I worked all day on Molly’s dress and NEVER saw it…

I literally worked all afternoon and evening on Molly’s dress. I was matching up plaids, lining up the vintage rick rack. I even tried out 3 different sleeves and decided on the ones you see. It’s not hemmed yet and the back isn’t finished yet… but here it is on Molly…

I was second guessing myself on the color for Molly (like I think Joy mentioned), and so I got Addy off the doll shelf and she said, “Move over Molly, it’s my turn to try it on!”

I did have second thoughts about it being for Molly after I saw it on Addy… but as I was straightening the bodice on Addy, I saw it…
Anyone guessed it yet?

It was a flaw in the fabric… this isn’t a very good picture, but I think you can see it…

It’s one tiny little slub in the fabric where the the print didn’t get laid down right. It’s like a flap… with the white being underneath. This is what it looks like when you flip that little “flap” back up…

I was just sick… right there in the front!!! ARRRGGGG!!!

What am I going to do about it??? For now, CRY! and go to bed… I’ll figure out something tomorrow!

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “I worked all day on Molly’s dress and NEVER saw it…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    The dress is coming along very nicely, Jeanne, and I do like it on both Molly and Addy.

    The flaw? I would get out a brown Pigma or other permanent pen (test it on scrap fabric first) and lightly touch the white part of that little slub, just enough to color it a bit. Press it with the iron to set the color. Voila! Gone!!

    1. Hi Charlotte
      It’s kind of a muted cocoa color and finding a pencil this color would be a miracle… but that was a good idea.
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Pigma is a brand of permanent felt-tip pen (not pencil), in varying degrees of fineness, from I think 0.05 or 0.025 to maybe 2.0. There are other permanent fabric markers, too (Sharpie now has a wide range of colors, designed for using on fabric) from which to choose. Take a scrap of your fabric to Michael’s or Hobby Lobby, and see if they have something close.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Once I saw this dress on Addy,… jackpot!! Although i loved it on Molly, I think it resembles a Civil War dress now, especially with that length of the skirt, which I know isn’t really hemmed yet for Molly. Leaving it long, makes it look like a Civil War dress, and i think Addy is the one who should wear it. Are you sure you didn’t change the lighting of the pictures, one with Molly and one with Addy? The dress looks a lot lighter when Addy wears it!

    As far as what you call a flaw, maybe it is, but if you did what Charlotte mentioned, I don’t think it would be a flaw at all. It’s just the way fabric is sometimes. If you decide to throw that dress out, please throw it my way!! 🙂

    Now as for Molly, how about making her that cute dress with the black vest-look top and a red plaid skirt for Christmas? I think she is very confused at this point!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Oh, good… I’m glad you see it as a Civil War dress for Addy, because I did too… and guess what? Addy is taking things over from here!! :o)
      And I AM going to make that dress everyone likes for Molly… next!
      Thanks for your input!!
      Blessings. Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Bummer! So sorry about the flaw. Since the fabric is a heavy looking weave, perhaps you can gather a long enough piece of thread of that brown color from the extra and after trying the coloring as Charlotte suggested, weave the matching thread over the spot. Might work. I do like the dress on Addie. Thanks for showing it on her. 🙂
    Around here, still waiting for dolls that seem stuck in various places. I think some tiny shoes might arrive today though. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      That’s the problem… it’s a printed piece of fabric, not woven so there ARE no threads to weave… I did come up with a solution… you’ll see it tomorrow… and yes, Addy is the new model for this dress.
      I hope your new dolls arrive soon… im still debating about a second Rose. I bought green, but am thinking of getting another one to sell, but don’t know if I want the hassle of doing it.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Yes, that’s so very annoying! I’ve had success coloring in flaw with either crayon and then putting paper towel over it and absorbing wax or permanent color markers.

    1. Hi Marla,
      I was at the Thrift shop here in town today and had seen your comment before I went there… so when I saw a huge bag of loose crayons, I bought them, and I found the color Raw Sienna was a pretty close match. I colored a small spot, laid a piece of waxed paper on top, ironed it, and it was pretty close… but I ultimately decided to do something else.
      Thanks for that tip though.. I have a huge bag of crayons that I’ll have to use on something else.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Darling dress on both the girls. That flaw is annoying but fixable. A brown colored pencil would work too. It’s not like there would be a lot of movement on the doll in that area. I missed yesterday so that is so much accomplished and so attractive. Now of course the extras. Always fun to anticipate what is next.
    Have a good week☺️

    1. Hi Kathie,
      If it was a regular brown, that might have worked, but it’s a strange color of brown. I will keep that in mind… but I did something else..
      Thanks for your idea…
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Hi Nan?
      You read my mind, but I had already done it before I saw your comments! You’ll see it tomorrow!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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