Dolly Shoes and Fabric Shelves…

Tonight, my auction on Ebay for the Blue and Gold Pinafore dress set, called “Easter Charm”, for the American Girl dolls, ends. If you missed it or wanted to see it, you can click the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE. Molly still has the dress set on… she didn’t want to take it off… :o) :o(

I had another busy weekend… seems like this is becoming a pattern… hmmm….

But I had 2 goals I wanted to accomplish…and I did.

The first was to get the coral colored leather boots that fit the 10″ Boneka dolls, finished. I did get them finished and Noel wanted to show them to you… they fit very well and help her stand on her own much much better. Sorry, I had nothing for her to wear this time…

If you missed my story about Lizard Guard, you’ll have to read my post HERE. His feet REALLY helped with shaping them right!

I just took a quick glance at my fabrics and saw this colorful print. I see people putting boots with cotton dresses all the time, so I thought maybe I could too…

I think in the doll world, boots are the new slip-ons.

The other thing I HAD to get accomplished was getting my fabric shelf back in order. I had pulled so many pieces from it and just put them back haphazardly, and it was a mess. I need to do other stuff in my sewing room, but one thing at a time and this was at the top of my list!

These aren’t ALL of my fabrics, but the biggest majority of them… Someday I’d like to make enough room that ALL of my fabrics could be on this shelf… but I think that’s WAY down the road! :o)

Well, I hope to be back tomorrow with something dolly-ish! Maybe I’ll see you tonight on Ebay! :o)

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Dolly Shoes and Fabric Shelves…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Those little boots are just darling! I looked up coral and the samples I saw were just about exactly your boot color. I was thinking apricot, but apparently that’s more yellowish. Oh, well…semantics, right?!!

    Now in the picture of the boots on the fabric, they look a little deeper in tone than in the other pictures; I am wondering if that’s my monitor? And to me the flowers in that fabric look more orange than coral, but it sure is a cute print! I think it has lots of possibilities.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Cute boots, Jeanne, and I see a prairie type dress with that material and those boots!

    Your fabric looks great stacked together so neatly! It could amost be an abstract painting!

    Looking forward to seeing who gets Molly’s dress, hopefully someone from the blog!

  3. Your doll shoes turned out great. Glad you found a “form” to help shape/make them. The color of the shoes goes perfectly with the fabric you have shown. You have a good eye for seeing how things “go together”. Your stacks of fabric on the cabinet would be “a quilters dream”. Hope your sale goes well.

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    I first started seeing boots with regular dresses in the European doll shops on Etsy. I guessed maybe they were practical for the lifestyles and economics there – they are durable. I’ve also noticed that Erin at Cottontail Doll Designs includes boots rather than shoes with some of her outfits. So it appears boots with dresses are fine. I know my granddaughter wears her western boots with everything, including a dress for the school dance.

    I think the boots are lovely and the fabric and boots, according to my monitor, go fine together. I love the fabric. Another outfit for Bonekas. I wonder if the same person that won the last two will win this one. She is definitely acquiring some lovely wearing attire for her Boneka girls.

    I finished up my Christmas/holiday sewing for this year. Actually for next year which will be here before we know it. I have some more ideas for next year and hope to get to it before the holidays rather than after as I did this year. I was about to start an Easter dress for my L’il Dreamer Jovi when my LD Greer Adele reminded me I promised to make her a St. Patrick’s Day dress. I managed to get most of it done yesterday and will finish it up today. At least that one will be in time for the actual holiday. Then I will get on to making Easter dresses. If I maintain my current pace I should have all that I’ve planned finished in time for the Easter parade.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        I will definitely be taking some. Haven’t done a photo shoot in a long time and my dolly girls are wanting to know why. I haven’t thought of a good excuse.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Congrats on finishing up your holiday sewing. Wish mine was complete. And I would love to see your LD St. Paddy’s dress and especially your L’il Dreamer Jovi’s dress when complete. You are rocking the sewing machine at your place. 🙂

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I forgot to mention how nice the fabric shelves look. After I have a flurry of sewing activity, as I have the past couple months, I have a stack of fabric on my cutting table that needs to be put back on the shelves. Since I’ve pulled and pushed and relocated fabric on the shelves while searching for the fabric for my next project, I need to take all the fabric off and return it to the shelves neatly. It is time consuming but does give me the chance to refresh my mind on what I have in stock.

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Always love seeing Jeanne’s stacks of lovely fabrics. I just finished going through and refolding two huge tubs of fabric. At least it is folded but you sure can’t tell what is there right now. I also have probably 10 plastic boxes for folded fabric as well and lots more to go. Those are at least sorted by holidays/seasons/ or colors if solid. I think I would need double the shelves to display what I have around here. Jeanne’s sewing room is so inspiring. 🙂

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