals and they become very attached to them. They raise them with the idea of selling them, but that doesn’t make it any easier when it comes time to let go, especially when they know what the future holds for them.

  2. Karen from Kentucky

    I am sorry you’re still not feeling well, Jeanne. You’re in my prayers.

    Thank you for your sweet words, Charlotte. That is funny Ron wrote down his favorite kind of jelly beans. I hope he has a great birthday. My daughter Avila is turning 3 on Saturday. My other exciting news is my husband and I are expecting another baby. It is very young yet, but a baby is a person no matter how small. Probably will come in September! Yay! It is our seventh. I think she will make it. We lost one recently. Prayers are appreciated 🙂

    1. Karen,
      How wonderful news. I am praying for you and your baby. How blessed you are with seven babies. I am so happy for you. Congratulations!

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Congratulations! You will definitely be in my prayers. Seven! Wow! A few years ago I read the cutest article called “Summer with Seven”. It was a short story in a magazine. I thought I might be able to find it again but I couldn’t, and I don’t remember the name of the woman who wrote it. She is a free-lance writer and she was describing her summer day with seven children. At the time she had an eighth on the way.

      Happy 3rd Birthday to Avila. I remember shortly after I had my daughter I ran into a woman I hadn’t seen in awhile and asked her about her two girls. She told me her “baby” was now three. My daughter was a newborn, and I couldn’t even imagine her being three. Well she’s on the way to 41 (April) and her son is already older than three as are Sean’s two oldest. Hard to imagine all that time has past.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        That article sounds interesting. Maybe I’ll be able to read it someday. Thank you very much for your prayers and birthday wishes! It is hard for me to imagine my kids being that old.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thank you, Kathie. Avila was about 4 hours of labor I think. That will be hard to beat.

    3. Theresa in Indiana

      Congratulations and Prayers for you, Karen – I was my parents 7th child – and they had one more after me. They had to even out the boys and girls to 4 and 4. 🙂

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thank you, Theresa! My sister in law is named Therese. My parents had 6 kids for a long time, then lost a baby, had a baby about 20 years after the first one, and then adopted one from Guatemala. I was the fourth oldest, and the only 2 boys were older than me. (One’s a cop now 🙂 )

    4. Charlotte Trayer

      OH, Karen, I am so sorry for your recent loss of your baby. No matter the stage of development, it is still a baby. I am so happy for you, that you are expecting again, though. That is wonderful news, and I will keep you in prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy baby at about the due date. My mother’s birthday was Sept. 8th, one nephew’s is Sept. 15th, another nephew’s is Sept. 28th, and one grandson’s is Sept. 29th, so it’s a good month for babies!

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thank you, Charlotte! Those are wonderful days to have birthdays on! I don’t know if you are Catholic, but Sept. 8th is Mary’s birthday and the 15th is the feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Lucia (our third) got to be born on Sept. 24th, the feast of our Lady of Mercy. I love Mary so much.

  3. Jeanne… so sad to read that you aren’t feeling well. Rest up, take care of you, and get well soon! Please, if you aren’t already, load up on Vitamin D. When I had my hip replacement surgery a few months ago, my doctor put me in 65,000 mg a day of the stuff. Now I’m down to 10,000 mg ( 5 tiny pills a day). He said most people are very deficient in this and they need it to build up immunity from anything that comes along.

    I also received my Frieda, but she’s just not a “Frieda” ( in my eyes) she’s Sofia and she seems to like that better:) She is the most beautiful RRFF to date , I think. Thank goodness she’s a core doll. Her skin-tone is perfection.

    Yum,, Jelly Belly’s.. one of my favorites, Charlotte! Ron is a lucky guy to have you hunting for his favorite flavors!

    Chickens are so cool.. I’m sad for you losing your little red girl💔..They are all our babies, whether human, paws, hooves or feathers:)

    I’ve not been able to sew or knit for a few months as trigger finger is back. I overused my hands when my granddaughter and BFF visited and we did tons of sewing. Overuse, and now I’m paying for it…darn. Not a good thing for a Type A who can’t sit still and must be doing something creative all the time. Trying my best not to use my left hand much so it can rest… never realized what a lefty I am! Hope those Vit- D pills will figure out they need to be working on my hand now! Lol

    Take care of each other, and if you are a football fan, this will be a great playoff weekend!🏈

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Oh Jeanne. Hope you are resting right now. Let’s hope you have a delivery service that can bring your favorite foods while you are down and out. Is George ill also? Hope not. If I lived closer, I’d bring you something and park it on the porch. Has the doctor recommended anything? Don’t worry about us, just stay safe and get well soon.
    So glad to hear that Charlotte’s Freida has arrived safe and sound. She is such a lovely one.
    Interesting about RRFF TN and their shipping. Rubyredtoys, the parent company often has free shipping also, but they fly the dolls from HK and then use ground shipping which has always arrived within a total of three days. I’m hoping for a fast delivery because I received a notification from them yesterday that Dawn is being shipped. So, I figure early next week she will be here. Oh goody! I think Dawn is so unique. 🙂
    I think we’re supposed to hit 70 today. The weeds are loving the weather. 🙁

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Your weather sounds crazy like ours. In the 70s two days ago, in the 40s yesterday and having a hard time getting out of the 30s today. But the sun is shining today and that makes things more comfortable, but I think tonight it’s supposed to get really cold.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      We had a disappearing hat this morning. I believe the dollies were out late last night and maybe it was lost like the shoes and jeans at Linda’s place. I was about to have the dollies at Barbara’s, place an order for another hat for Northern Lights, when it was found. I guess NL pulled it off and left it on the floor after their late night play time. She was standing on it. How did that happen? Now, I’m thinking of how to make a similar hat from a sock. Hummm. Anyone done that?

  5. Jeanne you take care, don’t push yourself. We have been at this COVID for two weeks now, I have just had a head cold but very tired and not much ambition. At the ER Wednesday for 11 hours, they told my husband he has pneumonia, no signs of it to us, but we a laying low. Hope everyone has a good day! Happy Birthday 🎂 to Ron! Keep him supplied with jelly beans!

    1. Sally from Colorado

      Dear Sylvia,
      I hope you have family or nice neighbors who bring you and your hubby what you need. Sending hugs and prayers.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      When we all had COVID back in March/April 2020 it took about two weeks, per person, to get over it. Our two sons and daughter-in-law had fever and fatigue, mine was like a strange sinus infection but my husband did have the pneumonia. They put him in the hospital for further testing and to make sure it didn’t flare because he seemed to be getting over it on his own. They kept him three days and sent him home when his viral load wasn’t escalating. He said he was never dispatched from a hospital so fast. The crazy thing was that he had to call me from outside the hospital to come and get him so he stood outside for about 45 minutes till I could get to him. Fortunately it was a fairly decent day, but they had no place for him to even sit down.

  6. Sorry to hear you’ve had a relapse, Jeanne. Glad you’re taking time to rest and take care of yourself.

  7. Marilyn in Colorado

    It looks like snow here and snow is predicted but the dangerous ice has gone, so I’m grateful. It was very risky for the people who had to go out. I watched to be sure the blood draw tech got to his car. He said roads were slick and cars were skidding all over.

    I am so sorry that your cold has returned. You are not the type to lie comfortably in bed when there are things to do, but it sounds like that is your best choice — take care of yourself and it will (probably) pay off soon.

    My Corrine won’t be here for a while. Her new wig has to reach Sarah and the old one replaced. By the time she gets here, she’ll have a wardrobe. Today a necklace with a dragon pendant arrives and so does a gray sweater to go with a gray, green, and black plaid skirt. Etsy is a great place for inexpensive modern clothes. I have a nice, thick book called The Chinese in America by Iris Chang to read and learn about her background. Who says dolls don’t teach us anything?

    Several years ago I edited a journal article for a Chinese-American librarian at our library. To say thanks,she took me to lunch at a nearby Chinese restaurant, where she ordered in Chinese. The waiter was so happy to have an easy-to-talk-to customer. He returned with 2 oval platters heaped 3″ high with something delicious. I asked Eveline what it was so I could order it again. She said she didn’t know because it was not what she ordered. Her leftovers made dinner for her family of 4, and mine fed me for 4 nights.

  8. Debbie in North Carolina

    Praying for you Jeanne! Do nothing, rest, and get well soon. We will keep you company with some updates from our corners of the world.

    Shara, prayers for you and the little one on the way.

    Charlotte, Happy Birthday to Ron and to you! We celebrate this month as well. Rick next Thursday and me on the 29th. Enjoy you new Frieda! Interesting about RRFF shipping choices. When we lived in Tennessee I received my orders overnight. Sigh, missing that speedy shipping. It took 5 months to get Alice from Hong Kong. By the time she arrived I did not want her anymore.

    Joy, I am so glad you were able to get Dawn. I must have fallen off the email news from RR Toys because I did not see the release until Sunday and she was already gone. My friend Jan and I are very sad to have missed her, she is very special judging from her photos.

    I have been enjoying the stories and photos from everyone while Jeanne has been recovering. The doll in the closet was a great laugh! She was well protected because she is a beauty!

    The weather in North Carolina has been a challenge for the past week. Last week’s ice storm left our neighborhood without power for 48 hours. We were spending the days riding around in the car to warm up and charge our phones. At night we were smothered in blankets. I thought camping in the cold was fun in my 20’s, not so much now. Tonight’s forecast is for snow…I thought this was the south!

    Get well, stay well, and stay warm,

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      I am so sorry the weather has been miserable for you over there! Hopefully they will be able to keep the electricity working through this snow! Stay warm!

    2. Joy in northern CA

      So sorry you missed Dawn, but I’m sure there will be others just as fun.
      I read that more snow is expected in NC. Not sure how it will affect you, but hope you don’t lose power again. Since we bought a portable generator, losing power here hasn’t been too horrible. Just inconvenient, but then it is always in the fall fire weather, and we didn’t need the heater only the refrigerator. 🙂 Great idea taking in the sights driving in the car while keeping warm and recharging. Have to do something as it gets pretty boring waiting for power updates. 🙂

  9. Sally from Colorado

    Oh, my. What a post today.
    Well, Jeanne, Sylvia and your husband..I’m praying for your recovery. Like others, I don’t believe this stinking virus is ever going to go away. Sure makes me cross and sad, and I’m leaving it at that.
    Congratulations, Karen. I’ll pray for a healthy kiddo.
    Joy, I am hoping our Dawn girls get here ASAP. And next month will be Anna and Lisa, with luck, coming from Russia.
    Debbie…the south is getting more and more bad weather. I’d advise a generator.
    Marilyn, we are told we will be getting a little snow today here. That will be amazing. So who makes this Corrine doll?
    OK…might take some more pics of my RRFFs to send to Jeanne. My Jennifer is in a cute outfit while she waits for her red silk dress to show up next week. She was very vocal about being left in her underpants while everyone else was looking smart, and warm!
    Get better everyone. Warm up, watch those hens, eat jelly beans, etc etc.

  10. Linda in St. Louis

    Good morning a bit late, for me, that is! I had some errands to run this morning and wanted to get going, so waited to comment. Dear Jeanne, just take it easy and rest, rest, rest! At least you work for yourself, and no one is going to fire you if you don’t come in to work! We understand, and I am praying for your recovery.

    It’s just as well that you stay in today, if it is anything there like it is here in St. Louis, just plain miserably COLD! I have been cleaning or rearranging my doll closet and all the containers I have with their accessories, so have been plenty busy. I am missing a pair of shoes and a pair of jeans, and have no idea where they could be! I could have mistakenly thrown them out by accident, which is the only explanation I have, since I am the only one who has anything to do with them.

    I hope George is good at playing nurse to you! I’d be leaving a big pot of chicken soup on your doorstep if I lived closer!

    By the way, Sally, I see you asked who makes Corinne. She is the new Girl of the Year from AG. And guess what? She lives in Colorado!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Good for you Linda. Wish I was as organized and the dollies here probably wish so too. 🙂

  11. Barbara in SE Texas

    Jeanne, so sorry to hear about your relapse. I’ll be praying for you to get past this. Sounds like you have some kind of virus. I remember in the past having viruses that I thought I was over and I felt pretty good and then it hit again. The only solution is rest, rest and more rest. Something I usually have no trouble doing when I’m sick. Not to mention fluids and someone mention Vitamin D. I take D3. After my cold/throat infection was diagnosed, I still felt pretty crappy for about a week. I’m finally feeling better every day. The doctor didn’t say it was strep and I haven’t had that in a few years, but he gave me enough medication as if it were. It has been just over a week now. and while the sore throat went away pretty quickly I still felt sluggish for several days.

    Since I’ve felt somewhat better the past couple days I managed to get some things done that were lagging. Now that I’m feeling much better I plan on spending the afternoon in my sewing room. It’s going to take me hours to clean off my worktable so I can even attempt to sew. The girls appear to have been ordering bunches of clothing items and then leaving them on the table for me to put away. I told them in the future if they order it they have to put it away. We’ll see how that goes.

  12. A post indeed.
    Thank you Marilyn, Sally, and Karen for praying for my friend Tina. As of last night she feels okay, just fever and super tired.

    Jeanne, Sylvia, and your hubby, prayers for swift recoveries or in your case Sylvia, to not become ill.

    Karen, congratulations on your new little one. Prayers for a healthy baby. I also echo that an animal is not just just an animal by any stretch of the word. Animals aren’t our whole lives, but they make our lives whole.

    Our snow is melting off, but the ice underneath is still in places. Stay safe everyone.

    1. Sally from Colorado

      Dear Laura, thanks for Tina’s update. Will keep up the payers for her. Have a lovely day. 🌺

  13. My goodness so many things going on!
    Jeanne…take some potent Vitamin C and D and see if that will help you 🙏🏻 Find a good book and take care!
    Charlotte….so glad your Freida arrived and I’m amazed you heard back from Ruby Red so fast. I guess sometimes paying for shipping is OK if it avoids the crazy shipping time you had to endure. HB to Ron…love the Jelly Belly story…I love them too especially the Buttered popcorn and licorice flavors…oh heck, almost all are good☺️
    We have up and down weather…from zero to 45… a few days of each…some snow too…we really have all four seasons so right now we just keep warm and I’m making three kinds of soup!
    Wish I could deliver some soup to you Jeanne❤️

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Kathie, my favorite Jelly Belly flavor is cinnamon, which Ron doesn’t like At. All.!!! LOL (But then, I don’t like licorice….) To each his own!

  14. Charlotte Trayer

    Just a quick post before I go to bed.

    Ron had a nice (if rather quiet) 89th birthday. He is enjoying the Jelly Bellies I got him! He liked the shirt (yay! I wasn’t sure as the color is sort of a heathery burnt orange/terra cotta, which is quite different for him). Our son called, as well as my brother, and one of Ron’s friends, and he got several cards in the mail.

    I had planned to fix pancakes and bacon (he loves pancakes and thinks I don’t fix them near often enough!) for his supper, but he decided he wanted to go to Denny’s for supper, so that’s what we did. When we got home, he watched the last two programs on the Matlock Third Season DVD I had given him for Christmas.

    Thank you all for your well wishes for him! Now Freida is reminding me we need to look at fabric for her new dress! 😄

    Jeanne, I hope you are feeling better!

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