“TINY TRAVELER” is now listed on Ebay

WOW! Thank you very much to the winner of Felicity’s “Colonial Stroll dress set!” I was stunned and thrilled at the same moment!

I can’t believe I was successful in getting Bailey’s dress set listed on Ebay… it took some doing, but I got it done! I just kept thinking of things I “could” add to her set, but ended up thinking what I had was enough.

If you would like to see the listing, you can click the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

Yesterday I took some outdoor pictures of Bailey and she was pretty photogenic in them… I’ll show you a few and then you can check out the listing.

Sorry, that’s it for today… Saturday is our church’s big Thanksgiving outreach to the International Students at the University. There is lots to do before it happens, so my time is limited.

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on ““TINY TRAVELER” is now listed on Ebay”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Congratulations on the Very successful auction of Felicity’s ensemble! I hope you had some cookies (and maybe chocolate) on hand to soften the blow when Felicity had to give it up!

    Bailey’s outfit is just as cute as it can be. I see it has a bid already, too–yay!!

    Our church has its Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday, also. The pastor and his wife prepare the turkey and potatoes and gravy; there’s a signup list for sides and desserts. I’m going to make Copper Pennies again; it can be made ahead, and leftovers keep well. There is always lots of food, of course! This year we’re having it at noon instead of in the evening; no one has to drive in the dark!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Felicity liked all the attention so I think she knows she’ll be in the limelight again.
      Now there are 2 bids! Woohoo!
      I know about and have the recipe for Copper Pennies too! I hope you’ll have a nice time at your dinner.
      I just got a text asking if we would be table hosts at our dinner…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What a thrilling finish to Felicity’s outfit, Jeanne! You certainly have somehting to be thankufl for next week! However, poor Felicity………!

    Little Bailey looks SO cute, no matter where you put her, inside or out! Good luck with this auction, but I think it is going to go very well!(understqatement of the year!)

    Charlotte, I’m intrigued, what is this Copper Penney dish you are making? Our church doesn’t do a Thanksgiving dinner, but instead has a big food drive for an inner parish in the city. I certainly understand the driving in the dark!! Not easy to do safely at our ages!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Excuse the typos above, but when I type, I know what I am typing, but the letters transpose AFTER I type them. Don’t know how to change that!

    2. Hi Linda,
      Thrilling was definitely what it was! I was flabbergasted!
      Felicity is fine… she standing in the doll cabinet waiting to see who gets picked next.
      Well, Bailey seems to have stolen some hearts with this set… it might be an interesting end to this one too! :o)
      What a very nice thing your church does…
      I have that Copper Pennies recipe too…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Susette from Southern California

    Congratulations! Well deserved. Twinkles is darling. Love the little suitcase!

    1. Thank you Susette….
      I wish I didn’t have so much to do right now… I’m itching to try another suitcase again…
      It will have to wait.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Great sale on Felicity’s outfit. Yay! And Bailey’s going to be right behind I think. She is just adorable in her ensemble, and the coloring in the outdoor photos is perfect. I really like the one by the gnarled tree, that may be a rock? Very interesting photo. The pic of her sitting on the bench with her feet up and her bag is too cute. It really highlights how sweet the pink jumper is as well.
    Busy time of year getting ready for Thanksgiving. We’re bringing broccoli/cheese casserole and a version of Jeanne’s corn dish with chilies added. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      Thank you… yes, that is a gnarly tree trunk and some of the roots are above the ground. I think it’s a Hickory tree…
      There is one spot close to the ground where the bark sticks out, making a sortvof ledge for my dolls to stand on.
      I’m not making my corn casserole this time, but my Sweet Potato Casserole. I wish I had a scoop of it right now! Yummy!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Congrats on Felicity’s auction. Every piece added a completion factor, I can’t say any one piece added the most. The same lace on the dress and her cream cap looks so nice and the tufts on the cap mimic the cape holes. As always it was fun to see this outfit come together.
    Bailey’s ensemble and her storyline are so cute and imaginative.

    1. Thank you for all your compliments on Felicity’s dress set. I about fell off my chair those last 20 seconds!!
      Thanks for your kind words about Bailey’s set too.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, Your Bailey is the cutest ever! Perfect for Anne of Green Gables! I love all the pieces and her hair and face are just right for your outfit.
    Congrats on the AG outfit, and this one should do really well, too!

    1. Thank you Sissy,
      I can’t quit thinking about your comments about your Meadow Dolls dresses not selling. I spend LOTS of time on the details of my dresses too so I know the dilemma of trying to hone in on the right price. I also know the heartbreak of an auction ending and getting no bids. The worst is when it’s a seasonal or holiday dress with no bids. Ugh! Do you hold onto it for a whole year or try and recoup some of your money…
      Anyway, just wanted to know I’ve been thinking about you and your work…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Congrats on Felicity’s outfit! This one will surely be a winner too! All those pieces and the scale is perfect too. Awesome photos of that teeny girl.
    Have fun with your church Thanksgiving. I’m sure the kids will have fun with the traditional menu. Don’t work too hard😉

    1. Thanks Kathie,
      I sure enjoyed putting Bailey’s set together. I actually didn’t want to stop on it…
      I’ll try not to work too hard… and just enjoy the evening and the food!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Jeanne I was ‘gobsmacked’ (yes I know, very English slang) when I saw how much Felicity’s outfit sold for. Congratulations! You must have been over the moon (yes, another English phrase) you must be delighted. It shows people are still prepared to pay for perfection and your sewing is perfection.

    It is late spring here and we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving though judging from all the overseas influences these days it might not be long before we do!!! No Thanksgiving but lots of Black Friday sales going on! Today is Show Day, that is the Canterbury A and P show. Lovely hot weather all week and today it is raining!

    Sam loves her job. she has always had ideas of what to do with the stuff at Creative Junk but as her children got older she had no outlet for the ideas. Now she can give her imagination free rein. Do you remember the old slot machines where you put in a penny and a ball dropped out? when it dropped down it had to navigate lots of obstacles then drop into a slot below. Well she made one of those last week using all sorts of items for the obstacles and the ball from deodorant roll ons for the ball. It was so clever, I wouldn’t have thought of it in a million years. I’ll see if she has photos and I’ll send pictures of some of the other stuff she has done. She’s getting lots of compliments from work, they seem to think she is doing a good job. It truly is her ‘happy place’.

    I’ll try to be a bit more regular in posting. I do read the blog every day and usually read all your comments but don’t always have time to comment myself.
    Have a great day everyone, is it Thanksgiving today? if it is have a lovely day whatever you are doing.

    1. Awww Anne,
      Your compliments on Felicity’s dress were “over the top!”
      I’m just amazed as all of you are at how my dresses sometimes sell. I mean TRULY amazed!!!
      I am so glad Sam enjoys her job. What she’s doing sounds REALLY FUN to me. I think I could PLAY every single day!
      I hope you can send some pictures of Sam’s handiwork. We’d all love to see some!
      I commented on your post yesterday and hope things improve with your back issues.
      Thanks Anne
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Thanksgiving is a week from today here, but Black Friday, sales have been happening very early rather than the day after turkey day. 🙂
      I would absolutely love to see Sam’s machine! Sounds like so much fun. Around here, many are trying to repurpose items, share, or simply not buy something unless very necessary. However, I seem to still pop into Joann’s fabrics and come out with absolutely necessary items. 🙂 Wish I had more willpower.

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