You’ll have to use your imagination for American Girl Molly’s new dress…

Just to let you know, Violette’s orange and black set was listed on Ebay Saturday evening. You can see it on Ebay by clicking the picture on the right side bar, or click HERE.

I tried taking some pictures of her Saturday afternoon, but it was too sunny and my pictures looked washed out except for a few…

This one was okay…

These 2 didn’t work at all…

I saw a picture of a vintage pattern on Ebay and instantly thought I’d like to make it using a brown and black plaid in my stash. It’s a soft warm brown and I thought it would look good on Molly…

But, like I said… you really will have to imagine what this is going to look like when it’s finished. Molly was thrilled that she was chosen this time!

Here is the pattern that inspired me. I like all three dresses and will probably use these ideas for her next dress.

I only was able to get the pieces cut out and pressed, but hope to get some sewing done on it Monday.

I hope you’ll stay tuned for what’s to come! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “You’ll have to use your imagination for American Girl Molly’s new dress…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I see you already have a bid on Violette’s orange and black ensemble. Yay!!

    That brown plaid is really pretty on Molly–or should I say, Molly looks really pretty in it?! Anyway, I think it’s going to be a lovely dress for her, and I really like the pattern you’ve used for your inspiration. Now, maybe one of these days you can do a version like view A (black vest-look, white blouse, plaid skirt) for one of your dolls. I love that look, and actually did have a black corduroy vest when I was a kid, which I wore with a white blouse and a plaid skirt. I always liked that look.

    I haven’t done much doll clothes sewing lately; at the moment I’m working on a sweatshirt-conversion (jacket) which uses Christmas fabrics. I had cut all the strips and pieces for the pockets, lapels, and back medallion way last fall and never got around to putting it together, so decided I should start Now so maybe I’ll actually get to wear it this Christmas! I still need to find the red sweatshirt that will be used for the conversion, though! I know where it Was, but not sure if it’s still there or I’ve moved it. (If you saw my sewing room, you would understand! LOL)

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    So Molly is the lucky girl next! I see vibes of Thanksgiving with the brown plaid! I’m hoping for a pretty ,gathered skirt, and maybe a slight gather around d the sleeves above the cuff too! It certainly has a classic look, and I love the softer colors that are in style much longer than the intense ones.

    I too, love the style A with the vest-like look of the pattern. A black vest with white blouse and red plaid skirt would suit Molly to a tee for Christmas!

    Yes, the sun did wash out the colors of Violette’s pictures, but still I can see the pretty fall background of the trees turning colors. It certainly was nice this past weekend, and fall seems to be in full swing!

  3. I like the way you did Violette’s listing on eBay. Showing all the pieces as a preview gets you to look for a specific item thru the photos, then the helpful hints of dressing instructions, and photos to your hearts content of dolly pics. Great outfit and listing. Already a bid!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    I like Molly’s brown plaid, although it might be a bit dark for her. I think it would be fun to see the outfit on another doll as well. Sewing on that rickrack must be a challenge. Do you have a special machine foot that you use? Hope the sleeves are a little more puffed and not all the way to the elbow. Although, maybe you’re going for a more tailored look. 🙂 Love that black vest outfit on the vintage pattern. I wonder what a red/white striped skirt would look like? Then, maybe the outfit would work for Valentine’s Day as well as Christmas. 🙂
    Thought my new girl from Czech would arrive today, but she has been stuck in the same location for three days now. We’ll see if she makes it on the truck north later. I hope. 🙂

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Joy, once I discovered Roxanne’s Glue-Baste-It, putting narrow rickrack on became a snap! I just run a tiny bead of the glue (it’s temporary and washes out) on the back side of the rickrack (or, conversely, on a line on the fabric) and stick the rickrack down. I stab-pin into my ironing board to keep the rickrack positioned until it’s dry, then carefully remove the pins and take it to the sewing machine. It works Very well, and the rickrack stays in place much better than with a bunch of pins.

  5. Love the material you chose for Molly. She looks very good in it. I’ve always liked various brown colors for clothes. Especially in plaids.
    I too like the black vest outfit on the pattern picture.
    Looking forward to seeing what you do next.

  6. I love the brown plaid fabric and the ricrac is the perfect trim. It’s the ideal choice for the 40’s and the 30’s as well.
    Add me to the liking the black vest pattern as well.

  7. Marilyn in Colorado

    Violette’s pictures are darling. The sun was a pain, but it couldn’t conceal the cuteness.

    I like brown and think Molly’s dress will have real charm. I still love Violette’s skirt and hope you use that pattern again, Poor Molly — a wartime skirt would never be that full. But Molly’s smart — she always figures out something.

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