What can the American Girl, Ruby Red Fashion Friends, Siblies, Little Darlings, and My Meadow Dumpling dolls all share??

I just wanted to give you an update on my “floaters” removal progress. I can’t say my eye has been pain free today, but it’s not terrible… as long as I stay busy, I can sort of forget about it. It’s just sore and a bit bruised.

I gave you a step by step scenario of what happened, so I might as well finish up in case someone else wants to have the floaters in their eyes removed. The best news is it appears the floaters in my left eye are all gone!! The bad news is, for now, I have a “lovely” black eye.

I can’t wear any makeup just yet and can’t get any water in my eyes… I don’t like that part…

Rebecca has been busy… making something sweet for lots of different dolls. So what has she made that the American Girl dolls, the Ruby Red Fashion Friends, the Little Darlings, the Siblies. And the Dumplings, by My Meadow dolls, wear?

Why, of course, it’s beaded headbands! They are made on Memory wire and just slip onto your dolls head. She made them long enough to fit the littlest doll up to the American Girl doll. Just use both hands to open the ends up, slide them onto your dolls head and gently let them sit in place. When you take them off, make sure you use both hands again, grab each side and lift them off. They are on springy memory wire, so make sure you don’t let them spring in your dolls face. I have been lifting them up with both hands, then pulling them up and removing them toward the back of the dolls head works best!

Want to see some pictures? I’m calling this her “kitty collection!”

She also made a few necklaces for the American Girl Dolls…

I had so many pictures, I’m hoping I got them all in…

I am going to list them in my Etsy shop, but I thought I’d let you see them first… I’ll be selling them for $8.00, or two for $14, or three for $20 WITH FREE SHIPPING! If you see anything you like, but would like to see that particular item on a particular doll I have, please just let me know…

Thanks so much,
Blessings, Jeanne (and Rebecca! :o)

14 thoughts on “What can the American Girl, Ruby Red Fashion Friends, Siblies, Little Darlings, and My Meadow Dumpling dolls all share??”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, my goodness, Jeanne, it makes my eye hurt just to see your poor red (and black and blue) eye!! The good thing about eyes is that they often heal quite fast, which is pretty amazing, considering you can’t really bandage them in a traditional way.

    Oh, how lovely, to see Rebecca’s beautiful work again. Of the headbands, I think I like the butterfly one the best. Necklaces….Oh, let’s see, actually my favorite is the one with the sort of apricot-looking pearls! The purple one (bottom) is pretty, too.

    I was at the fair today, and I think I’m still in shock!! I entered six items, and not only were they all blue ribbons, but FOUR of them got “class winner” rosettes! And one of them…”DIVISION winner” rosette, also!! WOW!!!

    When I have some time, I’ll send pictures to Jeanne.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh Jeanne, I hope it feels better than it looks! Maybe that eye patch was a good thing after all! You certainly are brave to show a close up of your face with no makeup! Where are your wrinkles?? 🙂

    What adorable headbands Rebecca made! Did she do all of those, or did you help? Those kittiy headbands are my favorite, because we have always had cats, and they are the best companions to have, as least I think so!

    Those necklaces are darling too, so much to look at! I just skimmed through and will be looking more later on today. So many things, so little time!

    Congrats, Charlotte, on your winnings! Yes, send pictures to Jeanne!

  3. Oh Jeanne, it looks sore and tender for sure, I wonder if your eye will itch as it’s healing? Hope it heals quickly for you. At least your floaters are gone.

    Charlotte, congratulations on your wins!!! Yes, pictures please!

    Rebecca sure has some of your talent in designs. Her necklaces are beautiful. Quite a nice array of colors too. And headbands…how clever! Perfect for accenting outfits for our girls!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Yep, that is one shiner you are enjoying. 🙂 So glad to hear that they nabbed all of the floaters as well. I think I’d be making up all sorts of stories of what happened so you’ll have a good comeback when someone asks about it. 🙂 Like one of the dollies fell off of the shelf or you were looking up and an apple from the tree made you a target.
    The jeweled headbands are a great idea. With the holidays fast approaching, those with sparkles will be a perfect addition to any outfit. Cute kitties too. Good job Rebecca.
    And a big congrats to Charlotte. Those ribbons will be so fun to display at your place. Well deserved too. 🙂
    My Gigi and Evangeline have finally made it as far as San Francisco, this morning. Delivery still says today, but that is questionable. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Black eyes sure do warrant excuses at times. Several years ago I hit my eye on the edge of the car window and got quite an array of colors out of that one. Problem is the next day we were due in court to finalize custody of a little girl who needed a home. I was sure the judge was going to look at my eye and say no way unless you have a really good excuse for that eye. In truth she didn’t bat an eye (no pun intended), but we did have a lot of people vouching for us, including our priest, so I guess I got a pass.

  5. Yikes…your poor eye😳 I’m sure you are glad to get the bandage off. It will be back to normal soon and without floaters! Yea!
    Rebecca has made some darling headbands and necklaces. She has kept busy while home helping you…what a great daughter.
    What did you enter in the Fair Charlotte? Sewing? As a judge you know what needs to be done perfectly and from the sounds of it you did very well👏🤗
    Enjoy having Rebecca and Karen home and have a fun weekend😉

  6. Karen from Kentucky

    I’m sorry you had to go through the eye surgery, but glad it went well. That would have been scary. My dad has a type of hereditary glaucoma and lost about 70 percent of his vision in one eye. Scary stuff.

    Rebecca did a great job on the headbands and necklaces. They are lovely.

    Chloe, the Yorkie mix, discovered a big crayfish outside. My husband brought it in to show the girls after school. There is a pond down the road, but normally we only see them at the river maybe 10 minutes away.

    Yesterday at the Good Will there was a doll that a beautiful face mold that made me wonder if it was an American Girl. It was a JC Beurenger (sp?) She had a wig with pigtails and some hair on the neck was shorter like American Girls have. One leg was out of the socket, so I saw part of a cord/string that was supposed to join the leg to the body. It had a tan cloth body with a seam down the front and hard limbs. She must have been old because her eyes were turning purple. It was exciting to see her.

    About 2 more weeks until the due date!

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Rebecca has really been a busy, creative lady. Impressive! I definitely will be buying. Am I right in assuming the headbands are one-size fits all? I had to tell my dolly daughters that they could not each have a headband and would have to share. Thankfully I only have two takers for the lovely 18″ doll necklaces.

    So glad your floaters are all gone. After what it has been through I’m surprised your eye doesn’t look worse. Hopefully the pain has gone away.

    Congratulations, Charlotte, on your plethora of wins. Oh yes, pictures please!

    Mini Maru Joy (now fully named Janeen Joy) arrived yesterday. She is one adorable little girl. Siblie Bailey will be arriving on 9/8.

    1. Barbara,
      Rebecca made some more today in some different sizes…I’ll show them tomorrow… if you want to wait…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Marilyn in Colorado

    Congratulations to Charlotte. I’m looking forward to the pictures.

    The thing about bruises is that the worse they look, the faster they heal. I’ve had far worse messes, but they healed fast and completely.

    What a clever idea about the headbands/necklaces. Bailey looks particularly smug about hers.

  9. Ingrid B in Western N Y

    Hi Jeanne,
    I’m so glad to hear you are on the mend with very little pain. I was very interested in the information you shared. I wasn’t aware there was a procedure for the removal of floaters. Really nice to know. I prayers for continued healing. Rebecca’s dolly accessories are so pretty. Those kitty headbands are so adorable!
    I loved Linda’s girls in their swimsuits enjoying ice cream,so cute! Thanks for sharing Linda.
    Charlotte, Congratulations on all the wins! WOW I loved everything you made. What a talent you have. I can see you have a passion for sewing, it shows in all the lovely things you made.
    Karen, Just two more weeks to baby time! How very exciting!!! Best wishes


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