More dolly items added to Ebay…

Hi everyone,
I was imagining half of my ladies sitting on the edge of their sofas, last night, waiting for it to chime 8:00 p.m. on their clocks and instantly my Ebay listings would appear on the blog post right side bar… and then waiting and waiting and waiting… and finally at 8:55 they were finally up and running.

I thought I had it all figured out how to do it… but the problem was… because they were “scheduled” and they obviously weren’t LIVE yet, there was no way for me to link them by the item number to my side bar. I had to wait until they were ACTIVATED, and then I had to copy and paste the item number and then copy and paste a picture from my media library on my blog. I had all 4 listings partially ready, just waiting to transfer the information over, but as I worked on one and updated it, it moved down to the bottom, so when I went to do the next one, it wasn’t where I thought it was… it was a bit crazy and hectic here.
So I’m sorry if you were one of those waiting and waiting… you should have seen me… I was talking out loud to myself, telling myself, “NO… NO… not now… what’s going on? Where did that picture go? Which one ended in 7899? Oh, come on”…etc… I’m hoping it goes smoother tomorrow night…

Anyway, tomorrow night, I will have 4 more going on, and I will do them ONE AT A TIME… that will give me 4 minutes between and I can publish or activate each one separately… by working on one at a time, it should be easier.

Tomorrow night (Wednesday) there will be 2 outfits and 2 nude dolls… unless I find something for them to wear. They are scheduled for 8:30, 8:34, 8:38, and 8:42.

Okay, now that that’s over, want to see my Amaryllis? Mine still hasn’t bloomed yet… Cindy and Deb’s were bloomimg for Christmas…

Well, I need to get some more pictures of a few more things to keep this going…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “More dolly items added to Ebay…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    I just lost my comment! I guess I am first this morning, unless Charlotte is also writing now! Well, let’s see if I remember what I said, and how I said it just a few minutes ago! I hate it when that happens!

    I mentioned that when I clicked onto the picture of the 1996 School Jumper, to see the Ebay listing, I got a picture of the 1998 Snowflake Jumper! That must be a mistake, since I am sure the listing is for the Snowflake Jumper!

    And yay, felicity has many bids already! She is a beauty, and won’t be with you long, I’m sure!

    My goodness, your amaryllis must be sleeping! Mine is on it’s second stalk now, and I will have flowers in a week or two. Maybe yours is a more selective species with a bigger flower? But yes, yours will be blooming soon, I see!

    Let’s see if this goes through!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Thanks for telling me about the wrong picture being on the side bar of my blog. I didn’t notice it, but glad you did! I fixed it to show the right picture.
      There is kind of a little bidding war already started on my Felicity doll. I was surprised people were bidding this early… but I’m FINE with it! :o)

      My Amaryllis is taking things in Slow Motion, I think… but I have time to enjoy it now… a few weeks ago, I didn’t.

      Thanks Linda,
      Well, I’m off to take more pictures for tomorrow,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m glad you posted pictures on the sidebar, Jeanne, because when I tried to search for your items on ebay without the links, it just kept saying “not found”. And, yes, Linda, it looks like the snowflake jumper is the one on eBay, but Jeanne put the school jumper photo on her blog. Perhaps she’ll see our notes and change that in the morning!! (Frankly, I prefer the snowflake jumper, although they’re both cute.)

    Also, I see that Lily has already sold! No big surprise there–she’s a beautiful doll!

    Hm, I wonder what will show up tomorrow?!

    Linda G., referring to your comment about your plaid dress being taffeta, you are probably remembering twirling around and how the skirt spread out so nicely! I didn’t have a taffeta dress, but I did have a taffeta skirt, a black/white “gingham” check, with a tunnel waistband that had cutouts to show the velvet ribbon that went thru the waistband and tied in back. How I loved the skirt! I wore a “cancan” underneath it, as I recall. I may have an old photo of it somewhere; will have to dig it out.

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I saw you noticed that “wrong” picture too… but it’s changed now… Guess that kind of gave away what else will be listed…

      Yes, someone wanted her last night… and didn’t want to wait, so she bought her for the full price. She was happy and I was very happy!

      I’ve got to get some more pictures taken of some more stuff… so I can keep this going…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    The amaryllis I received at Thanksgiving is slightly further along than yours, Jeanne. Just about to pop open, however, there are two stalks and blooms. Lucky me. 🙂 Mine is still sitting on that paper towel though, not in the lovely setting at your place.

    1. HI Joy,
      Mine is certainly taking its sweet time to open up… but it’s okay… I enjoy checking it out every day and seeing if “today’s the day!”
      Maybe just get a pretty saucer to put your flower in… Cindy always picks up vintage saucers at thrift shops just for things like that.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Linda in St. Louis

    So Jeanne and Joy, is your amaryllis sitting in a vase, or ?? Mine is attached to a piece of wood, but what do you do with it after it blooms?

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I’ve had one for over a year. Still in the wax that has continued to send up green shoots until recently. I understand that you can peel off the wax and pot it, but I haven’t tried. If potted and cared for, they can bloom again. 🙂

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        But I don’t have any wax on mine! It’s just the bulb glued onto a slab of wood! I wonder if I could pry it off?

        1. HI Linda,
          My Amaryllis is encased in a red wax with white Christmas snow around the top. My mom had one that bloomed but we didn’t want to throw it away… it probably lasted 6 or 7 months after it bloomed. It didn’t really die… it still have a green leaf coming out the top, but it didn’t do much, so we finally threw it away…
          Joy’s is quite remarkable to have survived a whole year being encased in wax…with no water… I don’t know how that works… but it seems to.
          Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Just now looking at what you are selling, Not surprised Lily is gone as they so work well with the PC/AG girls. My favorite is Katie with her strawberry blonde hair and no bangs.
    I remember both the Snowflake and School jumper. The school one is such an iconic piece now and the Snowflake is perfect for winter.
    Your amaryllis will be lovely as a winter surprise when it does bloom.

    1. HI Laura,
      I can’t believe I got the wrong picture posted on my blog… but it’s changed now….and I guess it will be no secret that the School Jumper will be up soon! :o)
      Maybe my Amaryllis will bloom on the first day of a real snow! :o)
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Your EBay adds look perfect Jeanne😉The one AG I had for fitting clothes for my Granddaughters I gave away or I’d be tempted to buy that whole black jumper outfit. I’m sure someone with a damaged head will grab that darling head too. I have a pile to list too. Maybe yours will encourage me😉
    I cut the big long leaves off and put my Amaryllis outside under a bush last summer. Rescued it this fall and put in in the basement…guess it is time to plant it!

    1. HI Kathie,
      I have SO MUCH I’d like to sell off, and I have to admit, getting started was the hardest part. And now that I’ve “said” I want to list 4 things each night, I have to really stay diligent!
      I think the Amaryllis is a remarkable flower… it can live just about any where in any kind of condition… and with or without water! :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Linda G from Minnesota

    This is a note for Nancy S. who was wondering yesterday about the post on puffed Sleeve Headers.
    I bookmarked all the sewing hint posts that I might want to go back to on Jeanne’s site. Here’s the one on making puffed sleeves stand up. Actually, the fabric on my dress was so stiff that I didn’t need to add the headers. Happy sewing!
    Yes, Charlotte, it would be fun to see your picture of the skirt with the Can-can slips! Sweet Sue actually has the AG one for Maryellen under her dress. Love the look.
    Thanks, Ladies. Aren’t dolls fun?!?

    1. HI Linda,
      I just found the post where I did the sleeve headers and was going to send it to Nancy S… but you beat me. I hope she saw it…

      I’ll speak for EVERYONE ON THIS BLOG… YES, dolls are fun!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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