Day Six and more questions…

Hi everyone,
I hope you aren’t getting bored with the questions… it won’t be forever, just a bit longer…

My hubby made it through his surgery. It was 6 hours and more complex than the doctors had thought it might be. I may have to excuse myself for an extra day each week until he is strong enough to do more things. We’ll see…

I accidentally missed a few pictures of Laura’s… I found them and will post them next. Then Maybe Laura can fill us in on what they are doing…

Now, here are todays questions:

Question 1:
Are there any upcoming events you are planning on going to?

Question 2:
What hobby do you wish you had more time for?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Day Six and more questions…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m glad to hear George made it thru his surgery; six hours is a LONG time!! Ron’s colon surgery was three hours, as I recall, and it felt like forever. (That was in 2012.)

    Linda, I wanted to tell you, you are not the only one! When I was working at Stretch & Sew, teaching sewing, I was at work one evening and looked down, and suddenly realized I was wearing one navy shoe and one brown one! They were similar in style, and it was somewhat dark by the closet….I think I’d already been at work 2-3 hours when I discovered it!

    Marilyn, I like your idea of a RRFF week! And maybe we could do a Little Darlings week or an American Girl week–thus providing Jeanne with more photos to share while she’s busy taking care of George.

    1–Upcoming events: next March is Sewing Expo; I am Really looking forward to that!!

    2–I wish I had more time to sew; these days, what with being Ron’s caregiver, and frequently not getting enough hours of sleep (I end up napping during the day) because of being awakened by various things, my sewing time is limited. I miss being able to spend a couple of hours at a time in my sewing room. I feel like I’ve done well if I can get a whole hour without interruption!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, 6 hours is almost all day, so I can imagine how tired and exhausted physically and mentally you must have been! But he,…. and you, got through it, and now the recuperation starts. Yes, you WILL be busy, and I’m sure this will be hard for George to take things easy for a while, since he is always on the go.

    I added a comment yesterday to Marilyn’s suggestion, about a RRFF week, but somehow it never showed up. If the ladies who had them could send pictures , and share with the rest of us, it would be a fun idea, and give you time off from sewing. The same could be said of Little Darling dolls week, or American Girl doll week. You could just add some pictures of the outfits you have made for those dolls.

    Nothing is on my radar to look forward to in the near future, but I AM looking forward to Thanksgiving, when our son and family will be here and our daughter will be hosting the dinner! I’m off the hook this year! At the rate things are going, that will be here in no itme!

    As far as a hobby I wish I had more time for, it is gardening. I have to work around the weather and it hasn’t been ideal this year at all with the heat and storms. However, because of the heat and storms, I DO have more time to do things with my dolls, so there is a tradeoff!

    Keep strong and know we are pulling for the two of you! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Linda, we should campaign for a Betsy and family week. I know my Betsy would love it. LOL

  3. Susette from Southern California

    So glad George has come through the surgery well. That was really a long time and heโ€™ll need quite a while to recover. We know he has the best nurse in the world looking after him.

    You know Iโ€™ve been following the blog for many years and canโ€™t remember you ever taking off for more than a couple of days at a time. This is 2023, maybe you could ask the boss for a week or even two of vacation time or even chalk it up to family leave. Oh, I forgot . . . You ARE the boss! Weโ€™ll still be here, so please take all the time you need, both for yourself and George. We all love you โค๏ธ!

    1. Kathie from Omaha

      Ran errands this morning so just got to read the blog. Yikes 6 hours of surgery is so long when you are waiting and worrying. Keeping you on the prayer list๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป Working on something for you Jeanne. Will send it when I know you are home.
      Laura your AG dolls look perfect on that little quilt.
      That is what I would like to spend more time onโ€ฆ.quilting. I really want to start some Christmas Table Runners soon!

      1. Thank you so much, Kathie, and thanks for the kitty comment yesterday which I missed!

  4. 6 hours! God bless and keep him! I know how you feel when your hubby is in the hospital. I was nicknamed “Nurse Ratchit” when Peyton had his back surgery. I know you are doing all you can and we are all praying!

    Big event? I am going to MDCC on the 14th. It is held in Indianapolis this year. I will be giving a workshop on making my “Dolly H’Uggs” boots again.

    As for my hobby, sewing for dolls, I have a lot of time for, but I need to make house work a hobby and spend more time on that, LOL!

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      As a person who has substituted paid work for housework, I say no to that! Keep sewing so those of us with no talent can enjoy your work. Have fun at MDCC!

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Well, thanks for the update. That was a major surgery, and I’m sure that George will not feel his best the day after. Hopefully, he will be heading home soon, but not too soon. Hope that Jeanne, had some company during the 6 hours or that she was able to sew snaps on lots of little things.
    As to hobbies, it would be wonderful to have more time for sewing and dolls. Just too many other necessities seem to get in the way.
    Yesterday, other person came in and said that we had a yellow jacket nest in the ground. I had to immediately go and see where it was located. Odd place. Right at the edge of the lawn in the backyard and right where I was going to start doing some weed pulling. We had been all over the yard cutting blackberry etc. the day before and had not noticed it at all. I even watered there. Don’t hornets hate water? Anyway, I came in and emailed the Vector/Mosquito organization who also eliminates ground yellow jacket nests. Explained where it was briefly, that we had no dog, and to call us so we could open the gate. Then, we took off for Costco. Upon return, we had a message. Called and Kevin, who said that he had already been out. What? I asked how he got in the gate? He said that he was tall and just reached over and removed the clip. So much for our security. ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, even though I had just given a sketchy location, he had found the nest and sprayed it. They use an environmentally friendly Pythium stuff that works well. So, the jackets will be flying around for a day or so, but they won’t come back there and eventually die off. Pretty amazingly fast service and free as well. ๐Ÿ™‚
    So, when will George, be able to head home? or maybe he is already home. Hope there will be some home health care available to him so Jeanne can get a break occasionally.
    Loved seeing the rest of Laura’s pictures. That quilt the girls are playing on is lovely. Fun game of tic tac cat too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Joy in northern CA

      And I forgot. For those rash guard users, I just saw on the Mary Engelbreit store site that she has some pretty ones in her lovely flowered prints. Really cute. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. My goodness, 6 hours. Glad that is over for George. That was a long day for you. If George is still in the hospital, maybe you can get some rest. They have those nice recliners for those who stay with the patient.
    You will be the best nurse for him- just rest yourself. Donโ€™t worry about us. Weโ€™ll still be in the sofaโ€™s.

    Laura, the tic tax cat game is so cute!!! And the girls look so sweet playing with the little doll house. Love that little red London phone booth. I have a larger one I keep loose change in.

    Enjoyed Joyโ€™s story the other day. I honestly hear the music โ€œ Mission Impossible.โ€ With Joy, itโ€™s โ€œ Mission Almost Impossible!โ€
    Looking forward to seeing sisters and a secret 50 year old birthday party for my son. Hard to believe heโ€™s way grown up.

    Wish I had more time to spend in my doll room.

    1. Thank you, Paula! The Tic Tac Cat is made with a bunch of Playmobil cats. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Six hours is a long time to be in surgery, especially for the one waiting for it to be over. I think David’s heart surgery was something like five hours but it seemed to go fast because, since I was the only family member who could be in the waiting room, I was constantly contacting the rest of the family and friends about how it was going. But it was great that I constantly got text messages from the operating room during the surgery so I wasn’t stressed worrying about how it was going and could pass on the good news to everyone else. Praying for a successful and quick as possible recovery for George. Y’all remain in my prayers. I love that we in the south have a plural “you”.

    Thanks, Joy, for the info on the Mary Engelbreit store rash guards. I’m thinking about getting one before I head for the waterpark next year. I rented a cabana to stay out of the sun but did go in the water for just a short while. I still got sunburn on my shoulders and upper arms. The sun here is so strong. Where I grew up we rarely burned just got lightly toasted. When my kids were growing up I did not take them to the pool until after 3 p.m. and I’ve done the same with the grandkids. But the waterpark is an all-day affair so I need to be more careful. We’ve had ground wasps and didn’t know we had them until Jason got stung one day while mowing. We looked up on the internet how to get rid of them but it took a few days to be sure they were gone.

    I love Laura’s pictures. She’s got the best of all worlds. Sweet little kitties and beautiful dolls. She provides them all with interesting things to keep them busy and then provides us with wonderful pictures to enjoy. Beautiful quilt!

    Laura’s pictures reminded me that Sean and Dionne found a stray kitten outside their house. Dionne posted on Facebook that the kitten needed a home. But it seems like the kitten has already found her forever home. The kids love her and she has the most incredible personality. They have two other cats but they tend to be a bit reclusive. This little kitten is the most social cat I’ve ever seen. She is the cutest and a lot of fun to watch.

    1. Awww thank you so much, Barbara! Yes, I really do have the best of best worlds. Sometimes the worlds combine as my kitties love to snuggle with a certain couple of my AG girls and I let them. ๐Ÿ™‚
      Yes, kitties pick the best home for them. Glad Sean and Dionne kept their little sweetie.

  8. Wow six hours is a long surgery. So happy to hear George came through fine and hopefully is beginning his recovery. Marilyn’s suggestion sounds fun. We would certainly all get our dolly fix between RRFF, Little Darlings, and, PC/AG girls and I believe everyone has at least one of one of them.

  9. Debbie in North Carolina

    Continuing to pray for George and for you. Also enjoying everyone’s photos and comments.

  10. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    6 hours! Poor George. And poor you. I’m thankful that he has come through that part, now it is the hard part for you! Remember to rest yourself or you won’t be able to help him.
    It is Kai’s 18th birthday today (4th), Jono will have his 21st birthday in Australia. They leave in about 2 weeks I can see Sam being a mess. Jono won’t even go to the shop on his own so this is a massive deal for two kids with severe anxiety, travelling 2000kms on their own to stay with someone they only know on line! Still, anyone with a rescue cat with three legs isn’t likely to be a serial killer, right Laura? Kai isn’t as bad as Jono so I think she will find the travel less stressful than he would have on his own.
    I must send some pictures that Sam has done with pencil. I think they are amazing. She is working on one for the kids host of his two cats (including the three-legged one). Ashley seems to have inherited her ability to draw she is very good as well.
    Talking of Ashley she goes to High School next year and Sam has been looking at the different options available. She could go to the local school as she is in the zone for that one but she is very creative (as well as very tech savvy) and probably won’t do well in a more academic environment. Anyway, Sam applied for two schools other than Mairehau (the local one) and Ashley got into both so now she has to make a decision which one she goes to. I think she is leaning toward Ao Tawaiti, known as Unlimited, (aren’t you glad you don’t have to say that out loud lol) but none of her friends are going there but a couple are going to Hagley (Sam’s old school). Sam has explained that it isn’t a good idea to go to a school just because her friends are. She will make new friends whichever school she goes to but she is still only 12 so to her friends are important.
    OK the questions; I wish I had more time for sewing. The last 18 months I have barely been out there because of my hip. Now Sam and I are trying to sort it to accommodate all her craft stuff as well as mine so not much time for actual creativity.
    Event I’m looking forward to, not much of an event really but I see the surgeon on Thursday and hope he will clear me to drive again and go to the pool.
    Take care everyone, hope it has cooled down for you, we had a cold snap last week, no snow here but lots on the ski fields and further down south. Roll on spring, only 4 weeks to go, yay.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      So, curious as to how Ashley will get to school? If one is a long drive, it might be hard for any after school activities especially if there is a bus to catch. I think going to a new school at 12, would be really hard not knowing anyone. I know it would have been for our grand who is also 12. But, I’m sure Ashley will do well regardless.
      Hope you can get back to sewing as your creations are fabulous. ๐Ÿ™‚

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      There is a real dilemma regarding kids and school these days. So much simpler when I was growing up. Public school, private school or Catholic school. And whichever was chosen was usually where you stayed. I noticed Joy’s comment. Seems like we all have grandchildren about the same age. Skyy was 13 this week and Jaiden is 11 but will be 12 in December. She is going to the middle school version of her charter school. Skyy opted to leave the charter school for regular school when he started middle school “because his friends would be there”. He now wishes he had chosen differently. The friends he changed for are no longer at his school and Dionne has him on the wait list to get into Jaiden’s school but it’s not working well since there is a lottery. But recently Sean and Dionne are talking about homeschooling since Dionne is home and they’ve been researching a great program that would really benefit both children who have different learning styles and interests. My daughter and her husband have decided to homeschool their son who will be starting school this fall.

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