~ CHRISTMAS CHEER ~ is now on Ebay… check out how cute Navi is…

I did it! I got Navi’s dress set listed on Ebay…and I EVEN made dinner for us! That’s no small feat considering I had to take outside pictures, crop and edit them and get my listing done! If you want to see the listing, you can click on her picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I’ll let you see the outside pictures on this post, but you’ll have to read the story line in the Ebay auction to see what my hubby came up with after I found what “I” was looking for…

Here are those outside pics… if Navi could only smile…

Thanks everyone… I hope you enjoyed them…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “~ CHRISTMAS CHEER ~ is now on Ebay… check out how cute Navi is…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, she looks Sooo cute!! Loving her entire outfit.

    I just checked the Meadow Dolls website, and they are offering both Navi and Chara in either fair or sunkissed and with factory faceup and randomly chosen eyes thru Dec. 10. I wonder if they sell the wigs, too? They are sure cute, and I seem particularly drawn to the fair Chara (with the smiley face). (I don’t need another doll…..) Of course, they did say it takes 6-9 months, and I Do have a bit of time yet to decide….!!!

    I meant to comment on the button you used to embellish her purse; I recognize it as I am pretty sure I might have one or two of them in my stash, also!! It was a perfect accent for her purse.

    We had sprinkles of rain today but I was able to get my errands run; tonight it’s raining like there’s no tomorrow. Ugh. Hope it clears up, but…this IS November in Seattle, and that’s what it’s like.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Well, now I’m wondering if that was accurate (about the Meadow dolls) because when I clicked on “home”, it said the page was no longer used. And apparently there are numerous styles of Twinkles dolls now, but I didn’t see any ordering information. Phooey….

      1. Hi Charlotte,
        I think that may have been a previous pre order page. If you go to the Meadow Doll Fan Club, you can find the pre order site and there are some dumplings (11″ dolls)
        up for ordereing right now. It’s a little bit different right now with only a week of ordering each of several dolls. This week it’s Giggi’s turn…then it’s Saffi, then Ella.

        It does take about 6-9 months for the dolls to be made…
        If anyone needs to site, let me know…
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Charlotte, right now, Meadow is offering some very short preorders. About a week each, so if you are interested, take a look. The preorders are for Dumplings not Twinkles though. This week is Giggi as Jeanne mentioned. Next week is Saffi, and the following week Ella. They are being offered in the new cream color and chocolate. It does take around 9 months to receive, but Meadow has a payment system that helps with the cost. The website is meadowdolls.org I believe you were on the old site which was a .com. The new site is lovely and shows photos of all of the dolls etc. Meadow has been moving and has boxes and boxes piled up so it will take awhile for her to get back to the usual of new dolls etc. Things should be back to normal in the new year. 🙂

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thanks, Joy. If I get one, I think I want a Twinkle, either Kyrra or Sissi…maybe…

        Dolly fever…again….

  2. Seeing Navi’s wonderful photos reminds me that I forgot to pick up small elastic yesterday when I was at Joann’s. Guess I’ll have to head back there again soon. 🙂 I did find some nice black/white checked fabric to go with some Minnie Mouse fabric I have. Now to actually get down to making something eh? I promised I wouldn’t start another project until I put away all of the props from the Camp Meadow adventure. Maybe today as we are due for sprinkles, not rain like lucky Charlotte, though. Looks like the sun is coming out now though. Maybe the weather person was wrong. 🙁

    1. Joy, did you ever show the tent you made? I’ve been waiting to see it, but now think maybe I missed it!

      1. HI Linda,
        I saw some pictures of Joy’s tent on Facebook… I’ll try and show her tent…It’s adorable! Did you see all her girls for the Camp Meadows picture?
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. HI Joy,
      I was just at Joann’s and could have picked up some elastic for you… oh wait… you live too far away from me… :o) Hope you got some!
      I am in a crafty mood…not a sewing mood, and I have some alterations I HAVE to get finished… rats!
      Hope you get your rain!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Thank you for the elastic offer. We may be back in lock down around here. Hope I can get over to Joann’s again and get that elastic before if it goes through.
        I’ve been crafty too. But, mostly with cardboard. Love making things from toy flyers this time of year. I like to glue cutouts on cardboard and then cut them out. After several layers, they make some fun things to put in baskets or prop up for background displays. Pretty much free too. 🙂

  3. Navi is so beyond adorable and she’s done a wonderful job of showing off her lovely new outfit. I checked out the auction and your hubby had a great idea for a story. Where did you find such a small Etch-A-Sketch? And it works too!

    I’m still waiting to hear from Magalie that she’s ready to do my Greer Adele. Nothing yet but it should be getting close. So I can’t even think of ordering another doll of any kind right now. I really would like to order a FF Maya in her beautiful Christmas dress . I might be able to swing that and still pay for my new LD.

    I got a great surprise this morning. When I went into my bedroom to get dressed it was so dark I had to turn on a light. Then I heard dripping. Could it be rain?! I looked out and yes it was raining. A good rain. We’ve been so long without rain. Even though at this time of year it’s not totally necessary since not much is growing, even the grass, but there are some things that I was going to have to water soon if it didn’t rain. The temps are still pretty decent with highs some days around 84, but it happens so late in the day that it doesn’t last long with the sun going down so early. Anything is a reprieve from the high 90s and high humidity of summer.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I think he was proud of himself that he came up with the idea… :o) I thought it was pretty cute so I had to use it… He tries hard!
      I got that little Etch A Sketch at Hobby Lobby… and couldn’t pass it up… I should probably go get another one…it’s such a cute little accessory… and it was 50% off! :o)
      It gets hard when you see so many dolls you’d like to have, doesn’t it? I have bought more than I should have recently…but Maryellen’s first dress paid for her, so that was good!
      Glad you got the rain….now I just hope Joy got some too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I’m back! It’s been a couple of days with no internet due to the hurricane hitting the server headquarters. Navi’s little set tuned out so darling and I love her little purse with the Scottie pin. I love Kit’s little Scottie pin because the magnet lets it move from dress to dress.
    That Etch A Sketch is perfect. Is it one of “The World’s Smallest Toys” ones? All of those are pretty amazing. I have to go back and read the posts I missed now.

    1. HI Laura,
      Welcome back to my blog posts… and I hope you enjoy the last few you’ve missed.
      Yes, Navi’s Etch A Sketch was one of those World’s Smallest Toys, from Hobby Lobby. They are so cute!
      I’m glad your internet is back on…now go have fun reading what you missed.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Forgot to add, I like George’s grandparents aspect on the story line for Navi. Two weeks ago we were going to get together, but now not so sure. We did that one Christmas some years back, and it was not fun. 🙁

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