American Girl Doll, Kit, Kitty, Kate, Kathie… I have decided on a name

I have to tell you a heartwarming story about the bidder who won the dress set for Bailey tonight. I had posted some pictures of Bailey in another forum I belong to; one for the Featherweight sewing machines. I was initially drawn to these tiny little machines because I thought maybe they would help me with sewing doll outfits for my smaller dolls. I had a few pictures like this…

Well, the winner saw my pictures of Bailey and asked if I knew where she could get the dolls… I told her they were only available from pre-orders or sometimes they were listed for sale on Ebay… I checked and told her there were 2 on Ebay at the time. So I guess she saw my outfit, wanted it, bought one of those 2 Twinkle dolls, (she said her Twinkle was coming Monday) and they were NOT cheap… then set out to be the winner of the dress set, and she was! Crazy, huh? She is very excited…

I have decided to call my new American Girl doll Kate… The only time I will add Kit in there is when I am listing an outfit for the dolls and it’s a 1930’s style. Otherwise, I’ll just be talking about Kate like that’s her given name…

We worked together today and she is very happy to be with some new sisters… I finished the snaps on the back of her dress, got it hemmed, and decided I would put a bias binding on the neckline, so a couple different looks could be achieved… You’ll see what I mean…

Here is the dress all finished with the neckline finished off with a tiny bias binding… The pattern didn’t come up all the way to her neckline and she’s got that gap, but for this first dress, I’m going to let it slide… I’ll fix her neck gap soon.

I made a slip to go under the dress because it looked a little droopy…

What a difference it makes and it’s SUCH a flattering pattern. I recommend it to anyone… I think even a beginning sewer…

The back ties into that very pretty bow…

So the first collar I made is “similar” to the one on the pattern…it’s the same width, but I didn’t make it in 2 pieces with a split in the middle at the front… for now, it is just wrapped around the neckline, but it will button or snap together in the back when it’s finished.

The white batiste collar is very dainty and not bulky looking like some of my other whites would have been. This was my last piece of this Swiss Batiste and now I’m going to have to order more…

The white batiste has beading so I “could” use floss and run a blue strand along the curves. I think that might be pretty…

Isn’t that a flattering pattern? I really do like it… I can see LOTS of possibilities with it.

Here is one more closeup of the collar. I’m debating about what else to make to go with the dress. I suppose I could just make a white Peter Pan collar… we’ll see…

Well, I need to get to bed… Hope you like it so far… Thumbs up to Kate as she’s doing a great job modeling so far.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “American Girl Doll, Kit, Kitty, Kate, Kathie… I have decided on a name”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wowsa! Congratulations on a Very successful auction. Such a neat story about the lady who bought it–and then bought a doll so she’d have someone to put it on!!

    I really love that collar on the dress; so pretty! And you settled on Kate for her name, which was one of my suggestions. It’s always nice when someone takes note of your ideas.

    Yes, that really is a very nice pattern, and so flattering. I may have to see if it comes in a size for my Ruby Reds, since I’m really not sewing much for the AG these days. They already have pretty decent wardrobes anyway!!

  2. Nancy S. in PA

    Your pretty collar reminded me of an outfit I made for Bleuette years ago. I made a collarless dress in a floral and then made two different separate collars, one plain and one with some embroidery to match the fabric. The buyer was delighted with her options.

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    How wonderful that there is a new doll owner,…just because you made a very cute outfit for one, Jeanne! And now you will, for sure have someone who will be eyeing, and hopefully buying, more Twinkie outfits! Congrats on a wonderful sale!

    So Kate it is! I wanted that name,, and am so glad you picked that one, since it certainly suits her! I love that pattern, and it looks just darling with the slip underneath, making it stand out and showing the pleats perfectly! The collar works too, and the one you picked was more appropiate for a young girl. I think even Molly wold love that dress!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Love Bailey’s pics by the Featherweight. No wonder someone bought one. Fun.
    I’ve been staring at the front of Kate’s dress trying to figure out how the stitching is done. Is the belt put through inside holes first and then the long pleats sewn down across where the belt goes inside? Some photos look like the belt is loose so I’m confused. Very nice pattern. I’m sure it could be reduced to fit a Ruby Red. I would love to see a collar made from that see through first lace from yesterday. It looks so lightweight and the fabric shows through. Although a plain scalloped flat collar without gathering that doesn’t stick up would be sweet too. I’m sure Kate is thrilled to have become Jeanne’s latest model and she is doing a great job.
    More rain coming this morning, but we might get a day to dry out soon. Very soggy around here. However, we do have a lovely bouquet of daffodils that I picked yesterday on the dining room table. 🙂

  5. Such a heartwarming post! Your photographer skills have evolved like all your other talents, shoe making, event management/hosting, baking, cooking, architectural template making, and of course sewing.
    Kate is a very nice name, if it wasn’t a candy bar I would have liked Kit Kat, lol.
    Like Joy I would like to see the first lace as the collar. The pattern site showed the dress in an ecru print with black lace collar and black sleeve cuffs with black tights, which is a favorite look for me.
    Have a good day all.

  6. Rosemary B here
    Jeannie, your dresses are always beautiful
    Do you make your own patterns? Do you offer some for sale?
    I love this dress, I love the bow in back.
    You do such fine work! I know it brings you joy.
    God Bless

  7. Kate is a great name choice. I think I have an AMG named Kate somewhere in the doll closet. I forget which one.
    I like how the slip fans the dress out a bit more. Will the white collar be that large on the dress? I like that collar and maybe you are using it in a smaller width?

    Were you able to get the shine off of her face? I think it was her face.
    Anyway, it’ll be fun to see what else you decide to add to this adorable dress.

  8. Wow, buying a doll and an expensive one at that to then determine to win an outfit, that’s dolly fever to the max!
    Nice to hear the other girls welcomed Kate to the dolly shelf. That’s how it works around here as well except the kitties do their sniff test and possibly lick also. 😸🥰
    That pattern is lovely with the puffed sleeves and the “required” bow in back.

  9. The dress is lovely, that fabric! The collar doesn’t seem right to me, it sort of reminds me of the ruff on a clown costume. I think it detracts from that beautiful dress. I would do something simpler, not so ruffley.

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