Merry Christmas to ALL THE SOFA SISTERS!

If you have been reading my blog posts for any length of time, you may have noticed an occasional reference to the Sofa Sisters. That is an endearing term one of my ladies gave to the ones of us who read this blog on a daily basis… (Dorothy in PA) We occasionally take turns leaving our seat on the sofa to go do something that takes us away for a short time, or even longer periods of time too. I have even been away for things and somehow the ladies on here carry on even without me at the helm. Sometimes someone will notice when a sofa sister is absent and will tell them, “We’ll hold a seat for you on the sofa!” It’s a wonderful community of friends who are as kind to each other as they are to their own families. I am SO blessed to have so many friends all over the world who feel the same way.

Whoops! You better hurry! *wink* *wink*

Tonight as we were at our Christmas Eve service, I looked around at all my friends that I see on a regular basis and was overwhelmed at how blessed I am! Afterwards, I passed out some treat bags of some (Mint Chocolate Cookie Bark and Bite Sized Chocolate Chip Cookies) and realized again how many people have touched my life.

May the Lord bless you this coming new year in ways you never thought possible. May He keep you in good health, may you have all you need, may your hearts be filled with peace and may you feel loved by a Heavenly Father who specializes in that!

Merry Christmas everyone!
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Merry Christmas to ALL THE SOFA SISTERS!”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you so much Jeanne, and I wish you and yours the same!

    That couch–wow, I think we certainly will find room for all of us, plus some new members too, so if you don’t chime in regularly, feel free to do so!

    Merry Christmas, and may all of you enjoy your special traditions of this holy season!

    1. Merry Christmas Linda,
      Thanks for your “permanent” seat on the couch! You’ve been sitting on the couch for 9 1/2 years! How can that be?
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you, Jeanne, and a happy and blessed Christmas to you and those sofa sisters who celebrate.

    Today we met my brother and family for lunch at a local restaurant. My husband Ron has been in kind of a funk lately, and this really helped lift his spirits–he got to sit with his #1 fan, our nephew John, and the two of them spent the entire time visiting. Ron ate the best I’ve seen him eat in a while, too. I made auntie points by having and reading a picture book to John’s 4-year-old son Rurik, and then giving him the book afterwards! And of course my brother and sister-in-law were there, too, and we all enjoyed visiting.

    Christmas Day we’ll have dinner at the adult family home where Ron lives; I baked a cake tonight to bring along.

    1. Merry Christmas Charlotte!
      I’m so glad you had family to share your Christmas day with.
      It doesn’t seem that long ago that you shared those baby gifts you made for Rurik.. how can that have been 4 years ago?
      Time certainly is moving along, isnt it?
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Your blog lifts my spirit and your love for me and the Lord are one of my greatest blessings. May your day be filled with exceedingly wonderful moments of love, joy and peace. You are greatly loved. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and George and to all the Sofa Sisters.

    1. Merry Christmas Gloria,
      We LOVE you too! You are a HUGE blessing to US!!
      We treasure the times when we get to spend time with you!!
      I pray this next year will be a wonderful time of refreshing for you!
      We love you!!
      Blessings, Jeanne and George

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, oh my goodness, I LOVE, the sofa!

    Thank you for being a touch point for us. We know that we can come here with our joy and our sorrow and share exactly how we feel. In this crazy world, it is nice to have a spot (a sofa seat) where we can be ourselves and not have to worry about being judged.

    We appreciate your leadership, your laughter, and most of all your love.

    I always think that things happen for a reason. This is as it should be, a divinely orchestrated gathering.

    You stepped out in faith to create your blog, not knowing that you would be making a space for us to enter, a voice for us to share, a seat for us to occupy. Thank you for letting us be the Sofa Sisters!

    Merry Christmas to all!

  5. Merry Christmas, to you Jeanne and to all my Sofa Sisters! I hope everyone has a wonderful day as we celebrate Jesus’ birth.
    An usually warm Christmas here in Ohio at 57 degrees now and we might reach 60. It’s beautiful and springlike and the sun is shining brightly. I love it and so much better for the porch kitties than cold and snow.

  6. Merry Christmas to Jeanne and all our Sofa Sisters!! May you all have a blessed day.
    I love the orange sofa!!!! Yes… that is us!!!

    I’ve enjoyed listening to the wonderful Christmas music everywhere. It makes me feel sentimental for past celebrations with family and enjoying today’s Christmases. So many beautiful songs celebrating Jesus birth!

    One of my favorite Christmas songs is The Little Drummer Boy. I can only imagine a scene like that and it’s humbling and spiritual even if it’s fictional … however there were the Angels and shepherds who were there. Maybe Jesus smiled to them.

  7. Debbie in North Carolina

    Jeanne, thank you for your daily posts and the messages from the sofa. Merry Christmas to all. 🎄

  8. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    I hope you are all having a wonderful day. It is the 26th and all over here for another year, only 364 days to go!
    Bless you all I love being on the sofa with you all even though I don’t comment a lot. Have a very merry Christmas with your family and friends

  9. Karen from Kentucky

    Merry Christmas, Jeanne and all the Sofa Sisters!! It is hard to imagine how much effort you put into your blog almost every day! Thank you so much for it!!

    May we all be open to receive all the graces that God wants to shower upon us through the Immaculate Heart of Mary this Christmas and throughout 2024!

  10. Barbara in SE Texas

    Amen to everything you said Jeanne. I love your blog and am grateful for that and all my sofa sisters. I have a pen pal on the Isle of Scalpay in Scotland. I met her through my daughter wanting a Scottish pen pal when we were going to Highland Games. The daughters gave up writing after awhile but the mothers (myself and Christina) have kept it up now for around 30 years. We’ve given support to each other through many things over a great distance but have never had the opportunity to meet in person. But I know that even distance relationships can mean a lot in life and sometimes, while I’m on the blog, I keep feeling that my sofa sisters are really present. We have a very large, inviting sofa filled with good people.

    David and I spent the day with Sean, Dionne and the three grandkids – Skyy, Jaiden and Azure. Jason and his fiancée Stephanie joined us. He got her a ring but it hasn’t arrived yet so for Christmas he gave her a ring pop instead. We had a lovely time but with that and two services at church yesterday and lots and lots of singing I must admit I’m exhausted. We celebrated my birthday today but David and I will be going to Cheesecake Factory tomorrow night for my official birthday dinner. They decorate the area so beautifully and while the food is good, the cheesecake tasty and the company very enjoyable (David), I really think I go there at this time of year for the decorations.

    Hope everyone had a great day!

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