American Girl, Rebecca, got a pair of red mittens…

HI everyone,
I totally forgot about the “blue bubble” you experience when you have eye surgery… I was talking to my sister, Cindy, and I finally figured out how to describe it… I told her it was like having a navy blue balloon taped to my riht cheek… whenever I move, it jiggles, when I look down, it moves up and I can see the complete “balloon circle”, if I tip my head back, I can see just over the top of the bubble… anyway, I had forgotten about that part of the recovery process. So far, I don’t have a black eye with this surgery, but I do have a bad headache… I’ll be back to normal soon… Joy, I have to wear the clear plastic shield for a week, mostly at night, so you don’t rub your eye…and eye drops 4 times a day…

Well, I told you I thought I had figured out a way to keep my street light/lamp on while I took my pictures. It was simple… I used a clip like you use to close your potato chips… I could also have used a clothespin. Here is the little button you have to press to make the light come on…

…and here it is with the clip pressing the button…

I just hid it behind the black lamp base.

The next problem to solve was how to make Rebecca look like she was holding the music folder while she was caroling. I tried rubber bands, loops on her thumbs, string, ribbon strung across her fingers, and I finally decided on this…

I made a pair of red fleece mittens and put a piece of adhesive velcro on the thumb area. Then I put a piece of adhesive Velcro on the sheet music… you can just stick the gloves to the music in the spot where the adhesive is, and it holds the music in place.

The mittens have to be tucked up under the white cuffs of her dress to look right… but they have velcro on them anyway, so it’s easy to undo the cuffs, slide the mittens on, lap the cuffs and hook the velcro, then place the sheet music folder where the thumbs stick to the velcro on the music…

Once I had the light staying on issue solved, and the mittens figured out, and then how they both went together, it was time to take some pictures, to see if I could get it to look like it was evening… these are some of my shots…

I was looking for a background last night on Ebay and Etsy, but wasn’t sure if I wanted to go that direction… I’m just selling a doll outfit, not making this into a production…

Each picture is slightly different than the one before it… I hope you enjoy seeing how this all came together…

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “American Girl, Rebecca, got a pair of red mittens…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a terrific idea for Rebecca to hold her music!! I knew you’d figure it out, Jeanne, and it fits with the scenario. Love the lamppost, too; I believe some did have deep bases as yours does, so it “fits”, too! Praying for healing in your eye.

    Kathie, thank you for sharing those pictures. Although all the dolls are lovely (and this from one not really into antiques), my favorite was the sweet little doll in the burgundy velvet dress. That said, I also really liked the mold used for Martha Washington’s head. She looks like a nice lady.

    Dorothy, good to see you back; I’m glad all is well. This is a busy time of year!

    Several asked….yes, we did get up to my appt.; roads were bare and wet, and we didn’t see any accumulation of snow until we were done! The doctor said I “really did it”–there are THREE small breaks/bits broken off the top of my humerus! No cast, as it’s right in the shoulder area. Sling off as tolerated. And then…

    At 9:30 Tues. night our power went off–all over our town, apparently!–and was off for 34 HOURS! The house temp went down to 46 before power came back on at 7:30 this morning (Thurs.). We mostly stayed under covers as it got colder. Our dear neighbors brought a thermos of soup, as well as shoveled the drive and walk yesterday, and invited us over there (they have a generator for there furnace) but it would have meant more stairs and Ron doesn’t do well with them.

    I had thrown my down coat over the bed last night, which helped, but this morning we had to change Ron’s trousers, and he was shivering really hard. I was very worried, ready to call 911. And just then, the lights and heat came back on! Thank you, Lord!

    Next time I change the bed, the down comforter is going back on!

    1. Omgosh Charlotte! You are amazing. Injury… super cold…and snow. All at once😵‍💫you are one tough lady! Hugs❤️

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, oh my goodness, I had no idea. I am putting you on my prayer list. Please just take it easy.

  2. I’m glad your eye surgery is going well, hopefully your navy blue balloon will shrink down soon it must be so strange to see it there.

    Setting the scene for your lovely Christmas outfit I wonder, if you turned the screen you used for Molly’s outfit around would it look like a window into a Christmas room? Maybe a chair and a tree with some Christmas wrapping paper taped to the wall for wallpaper would work.

    Just an idea, I can see Rebecca standing outside in the lamplight singing carols

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    You did it again, Jeanne! Those mittens are genius and also the way you kept the light on the latern glowing! Mittens are just the thing for this outfit too, if she is stinging outside in the winter air! I think the taller fence is much better than the tiny one you previously had. While a background would be nice, it might make it look too busy, when after all, you are trying to highlight the outfi. I especially love that last picture!,

    Speaking of winter air, my goodness Charlotte, I can’t imagine how in the workd you managed to survive with 36 hours of no power in that cold weather! So glad you have such kind neighbors that helped, and yes, get that down comforter on the bed soon!! You certainly have had quite a year, and I bet you are anxious to be done with 2022!

    Jeanne, I hope your headache is a thing of the past, or at least a lot better! That bubble doesn’t sound like fun either, and I hope your eye is back to normal in time to celebrate Christmas! More and more, I understand the key to a happy life is good health. Nothing more needed to enjoy what life brings us!

  4. Glad your eye surgery went well, Jeanne, and hope both the headache and blue bubble leave soon! Your mitten solution for holding the music is genius!! For holding light items in the future, if mittens aren’t appropriate, small spots of Mack’s Silicone Ear Plugs can probably do the job. It’s available at Walmart and all drug stores for around $4. (The same product that’s used by collectors to insert and hold glass and acrylic eyes in resin BJDs.) Mack’s leaves no residue and can just be rolled off and reused.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Hope the blue bubble vanishes quickly as it would be very annoying, and I think the headache needs dousing as well. Hopefully, this morning you are feeling chipper once again.
    Very clever velcro/mitten/music idea. And that clip on the gaslight works perfectly. I like this fence much better, and eliminating the tiny snowman really draws the attention to the exquisite outfit which is what matters. 🙂 I love that flaming gaslight too. 🙂
    Another frosty morning here, but fortunately the heater is working for us, unlike Charlotte. So glad she had kind neighbors and that the heat finally returned.

    1. Thank you Emma,
      So nice to have you join us! I’m glad you like the mittens! Took me a while to figure them out, but I like them now!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Ok…third time hopefully a charm😉my words disappeared twice.
    Jeanne you are the blue bubble Queen! How did you do that with one eye? The mittens were a fantastic idea and complete the whole outfit😉. Love the pictures that look like it’s dark outside.
    Hope the eye is responding like it should😉and it will be back to normal asap

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Jeanne, does your lamp not have a dedicated switch also? Usually the type switch you showed is so people can’t turn the lamp, etc., on in the store and leave it on wearing down the batteries. I’ve bought several things like this but they always have a switch elsewhere for use after you buy them.

    I love the mittens and the way you made it so Rebecca could hold the music using Velcro was great.. Perhaps it’s a good thing you forgot about the blue bubble. I didn’t. That’s why the thought of more eye surgery made me queasy. It seems like that would mess with your equilibrium.

    Charlotte, I’m glad you made it to your appointment but wish your damage had been less. Your electricity/heat dilemma reminds me of here in Texas in February 2021. We had our power most of the time in the beginning but Sean and Dionne’s power was out for about 24 hours the first day of the storm. And they had a newborn baby who was having trouble regulating his body temperature which added to their distress. Every so often they would back the car out of the garage and turn on the heater. Then they would go back in the house and climb under a pile of blankets. When it still did not come on they came out our way. They were not here long when a neighbor called them and said the power was back on. The next morning everything went out for us including water. Sean and family went home and by the end of the day we left to spend time with them while we were waiting for our things to come back up. I wonder how the pioneers made it through the winter with nothing but a fireplace that didn’t warm things much and no electricity. And I always wondered how the first Texas settlers managed without A/C in the summer here. I gather from your comment that Ron is doing okay and hopefully will have no ill effects from his ordeal. Being cold and wet is never good no matter what age.

    David went to the doctor the other day and we were both pleased with his findings. His blood work came back with flying colors in all categories. Aside from the blood pressure medication he takes, which didn’t need changing, he does not need any other.

    Sean just helped me put up my tree. That is it is standing in the corner of the dining room and, since it is pre-lit, it looks great from outside. Sean won’t be here Monday and I wanted to be able to start decorating the tree this weekend. The guys finally created a path through their remodeling materials and tools in the garage so I can reach my Christmas decorations and I hopefully will have that done by the end of next week. But my Chorale concert is next Friday, dress rehearsal is Thursday and we are singing for the bank Christmas open house on Wednesday so I’m not sure how my time is going to pan out but I’m staying flexible. And trying to stay healthy. Our weather this year is fluctuating earlier than usual and everyone has colds. I’m over the one I acquired on vacation and I’m hoping to stay that way, at least through the holidays.

    1. Thank you Dorothy,
      I was hoping to hear from you soon… I missed your comments… AND you! :o)
      Nice to have you back today…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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