Ten Ping is ready to show you her new Christmas set…

Hi everyone… I know lots of you seem to be having trouble getting my blog posts daily and I’m sorry, but I have been on hyper speed trying to get things on my list checked off, and haven’t had a moment to check into it… but I will… There is a way I could possibly try and see if it works… and that is if you want ME to sign you up for the posts… I just need your name and your email that the posts come to… if you have ME sign you up, you can’t unsubscribe unless you let me know… I have to be the one to unsubscribe you… If anyone wants to try this, I would be happy to give it a try… It will essentially override your sign up… I’ve done it for several people before…

I was busy making my mashed potatoes and sweet potato souffle for the International Student’s Thanksgiving Dinner tonight, so my morning was filled with boiling my potatoes, and getting them riced… Then I went to the Food Pantry and worked until 3:30. When I got home I had to put my potatoes together and bake my souffle and get them to the church by 6:30. Then I came home to a kitchen full of dirty dishes. My hubby would have done them, but he was busy getting heaters turned on at the church and doing some winterizing jobs on his list…

What I wanted to say, was, I haven’t had a moment to look at my post today and see what’s being “talked” about, but as soon as I get this post written, and get in bed, I’ll check it out. Didn’t want you to think I have abandoned ship! :o) It’s pretty sad when “I’m” the last one to read my post! :o(

Okay, first up, a few things left over from yesterday…

My sister, Cindy, sent me another Amaryllis and I can’t wait to see it start growing. I have been so busy I didn’t even take it out of it’s box yet… when it arrived it was FREEZING cold! So I put it on the table and a turned a heater toward it.

Next… we have been getting eggs from one of our hens and it looks like they are wrinkled leather… poor baby! I don’t know what her trouble is, but she laid another one today that was worse than this one…

The other day I was at our Thrift Shop and I saw these leather shoes and thought they might be fun to try and replicate…

I told you I picked up a few things at the Oldies, But Goodies antique store we stopped at the other day… I found this cute metal dress form and thought it might be a fun prop to use for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends… Stella jumped off the dolly shelf to be “Vanna White” and show it to you…Sorry about her “attire!”

I also found this one a few weeks ago and really liked the shape of it… I grabbed Chrissa to show you the size of it…

I forgot (again) to take a picture of the “ugly” chair my hubby said we “had” to have… maybe later… when its “ugliness” wears off.

Okay, so who is ready to see what I finished up for Ten Ping. She’s 8″, if you didn’t know…

I’ll start off by showing you all the pieces…

There is the dress, the pantalettes, a pair of fun red leather shoes, a winter white wool felt jacket, a wool felt hat, and a teddy bear. I think Ten Ping named her Betty! :o)

I didn’t have the right shade of green wool felt…the leaves in the fabric are pretty olive and what I had was too kelly green or too minty green… I didn’t have any red that matched this particular shade, but I had a brand new piece of winter white, so I decided to use it… I only had a 10 x 12 square of it… so I had to be careful…

I used a lighter green thread and edged the jacket and hat with my machine… Then I did some free hand work with embroidery floss and tried to mimic the holly leaves and berries. This is what I came up with…

Mirror image embroidery takes time to get it just right. I felt like I was stitching in slow motion as I pulled my thread through the felt… so it wouldn’t be pulled too tight (in case I had to pick it out!)

I made Ten Ping a sweet little pair of slip on shoes in leather and decided to line the soles with the same fabric as her dress… Then I used a gold metallic trim to finish them…

Here’s Betty!

We had a nice photo shoot and here are a few more poses from her…

I should have pulled her wig up “slightly” but didn’t notice it was a bit low until I was all done.. UGH! Oh well…

Okay, so let all the Ten Ping’s you know and their friends, this set will be listed on Ebay as soon as I can find a chunk of time to do it! I haven’t settled on a name for this one yet, but kind of liked Winter White… hmmm…

Well, I’m heading to bed to see what you all were up to today…

See you Monday… Stay warm and stay safe!
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “Ten Ping is ready to show you her new Christmas set…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Ooh, ooh, I have a name for the outfit! Christmas Berries in the Snow! Well, a suggestion, anyway. So far my little Gigi has been too busy taking care of mommy’s owie to notice,,,I Think! 😂 (She does already have several “Jeanne Marie” creations, so don’t feel Too sorry for her!)

    Karen, I added a comment to your reply yesterday. Especially having to do with childhood birthdays…

    Jeanne, I just don’t know where you get all your energy, but I sure admire you for all you get done in the course of a day! And exhausted–it just plum wears ME out! 😂🤣😂

    Once again, the link only led to the set-up site, but as long as I can get to it the other way, I’ll leave it for the moment. Maybe on Monday you’ll get it sorted out.

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      Thank you, Charlotte! I replied back to your comment on yesterday’s post. I hope things aren’t too painful for you!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, the first thing I thought of when looking at the pictures of Ten Ping in her darling outfit was snow! I love that the jacket is a pure white, that makes it look so modern and fresh! Everything about it is perfrct for her, I and wish I had a doll that tiny to get it for! Just perfect in every which way! The embroidery, the beads, the darling shoes, and I love the back view of the hat! This turned out to be a fabulous outfit! Betty the bear is perfect too, I can’t believe how small she must be!

    Your amaryrllis looks very cold! I hope you got the frost off and it grows for you!
    And that egg! I thought first that it was a loaf of bread!!

    You sure are one busy person, and the way you run around doesn’t give you time to get cold for long! Sign me up to get the blog!

  3. Berry sweet outfit! Does anyone know if the little Madame Alexander we used to have can wear this Alize? Just thinking . . . And I could have sworn the bear said it’s name was Benny!?
    I’m not getting your blog either, but you’re not getting away I track you down too like I guess a lot of others are doing.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Poor hen. I looked up wrinkled eggs, and there are several causes for anyone interested.
    1. Bronchitis
    2. Stress in the flock
    3. Too much hen scratch in the diet or fatty treats instead of formulated feed.

    I’m guessing that there must be some kind of glitch at WordPress to cause the sudden switch in the emails I have received for years. Some have not been getting emails at all and now, as of a few days ago, others are getting the emails, but when opened, it is impossible to view the main blog. It flips to a how to set up WordPress. Has Jeanne done a test recently to see if when she signs someone up they actually receive the blog correctly? Seems like a waste of time to have to hand enter everyone that receives the blog when it is a WordPress problem. Maybe talk to WP before you start in redoing all of your readers. How many will that be?
    Ten’s new outfit looks nice and cozy for the winter blasts most have been receiving. Cute little shoes too. Lucky girl. 🙂
    Lots to do on most lists this week. If any free time, there are so many great holiday old movies on tv right now. Fun. 🙂

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Oh what a darling outfit!! I think I determined previously when I bought a Ten Ping sized outfit that her clothes also fit my Little Charming doll who is hurting for clothes. These dolls were supposed to be the replacement for the Heartstring Dolls that Jo Flitton used to sell and make amazing clothes for but the promises made have not reached fruition to my disappointment. You can buy a few usually seasonally dressed dolls and the basic dolls but the additional wardrobe items have never materialized. The woman who has Ginny Doll Creations has added dresses for the Little Charmings but they are all the same style.

    In the words of Wednesday Addams, today is very “gloooomy”. Cold, dark and rainy. I need to do some laundry but my washer has been moved to my new laundry room and I forgot to tell David to finish hooking it up before he left for the shop. I’m waiting for him to show up for lunch so I can remind him.

    I did try out my new serger yesterday. I love it. What is really amazing is that it is so quiet. Even when stitching fast. I’ve never heard a quiet serger before. And the perfect stitching is great. There are also two pages in the instruction book that tell you what other types of threads you can use for decorative stitching, etc., and it tells you how exactly to use them since some work in both the loopers and needles and some only work in the loopers depending on the thickness of the thread. It’s great having all that at my fingertips. I also discovered that I can use my embroidery thread in both the loopers and needles for accent stitching. I have a ton of colors of embroidery thread so it should be fun seeing what new doll clothes creations I can come up with.

    Karen mentioned yesterday that they put their tree up Christmas Eve. We always did that (well my parents did) when I was growing up and it was so beautiful Christmas morning. We lived in PA and always had live trees from the Poconos. Since I’ve been in Texas and don’t trust live trees here since you don’t know how long they’ve been traveling to get here, we have put our artificial tree up earlier. Our tree sits in the corner window of our dining room. The first Saturday in December is Sealy’s Fantasy of Lights celebration and we’re on the main road into town so we try to put the tree up soon after Thanksgiving so we can share it with everyone coming for the event.

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