Seventh day questions and hopefully almost done…

Guess what? I found a little bit of time when my hubby was sleeping to do a little handwork. I packed my handy dandy pouch I was given a few years ago, with some embroidery floss, a needle and a few pieces of stabilizer…

This is going to be Ten Ping’s new crest for her black felt jacket…

Obviously the T and P stand for Ten Ping!

Thanks everyone… this was maybe a bit silly for some of you, but it still let you carry on with each other…

Question 1:
Who is, or was, your favorite comedian?

Question 2:
What is the worst thing you have ever eaten?

Thanks everyone,
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Seventh day questions and hopefully almost done…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m so glad you had some things along so you could do a little needlework; I always tried to have something along to work on when Ron was in the hospital–smocking, knitting, whatever…it just seemed to help relax me a bit and kind of rested my brain, if that makes sense to you.

    I do like TenPing’s new crest! Cute idea!!

    1–I think my favorite comedian was Red Skelton. His humor was funny, and it was clean. He would sometimes laugh at himself, which for some reason bothered my late father-in-law, but, as Ron tried to explain to him, Red was, first and foremost, a clown, so it was okay for him to laugh!! (One year for Christmas Ron got me a print of Red’s Pledge of Allegiance–and Red Skelton had signed it–twice! Once when the print was made, and again when he visited the shop in Seattle where Ron bought it. It hangs in our hallway. Unfortunately we never did get to meet him.)

    2–Oh, worst thing I’ve ever eaten….mom’s liver and onions (sorry, mom!). I think she cooked it to death–and it was like tough, grainy paste as you chewed. Ew. It wasn’t until I went away to college and they served liver and onions in the dining hall that I realized that not all liver tasted like mom’s!! Now I do order it in a restaurant, just once in a great while (cholesterol), and actually rather like it!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I like the idea of a little crest for Ten Ping’s jacket! Although the button was cute, it did seem a bit large for the jacket. Glad you have something to do there at the hospital! I hope things are going well for George.

    Ok, finally I know who is my favorite comedian! Carol. Burnett, and Lucille Ball are in a tie, and yes, I will agree with Charlotte, Red Skelton is a good one too. They all had their own tv shows too, and were able to do physical comedy, which I prefer to todays comedians just stand there cracking jokes. No real entertainment in that, plus sometimes they are too sarcastic.

    The worst thing I ever ate would be stewed tomatoes! I still cannot stand them and will not buy canned tomatoes for any dish, chili included! They just look, so terrible, I can’t even stand to get them close to my mouth! My mother never made them very much, maybe she felt the same, but my girlfriend who lived next door, invited me to dinner every so often and yes, her mother always seemed to have stewed tomatoes every time I came! Ugh! Soft, warm tomatoes are just not my thing!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I did not like tomatoes of any kind growing up, but when I had my mother in law’s Italian spaghetti, I changed my tune. 🙂 I know that I can’t eat a canned tomato either unless it is in spaghetti sauce. 🙂

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Well, I’m glad to hear that you had a slice of me time. Hope George, is healing nicely and can go home soon. The TP emblem is ever so much nicer. The button just wasn’t doing it for me. I’m sure she will appreciate all of your efforts. Can’t wait to see it installed on her blazer.
    Well, of all things, I have another doll delivery today. Just received an update from USPS, and the delivery was changed from tomorrow to this morning as she arrived on the west coast. We have things to do today, so I have no idea how this delivery will pan out. We finally finished cutting back the oleander in front so won’t be out there when the mail arrives. We may not be home either. So, I may be in trouble with that obvious doll box sitting on the porch upon arrival home. We’ll see. As to the contents, this RRFF cutie is from awhile back and starts with an M. Any guesses?
    As to the worst thing ever eaten, I have two as I dislike them both immensely. Peas and Lima beans. Can’t abide either of them. Ugh.

    1. Looking forward to seeing your new line up of dolls, Joy! I hope the box arrives in such away that the other person doesn’t notice.

  4. The new crest is perfect! Looking forward to seeing the finished outfit!

    My fave comedian is Gene Wilder. I just love his films overall but especially when he played Willie Wonka. I actually saw him once, standing next to me admiring the Empressionists painting at the Met in NY. I didn’t disturb him but just seeing him close enough to touch, really took my mind off my paintings, LOL!

    Yes, Liver and onions, gag, my mother loved them and cooked them far too often.

    I guess some of you would not like my stewed tomatoes with okra and corn. Yum!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Sissy, I would love your okra and tomatoes if you fried the okra first. Okra is so slimy.

      1. Barbara, it is not slimy in that dish, the slime gets mixed in with the tomatoes and corn and you know know it is there.

    2. Linda in St. Louis

      Oh please, why put stewed tomatoes on yummy okra and corn, Sissy? I actually like liver and onions, sort of, but don’t care for the texture of liver, but absolutely live carmelized onions! Did anyone make Tennessee Onions? Love those!

        1. Linda in St. Louis

          Very good, Joy! Sliced onions in a casserole dish covered with various cheeses and baked in the oven! So good and very easy! Maybe we could have a recipe exchange here,

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Love the crest for Ten Ping’s blazer. I only took a book when David was having his surgeries because I wanted to keep an eye on the texts from the operating room and, at least for his knee surgeries, he seemed to be in and out so we were home very quickly. But there were times when he had jobs where he had to take the equipment but it left him without a car to go to lunch or run an errand. So I often followed him in our car. I would take crochet projects to work on and often his job was in the vicinity of a Hobby Lobby or a JoAnn’s so I could hang out there for hours if it got too hot to sit in the car.

    My favorite comedian: I have several and they seem to be the same ones as others. I loved Red Skelton (especially his Clem Kadidlehopper (sp?)). I loved Carol Burnett (and all her cast) and still catch her reruns but sadly her production numbers were evidently licensed and so they are cut from the reruns and the show is a half hour instead of the hour it was originally. And Gene Wilder has always been one of my favorites because he could not only be funny but serious at the same time. One of my favorite movies of his is “Silver Streak”. I’ve watched that movie tons of times and enjoy it each time.

    Liver and onions. Yuck!! Never liked it never will. Followed by oysters. My mother loved cooking liver and onions and oyster stew. Funny thing is I love the taste of liver and actually enjoy the Scottish dish Haggis but the texture of a piece of liver doesn’t work for me.

    1. Yes, Barbara, you have got Gene Wilder, Silver streak, I was trying to remember the name of it.

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    I join everyone in admiring the new crest. I’m looking forward to the matching outfit for Ten Ping’s eventual husband, Paul.

    Comedian — I was quite fond of George Burns as God in “Oh, God.”

    At least memorably bad was some Chinese food served in New Mexico many years ago. It is very difficult to find bad Chinese food but this smelled and tasted like a bottle of vinegar had been spilled in it.

    I’m glad George’s recovery is going fairly smoothly. Isn’t he finally old enough for Medicare? I loved it when my cancer doctor’s financial person said that between Medicare and supplemental insurance, I was completely covered.

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