What’s brown and rose and looks good on blondes?

Why of course, it’s a dress for Noel. She’s my favorite little 10″ Boneka doll! She’s got some wild, untamed hair going on right now, but I’ll fix that soon…

Yep, Noel was the winner of the first dress of 2024. No certain reason I picked her, except I had a pair of rose colored boots and thought maybe I could find something to go with them for a Valentine’s Day dress set. It’s not your typical pink or red and white fabric… In fact, it’s so far away from it, you might not think it will ever look right for Valentine’s Day… but stick around and see if I can prove you wrong.

Let’s see some pictures of what I’ve got going on so far…

I LOVE this sweet fabric… a little bit of a romantic paisley print, I think!

The bodice is made, but the skirt part is just gathered up and wrapped around her on top of the bodice.

These leather boots are some I had made when I first started “cobblering” but I think I can make them work. Maybe I’ll change the laces, but for now, they are working for me… They are slightly big on her, but I’m going to make her some thigh highs to fill them out just a bit.

I could have used a rose colored felt to accent this set, but I’m thinking since it’s pretty chilly out, I’m going for the brown wool felt.

I hope I can turn this in an outfit that screams a Wintery Valentine’s Day Set!

I also baked some Spinach Feta bread today in my bread maker… but something happened to my spinach… it seems to have disappeared in the bread but it was tasty. We had a bowl of soup with it…

Well, that was my day… how was yours?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “What’s brown and rose and looks good on blondes?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Those darling boots are just perfect with that fabric, I think!! Perhaps you have some sort of trim in just right shade of pink that will go with that print, which would tie things together nicely. Some pink embroidery on her jacket would be good, too.

    We finally are starting to warm up a bit; it got up to 38 today and, yes, I was able to get my car door open and drive it down get the tire pressures checked. All is well there.

    Ron’s appt. with his PCP went well; his caregiver, Elizabeth, came, too, and was able to give her observations. Doctor was glad she was there, too. Although Ron’s weigh is still down some, it’s up a little since October, when it had gone to around 140, which is too little for him.

    I was up early and got online right at 9 a.m. when the tickets for Sewing Expo went on sale; and yes, I got all the classes I wanted!! One on learning to sew faster (I’m a notoriously slow sewer), another one on adding texture/embellishment to things; the Schmetz needle class, and two hands-on classes, one on sewing with wool (I’ve done it, but many years ago–a good refresher class, I think), and one on Canadian smocking, taught by my friend Britt. I’ve done one design before, but she is teaching four different designs!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      How great you got all the classes you wanted at Sewing Expo. They all sound wonderful and I know I would enjoy them. The class on Canadian smocking sounds intriguing. Glad to hear that Ron is doing so well and slowly gaining weight. The best I can hope for is slowly losing – very slowly.

  2. Joy in northern CA

    Oh fun, a new outfit. For the boots, maybe you might use some fine lace for the laces or a strip of tulle? Something feminine. I’d like to see the skirt length cut in about half and maybe a cute pair of shorts underneath. Maybe in a different fabric that matches the short puffed sleeves? Maybe pink/white checked fabric?Love the brown/pink look. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
    I’ve never heard of feta/spinach bread. Looks yummy. Warming up at your place? Snow?

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Very pretty, Jeanne! I think that by playing up the pink roses you can easily turn this into a Valentine dress, without it being overly so. That way it could be also a sweet winter dress. Pink roses on the jacket would do the trick, for sure and the boots do match very well!

    The bread looks good, I love homemade bread and soup on days like this!

  4. I’ve always had a soft spot for paisley so I can’t wait to see the progress on this outfit. The color of the boots looks great with the flower in the print and Noel’s peachy blonde hair looks wonderful with the print. I agree with Joy that a little shorter than usual would be nice since Noel is so diminutive. I’m not yet convinced about the brown felt. Could a lighter brown or tan work? The brown just seems really dark.Personally I’d like to see felt the same as the boots. Whatever you decide is always well done.
    Charlotte I don’t know how you do everything you do, but kudos to you! Keep doing whatever gives you the energy and motivation and send some my way!
    Stay warm all.

  5. Well, Noel ends the year with an outfit and gets to start it again. But first, don’t we get the usual “Year in Review” and get to vote for our favorite outfit and also see which girls were slighted last year and should make an appearance this one?
    The fabric is a good choice for Noel’s coloring.
    Where did paisley patterns come from?
    A brief note I found on paisley.
    Although the pine cone or almond -like form is of Persian origin, and the textile designs cramming many of them into a rich pattern are originally Indian, the English name for the patterns derives from the town of Paisley, in the west of Scotland, a centre for textiles where paisley designs were produced.
    I had a royal blue paisley print corduroy skirt as a teen that I really liked.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love paisley and this fabric is lovely. I like the boots and like Joy’s ideas for the laces. I like the idea for both a brown and rose colored felt. Can’t wait to see what comes next. You have the start of a sweet little outfit.

    Well we’re having a heat wave here. Last time I looked at the temp it was 36 degrees. After the last two days that seems very comfortable. With the sun shining and no wind, it’s a perfect winter day.

    I don’t mean to be a party pooper but I’m not at all looking forward to May’s arrival. May has always been my favorite month and sometimes here it is a lovely, moderate month, but it can also be very hot and the beginning of a long, hot summer. I think I’ll just enjoy the cold, no matter the temp, while I can. Starting tomorrow it is supposed to go into the 70s again for a few days.

    I have finally decided how to organize my time to take care of my have tos and still have time for sewing. Lately my plan has worked (New Year’s Resolution). I’m still working on Christmas/holiday attire since I had picked out some patterns and fabric that I like and want to see the results. I made dresses for each of my two Mini Paola Reina dolls. Same fabric but in different colors – one red with tiny gold dots and one the same in green. I made a dress for my H4H Dell. The dress is off-white with tiny gold dots. I had several nice gold trims. I used a length of decorative ribbon for a sash with a gold bow in front. Then I found some pretty gold fabric and made a jacket for the dress. It goes perfect with Dell’s dark hair and coloring. I’m now working on dresses for the rest of my H4H dolls. They have been neglected for a long time. I need to do these quickly because there are some of my dolly girls who lack for Easter dresses. The H4H girls do have those since they were my focus for Easter clothes several years ago. I’ll keep on keeping on and see how long I can maintain this schedule. It’s working so far and I have completed a lot of tasks that needed doing as well as have had time for my enjoyment of sewing.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Congrats on your new schedule. I think I might need it here as well. You sound very productive. Me not at all. 🙁

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