Another part of my sewing room decluttered…

Hi everyone,
I woke up this morning and my eye was aching and felt kind of sore. I had a follow up appointment with the eye doctor and found out the pressure in my eye was high… so they checked it a couple more times doing a few different tests. He checked the records when I had my cataract surgery and my left eye had high pressure in it too, on the followup appointment. He’s thinking I had a reaction to the steroid eye drops and had me stop taking them and gave me some new drops.
I took it easy cleaning in my sewing room, not lifting anything too heavy or bending over too much. I was alternating cleaning my house too, since my sisters are coming Saturday!!

I managed to get another section of my room cleaned up fairly well. I was sorting through things as I was working, weeding out things I need to sell or just get rid of.

Just look at that clean black tabletop!! :o)

I also forgot to show the lamp we bought on our Anniversary trip…

Rebecca brought me a few things she thought I might be able to use…

Thanks for your kind comments about Violette. She will just be plain ole Violette…nothing fancy or too hard to remember how to say it…just Violette! She’s going to be my dainty girl, I think… she is so feminine looking and I love looking at her laying on my cutting table. I can’t wait to get started on her “debut” outfit from me! :o)

If you need ideas for doll dresses, that link Marilyn posted in her comment had lots of really fun outfits to copy!

Paula, I hope you had as much fun with your sisters as I’m planning to have with mine! :o)

I hope things cool down for you California sofa sisters…

I know this isn’t much, but it will have to do…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Another part of my sewing room decluttered…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    OH, Jeanne, I’m sorry about your elevated eye pressure. It’s a good thing you had an appt. with the eye doctor anyway; then he could diagnose and treat it immediately. I hope the new drops do the trick, and take care of the problem.

    Your sewing room is coming along nicely! Do be careful, though, with the bending and lifting. You don’t need to be doing something that will make it more difficult for you to see!

    I love your new lamp, and the things from Rebecca are so pretty. I especially like that lilac trim in the middle!

    Caleb, our plumber, was here for 7 hours today! Not only did he replace the drain under the bathroom sink but also the one from the tub (which had developed two small leaks) and the length connecting the two. After 54 years, those pipes were so filled with “gunk”, it’s surprising they let any water thru at all!

    We are very fortunate, indeed, as he is a fine young man who is highly skilled at his trade, and a fellow Christian as well! You could not find a nicer guy; we are very happy (and I am exhausted!).

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    How nice and organized your sewing room looks, Jeanne! You certainly have been busy, and it shows! Just don’t overdo, and it was a good thing that you were able to get your eye pressure problem cleared up.

    Your new lamp is very pretty, but I LOVE the table it is sitting on! Was this something you found at an antique store? What a fabulous find!

    I love that beautiful embroidered fabric that Rebecca gave you! I can see something fabulous made from it for a historical doll! Time will tell!

    My sympathy to Anne, who lives in New Zealand, who lost her queen yesterday. Queen Elizabeth has always been a part of my life, and I remember her as Princess Elizabeth long ago.

    1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Thank you Linda
      I remember keeping a scrapbook on the young princesses and remember the coronation very well. Not many people had TV’s in those days, we were still recovering from the war and there was a 9 inch TV set up in the church hall in the village where my Auntie Eileen lived and we went over there for the day to watch it. I feel quite emotional, she seemed part of our lives forever. A woman of faith with a very strong sense of duty but most of the world leaders who spoke about her mentioned her wicked sense of humour. She wasn’t afraid of sending herself up, have you ever seen the clip of how she opened the 2012 Commonwealth games in London? James Bond collected her from the palace, took her to a helicopter and she supposedly parachuted in. That part was obviously a double but the rest was her.

      Unlike politically elected Presidents (and this is a generalisation not directed at US or anyone else in the world) since the English Civil War the monarch was required to be politically neutral (though I think it was common knowledge that she didn’t like Mrs Thatcher). She was also a very wise woman and I think most Prime Ministers (I believe there were 18 during her reign) would have asked her for advice sometimes. It was only a few days ago that she met to sign her ‘approval’ of the new PM.

      As Prince of Wales Charles was extremely hard working, far more so than any heirs before him, I think he will be a good King, but it will take a lot of getting used to after so long.

      1. I remember that 2012 clip of how Queen Elizabeth opened the Commonwealth games! I was delighted, because I’m a huge James Bond fan!!

  3. Good morning Jeanne and Sofa Sisters!
    The sewing room looks really great and ready for you. It’s such a good feeling when things are organized. It’s so much better when starting the next project.
    Rebecca is so thoughtful, like her mom. The material underneath the spools is beautiful. Was that also part of Rebecca’s gift?
    The lamp is perfect for your beautiful table too and it pulls together with the door nearby.

    I’m sure you’re looking forward to sister time. I’m heading back home today with some heartache in leaving my sisters. It will be awhile before I see them again. Thank heavens for texting and emails.

    Glad to hear your eye got the attention it needed. Hopefully it will continue to get better.

  4. Karen from Kentucky

    Hi Jeanne, I am sorry you had a lot of pressure in your eye. Please keep track of it, so it doesn’t affect your vision (like my Dad’s). Hopefully going off the steroid eye drops will help.

    Your sewing room area looks really clean and orderly. Violette has a nice name.

    Tomorrow morning Marion has to walk in a parade for school. It should be fun. Have a great time with your sisters!

  5. Marilyn in Colorado

    I want to say, “Take care of that eye,” but of course you will and are. Let us know how the new drops work.

    I’m sure some of that lovely embroidered fabric would work nicely in a 20s dress (hint, hint — or, more accurately, nag, nag), but Violette gets first choice on the next outfit.

    On to the current headlines — we got rid of George III but adopted Elizabeth. We’re clothes people, so here’s the Guardian on Elizabeth’s clothes through the years
    Interesting that Philip wears clothes with a model’s flair.

    1. Thank you for that link, Marilyn! I enjoyed seeing all the lovely fashions that Queen Elizabeth wore!

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Sorry your eye didn’t like the drops. But, glad they gave you a different kind. When other person had his cataract surgery, they gave him a bottle of drops to use. He had the same red eye/pain problem until we discovered that many are allergic to them and switched to the one time use drops. Red/pain went away immediately and he was good to go. Apparently, the preservative in the drops causes the problem with many and the one time use does not have it.
    That fabric Rebecca found is such a work of art. I can see a lovely flowing gown ahead. 🙂
    It was only 75 inside this morning. Heavenly, after yet another scorcher yesterday. We’re not even sure of the high reading. Now if they can just get the latest wildfire under control.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I was having internet problems yesterday so I didn’t get to comment. I will make up for it today.

    I love Violette. If I had known about her I know the temptation would have been too great to make her part of our family. With her original wig she looks like Jennifer Grey in “Dirty Dancing”. She always had that same pensive expression on her face. I love the clothes. I wish they would put her outfit out for regular purchase.

    Thanks, Marilyn, for the link to that wonderful paper doll site. I was a huge paper doll enthusiast when I was growing up. I loved them because their clothes were easy to change and creating scenarios was a lot of fun. There’s a site called Judy’s Paper Goodies. I have used it often and managed to collect most of the paper doll sets I had as a child. I don’t cut them and decided if my granddaughter wanted to play with them I would copy them for her. I especially love the sets that have the old-fashioned dolls. Their dresses wrap around them and hook with tabs in the back making them look like hoop skirts. The clothes are absolutely beautiful. Amazing workmanship.

    Thanks, Anne, for helping me out with the Imperial/Metric question. The seams on the patterns I have use a 5 mm seam and that is hard to line up under the machine foot. I’ll figure some way to make it work.

    I’m glad they got Judi’s A/C up and running. Sean has been dealing with trying to keep some of his customers units going as long as possible. They need new units but are afraid to spend the money right now. Since the systems have changed from their previous ones, they have to do complete change outs. Our A/C was the previous type and we had to replace our A/C and heater with the new system. The worst thing is “whoever” is making these decisions is planning on changing things again before long. Sean says it’s really unnecessary and seems to be more about forcing people to buy new units or do without than anything environmental since you’ve had to reclaim the “gas” for years and expelling it into the air will get you in a whole lot of trouble. And, since it usually can be reused it makes sense to reclaim it because the cost of the cooling gas right now is prohibitive.

    I got a call yesterday that my new serger has arrived at the quilt shop. I’m going in this afternoon to pick it up. I spent time on YouTube yesterday looking at videos of what it can do. There definitely will be a learning curve, mostly in just learning how to switch it from normal serging to the coverlock mode. It’s really easy but remembering the steps to switch will take some effort. I’ll probably be constantly referring to the wonderful charts that are provided. I love that the tensions are set and I won’t have to worry about them anymore. One of the things I’m excited about is the way it will do lettuce edging using the rolled hem and differential feed. I love lettuce edging but gave up on doing it when all my efforts did was destroy a lot of fabric. And the threading is effortless for both the loopers and the needles.

    My addition has been dried in so now the guys will be working on the inside. I think the windows go in today. That’s when things go faster and progress is more noticeable. I’m getting excited to have my laundry facilities out of my garage not to mention having a second bath.

    1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Hi Barbara
      Does your sewing machine allow you to move the needle left or right? If it does take some paper and draw a 5mm seam on a perfectly straight side. Make sure your line is exactly 5 mm. Place the side of the paper under the needle against the edge of your 1/4 inch foot. Now move your needle till it is directly on the line you drew. Make a note of the settings so you can come back to it later if you need to. Now you should be able to sew a 5mm seam using your 1/4 inch foot. Hope this helps

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Yes I can move my needle. I will certainly give your idea a whirl. I’m so glad I asked. No substitute for experience. Glad I could access some of yours.

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am so happy that your sisters are coming. I always love to hear about the fun things you all do together.

    Everything is neat and tidy in your house. Do you make house visits? Someone has been making a mess here (laugh).

  9. My sewing room is half a room; my husband’s office area is the other half. We try to keep it as neat as we can, but a lot of work goes on in there, so it’s a little cluttered always. Your room looks great to me!

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