It’s ALL about Ellowyne today!!!

HI everyone and welcome to April! I promise there will be NO April Fools jokes in this post!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and hopefully with family and friends! We had glorious weather… it even made it up to 80 degrees Sunday! It was International Sunday at our church and the various groups of students sang songs in their native languages… We heard songs from the Japanese/Chinese/Malaysia/Singapore, the country of India, Latin America, and the African/Caribbean region. It was SO great! I can tell you this, the Africans certainly know how to Sing unto the Lord!!!!

Well, as I promised you, today we have a real treat in store. One of the ladies who reads my blog, Patti, but generally only makes comments to me by email “mentioned to me” that she made outfits for Ellowyne…(She’s a 16″ Fashionista doll made by Robert Tonner.) I asked her if she could send me some pictures, because we’d LOVE to see what our Sofa Sisters are doing in their part of the world… Well, did she ever send some pictures… 20 in all and you will love seeing them… So let’s begin… (If you click on the pictures they will enlarge!)

Hey, I’ve made a coat out of this purple/black corduroy too! :o)

See what I mean about Ellowyne being a fashionista!

Now…”TRY” to pick a favorite out of that group! It’ll be hard!

Thank you VERY much, Patti! They were all wonderful…For me, I have to go with the black and white houndstooth check 50’s style skirt over the red top AND this is probably the simplest of all the outfits, but I LOVE those red shorts with the black and white polka dot top and the hat. She looks so adorable in that one!

Thanks again,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “It’s ALL about Ellowyne today!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    It’s interesting that you mentioned about how the Africans sing, Jeanne; I experienced that myself some 25 years ago when I was on a short-term mission trip to Swaziland. The first Sunday we were there, we went to church with the missionaries who were hosting us (several different ones, so different churches) and the one I attended….oh, my, I have never heard such singing! About 100 there, but it sounded like 300 when they sang!! I will never forget it.

    Wow! What wonderful eye candy we have today! Thank you, Patti, for sharing pictures!! Now as to favorite, that has to be the pink/white gown on your little vintage young lady (not sure who she is); there is so much detail in that gown, with the fancy sleeves and all, and a matching hat. It’s wonderful!!

    Of the more contemporary styles, though, I’d think I’d have to say the print dress with the yellow coat and hat, or maybe the fuchsia shorts outfit with the lime green purse.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What a beautiful Easter Day we had, Jeanne! Warm, sunny and perfect for outdoor activities! What more could we ask for?

    Patti, you have a wonderful collection of photos and you actually MADE all of these darling outfits? You certainly not only can sew, but also know WHAT to sew as far as fashions go!

    My very favorite is the one that I believe Charlotte also mentioned, the pink and white outfit on the vintage doll, that might be a Cissy doll. I love everything about it, and the sleeves are beautiful!

    The tweed pantsuit with the cape is also a favorite of mine, and that green coat with fur cuffs and collar is something I would love to have……for me!

    Thank you for sending your pictures to Jeanne for us to enjoy!

  3. Stupendous! Amazing.
    All of these are stunning. Thank you for sharing Patti’s designs.
    These are beautiful. Each one.
    Firstly, Easter Sunday is my very favorite. I am thrilled that you had such a joy filled service with African song. Just lovely
    The singing is always so energetic and gets you right in the heart.
    I love International Sunday

    The outfits, I agree they are all stunning.
    I love the argyle sweater coat
    the lime green jacket and hat, so pretty,
    … Well, Jeanne, they are all beautiful
    I can’t pick a favorite! They are amazing and so very perfect
    Happy Easter Monday.

  4. Beautiful outfits! Can’t choose just one. Sewing for a doll that size with those fabrics takes a great seamstress. The styles and color choices in each one is so special. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    We too had a delightful mostly sunny day visiting the grands. Great egg hunt, but a little scary watching youngest grands on the silks attached to a very tall tree in the backyard. A wonderful performance and fortunately, the mats were in place should there have been any falls, which there were not. 🙂
    How fun to see Ell in all the gorgeous outfits made by Patti. I especially like the 4th on a bike Ell and enjoyed that she is barefoot. The Ellowyne here has no sandals, but I never thought of the barefoot look for her. And I really like the polka dot top and red shorts with the bowler hat. So many great outfits from a fab seamstress. Thanks Jeanne and Patti for sharing.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Were you too scared to take any pictures of the grands on the silks? I would love to see that. My Uncle Bill used to do the flying rings in high school. I don’t think they do those anymore except in circuses. My mother said my grandmother would go see him but spent most of the time gasping and wringing her hands.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        No pics here unfortunately. I’ll ask daughter if she took any. I think I was more worried, like your grandmother, than anyone else. Must come from protecting a classroom of 30 third graders. Ha ha

  6. Wow!!! What unique and very chic outfits!! It’s a wonderful variety.
    I think I like the black and white check skirt with the red top and the lovely dress, I think on a Sweet Sue? The pink floral dress. Reminds me of the 40’s and 50’s. Not sure if June Clever was too young to wear it but it reminds me of her.
    Thank you Patti- what a fun run-way show!!

  7. Lisa in No. CA

    Beautifully done, Patti, and “stylin” all the way! I especially liked the use of the batiks to create a Brazilian look, and I too am a fan of the black and white
    hounds tooth skirt and red top!

  8. Susette from Southern California

    What a wonderful collection! My one Ellowyn doll would love to have a collection like that to choose from. I’m partial to leopard but the green coat with fur cuffs and collar is so beautiful! The casual outfit for bike riding is a favorite too. I haven’t sewn for a doll that small except Ten Ping and admire Patti’s skill and the creativity it takes to make such a variety of outfits with special details and for different occasions. And the beautiful hats that complement the ensembles!

    I’m sending along a picture of my one Ellowyn doll in hopes that maybe Patti can tell me whether the dress she came in was original to the doll if Jeanne has room for it on the blog sometime. There are no labels. I used to wear clothes made with fur and feathers decades ago and was accused of killing Muppets to get my clothes! Not true.

    Hope your hand is feeling better, Jeanne.

  9. Laura in Ohio

    Beautiful Easter Day here as well, sunny and warm.
    What beautiful clothes you have made, Patti. I love the green coat and hat. Reminds me of a green wood coat I had and the hood was lined in brown modacrylic fur. It was so super warm. I literally wore it until it fell apart.
    The pink and white flowered dress with pink fluffy hat on that sweet doll is gorgeous.
    I also love the red shorts set. Looks like something we would have worn in the 1980’s as well. Also the houndstooth high waist skirt and tam are lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Barbara in SE Texas

    WOW!!! What an array of absolutely lovely fashions. All of which I wouldn’t mind having one similar. I can’t even pick a favorite, but I’ll keep looking. Thanks, Patti, for sharing and Jeanne for posting them all. So lovely!!

    As for African singing well I love that our church has that every Sunday. We have a strong Nigerian membership and while they are singing in English the singing is so robust. Every now and then we have a part of the service dedicated to blessing the birth of a child and their mother. It is a beautiful dedication but when one of our Nigerian membership is involved there is a procession of all their family and friends up to the altar and they do this while singing a special song. They do it in English but them all singing shakes the rafters of the church. One of the women who sings in the choir with me is from Nigeria. Wish some of the others would join too but they all say they can’t sing.

    Weather here right now already too summery for me – at least as far as the humidity is concerned. But come Wednesday we are supposed to have a front that drops our temps into the 50s and the air will be dry. But sadly I think it’s only supposed to last one or two days.

  11. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thanks for sharing Patti’s lovely fashions. She is truly talented.

    The doll in the 11th photo down looks like a Madame Alexander Cissy doll. I hope Patti will let us know if she is.

    Yes, it is wonderful to be able to sing joyful songs no matter one’s country of origin.

    Well on April 1, I am happy to announce that there are only 30 days until May! Yeaaa!

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