Your “one eyed” leader’s day…

Hi everyone,
I’ll do my best to write a quick post for you today… If you missed yesterday’s post, I mentioned I was having the floaters surgically removed from my left eye… the surgery went just fine…and there was not even a smidgen of pain. I had an IV and was awake for the surgery, but they gave me a shot in my eye to temporarily paralyze my eye to keep it from moving. I never felt the shot. When they were doing the surgery it was like a lava lamp going wild in my eye. I could see all sorts of reds, yellows, blues, and green colors swirling around. It was kind of wierd.
They made teeny tiny channels in my eyeball and sucked the gel out which was where the floaters were. I could hear everything the doctor was saying and he mentioned I didn’t get all the mascara off my eyelashes! Oops!

When I got out to the car with my hubby’s help, I realized I was numb… I mean NUMB…on the left side from the middle of the top of my head, my forehead, my cheeks, my nose, my lips and my teeth felt like brittle glass…
And it took a little time before I realized my eyeball, under the patch, wasn’t moving either. It stayed that way for about 4 hours.

I didn’t realize I’d have a patch over my eye that I couldn’t see through, but it was covered over and taped all on the left side of my face. I wasn’t supposed to remove it until I went back to the dr in the morning…here in town. (I can’t wait to get it off!)

I had worn contacts for the last 50 years and Mono vision contacts at least 30 of those years… that means one eye is for distance and other is for close up. When I had my cataracts surgery they put in Mono Vision lenses. My eye surgery today was on my distance eye, so I can only see up close with this patch on and it’s a bit tiring on that eye.

The strange thing about my eye is what I see under the patch…the Dr told me there would be a dark bubble that would be on the lower portion of my line of sight. When I close my right eye and only see what’s under the patch, I see a creamy background with a blue rounded bubble at the bottom that goes from side to side. The best way I can tell you what it’s like is to take a bottle of Dawn dishwashing liquid and turn it sideways and swish it from side to side. The color in my eye bubble is exactly the blue color of Dawn…every time I move the bubble swishes from side to side. The Dr said the bubble would go away in 4 to 5 days… I noticed the Dawn and picked up the bottle and made a quick video…

When we got home Rebecca had made chicken in the Savory pan! Yummy!! 13 pounds of legs and chicken breasts!

If you think it sounds good, how about a video of it steaming hot?

Rebecca has designed something new for the dolls and I can’t wait to show you!

I’m going to have to quit…I’m writing this on my phone because the computer screen is too far away for me to see…
My eye is tired, so this is it for tonight…thank you for your prayers!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Your “one eyed” leader’s day…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That was quite an involved procedure you had, Jeanne! Thanks for the description. I’m glad it all went so well, and hope the hours fly by until you get that patch removed!

    Oh, that chicken looks Wonderful!! But…no wings?! That’s my favorite part!! (When we were dating, I had Ron over to my apartment for a home-cooked dinner. I had fixed chicken. He thought I was being polite when I took the wing! It wasn’t until we were married for a while that he realized, that’s my favorite part, there was nothing “polite” about it! 😂 I wanted to make sure I got at least one wing! Of course, he did get to choose first, as he was my guest.)

    Thanks, everyone, for all the nice comments on my pictures yesterday. Maisie and Cora had a great time riding on that bear. I did find out tonight that I won one of the prizes (I believe winners were chosen by random draw; everyone had terrific pictures, so I can’t imagine trying to choose!). I’ll let you know what I won when it gets here! Some kind of accessory for my LDs, I think.

    Marilyn, thanks for the link to that etsy shop (Paper Costumier). She has some lovely things, not just AG dolls. I loved seeing the ones from “Roman Holiday” (one of my favorite movies), and I see she has some to color, also!! Fun!

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      I just loved seeing your girls “riding” the bears and realized that you must live near a forested area and not in a city. I am surprised they sat still for those photos!

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Mountlake Terrace is a small city, just 4 square miles, and just a few miles north of Seattle. Some areas (we have several parks) are forested, some were but no longer are. My husband remembers back in the 1950s when his uncle used to go bear hunting it what is now our town!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I’m so happy to hear that you came through your surgery just fine, but it seems kind of scary to me! I have not (yet) had either cataracts or floaters, but never say never! I too, have worn contacts, but started when they were a new thing, those horrible hard ones! Once I got to be around 50 or so, I had too much trouble wearing even the softer ones and now wear glasses only maybe for distance, but hardly ever! I too, had one eye for distance and one for close up, since my eyes are THAT different! You would think I probably am dizzy all the time, but that’s not the case!

    That chicken looks delicious, and I bet it was! Wings, Charlotte? There is hardly anthing on them!! I’ll take chicken breasts any day!

    Thank you to everyone who had nice things to say about my 40’s girls at the ice cream stand. They and the dogs are thorughly enjoying their last vacatoin days before school starts!

  3. Jeanne, so glad your surgery went well. It does sound a little scary as well as what your eye was seeing and is seeing. The numbness on your face had to be a weird feeling, Hopefully today you and your eye will feel more normal. And the floaters will be gone.
    How nice of Rebecca to make dinner for everyone. It looks scrumptious and one less concern for you with the eye surgery and patch.

    I had a complete reversed shoulder surgery awhile back. My arm was all numbed up and ready to go until the surgeon realized I was allergic to nickel. So I was sent home with a numb arm until they could get different metal. The numbness was indeed weird. I had to hold on to my arm just to keep it from flailing all over the place. You can only imagine what I couldn’t do without help! The next day, back to surgery, numbing again and this time the metal was titanium. Surgery was successful to this day.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks for the description of the floater removal. Nice to know what to expect although it seems like those in the know should have explained all of the details before the procedure rather than leave it to you to figure out afterwards. Especially the numbness. So, that bubble sounds like what my husband had with his detached retina. Only his lasted for weeks. I believe it is a gas they use to keep things in place. Getting that patch off today should be wonderful. No way would I have been able to leave it on as per doctor’s orders. You are a very good patient.
    That chicken looks delicious. We had Costco rotisserie chicken last night. Yours is definitely the winner.
    Looking forward to seeing what Rebecca has designed. The dollies here are excited. 🙂
    Looks like maybe tomorrow will bring Evangeline and Gigi Siblies home. Finger’s crossed. 🙂

  5. Jeanne, so happy you are ok and your surgery went well.
    Rebecca is such a wonderful daughter, that chicken looks so good!
    I’m with Joy, I couldn’t keep that eyepatch on. Yikes..
    I too can’t wait to see Rebecca’s new designed item.
    Take care

    Judi in Oregon

  6. Glad the surgery was a success and hopefully by now you are feeling better.
    I, too, have worn contacts for a long time, 42 years to be precise. I got them when i was 12 because my vision had changed rapidly. I started with hard as well and wore those for a number of years, then gas permeable, and now have worn soft for probably 20. Soft are the best by far.
    Can’t wait to see Rebecca’s design item.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Jeanne, I am so happy your surgery went well but your description of afterward has my knees shaking. I’ve had two eye surgeries on the same eye. Once when I was about 7 and then again about 22. It was to correct a muscle imbalance. It was some better after the first one but there was scar tissue so at the age of 22 I had it done again. The surgery had come a long way from when I was 7 and the ophthalmologist told me the first surgery had been an improper incision. I don’t remember much of the first surgery, but I was well aware of the second. I had to wear a patch for weeks and when they took the patch off my eyeball looked like someone had bounced it on the floor a few times it was so red. But that finally went away. Fortunately I worked with a woman who lived nearby and when I was able to return to work she drove me until I could take the patch off. What I hadn’t expected was that once the patch was off my eyes were going to have to readjust so at first I kept running into or tripping over things.

    That chicken dish looks wonderful. I myself prefer legs and thighs. I can’t wait to see what Rebecca has designed.

  8. That was such an interesting post about your floaters surgery, I had no idea they could be removed! I have glaucoma and a few years ago had the laser surgery when they put tiny holes in your cornea, I think that’s where it was, to relieve the pressure. I was so scared when they did the first one that my blood pressure skyrocketed! They check that before they start. When I went back for the second eye I was much calmer, lol! Glad your procedure went well.

  9. Debbie in North Carolina

    Rebecca’s chicken dish looks delicious! So nice that they are there to welcome you home from your surgery and provide some company and a little extra TLC.

    I am glad this is over for you and you are on the recovery side. Eye surgery is like nothing else because you are awake! After 5 of the pesky things I can say that it is worth the suffering to be able to see better. I remember those bubbles and thinking it was never going away but little by little they do. Don’t fly on an airplane! I hope they told you this.

    Linda, I did not get to comment on your cute girls yesterday but always enjoy seeing them. You always inspire me to get my American Girls out and enjoy them. I enjoyed yours, thanks for sharing.

  10. Your description of the eye surgery was so interesting! Such an intricate procedure and the results should be just amazing.Glad it is over and you can get the bandage off today. Rebecca gets a huge Pat on the back for helping you and cooking for you all. What a great daughter. George has been awesome too. Nice, nice family 🤗
    The bet Italian Restaurant in town has closed and my Italian SIL is in town so we are going to try out a new one. She will be the judge🇮🇹🍝
    Take it easy until your bubble is gone🥰

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