American Girl, Samantha’s Victorian dress gets some attention again…

Hi again everyone,

It was interesting and a bit creepy to read about the earthquakes you all were talking about… We live close to the New Madrid Fault which is quite well known… but hopefully it’s not going to cause any commotion in the near future… I sure hope not!

We live about 2 hours south of St. Louis in Southern Illinois…
I’m glad you were safe Joy, and Anne, a few years back…

I was back in my sewing room this evening, trying to finish the dress I had started for Julie and then Samantha! I think I might be on the home stretch now… I managed to get the snaps sewn on the back of the dress and I made a new slip for her… I decided what to do with the “accent” for the dress and need to figure out what to make for her hair and then I’m calling it quits on this dress! :o) Time to move on!

Once the snaps were sewn to the back of the dress, it cinched in the waist and made the dress look very flattering.

I decided to scrap the coral colored slip and just make her a slip that would hold out the dress enough to make it look nice. If the winner wants, they can pull the slip down just a bit and let it show below the dress…

I decided to use some velvet vintage Forget Me Not’s Kathie had sent me and add a brown bow to the cluster I made and pinned it to the waist…

Samantha liked it and was looking through my shoe drawer to find some shoes to wear…

I’ll see what I can get done on the dress tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “American Girl, Samantha’s Victorian dress gets some attention again…”

  1. I was reading the comments on the earthquakes tonight, and thought I’d add my 2¢ worth! I’ve lived thru a couple of good “shakers” here in Seattle, one in 1965, while I was going to college and in class, and the big Nisqually earthquake on Feb. 28, 2001.

    Let me tell you, you haven’t lived until you’ve been thru an earthquake while taking a bath!! 😂 My first thought was, something had happened to the floor, and they would come and find my naked body in the basement (the bathroom is over the laundry room)! Then I realized it was an earthquake, and thought, yup, they’re going to find my naked body in the basement! (At least I wasn’t standing up in the tub, showering!) I don’t normally take a bath in the middle of the day, but I was getting ready to go to Sewing Expo, and decided to do this before I left. I think Ron was still working then, too, so I was alone. I remember hearing from various vendors at that Expo about their thoughts–many of them were from areas that don’t get earthquakes, and they didn’t know what was happening–it occurred the day before Expo started, so they were all setting up their booths!

    Hard to believe that was 21 years ago!!

    Well, Jeanne, I think this dress is coming along nice. I do like the white slip with it, but hope you’ll hang onto the coral one and maybe “build” a different kind of dress around it. It’s too pretty to not use in some way!

    I do love the velvet forget-me-nots, and remember that “in my day” lots of doll dresses came with those sweet little flowers on them. Colors are terrific with the print, too, and the pearl necklace is a nice additional touch.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    About earthquakes, I remember one maybe 20 years ago, here in St. Louis. It happened in the middle of the day, and since we hardly ever have an earthquake here that you really notice, I actually thought it was a large piece of furniture had toppled over in the next room. I found out afterwards it was an earthquake!

    The New Madrid Fault is right outside my back door! Funny thing, that we,, call it MAY-drid, not like they pronounce it in Spain, ma-DRID!

    I am loving the way the dress is turning out! Yes, it was good that you changed the slip, and those velvet flowers sure did bring back memories! Hopefully, you have some matching ones left that you can incorporate into something for her hair.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Oh the fit is much nicer with the addition of snaps in back. And now the pearls seem to work as well with the sweet vintage flower waist bouquet. I so remember those flowers. 🙂
    There was another earthquake near Sonoma, in our county, yesterday. Not as big and on a different fault, but interesting. Things are shaking.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      As we were walking this morning, we passed a house and the owner, who we know, asked us if we had any earthquake damage? I said no, just a few things fell, but no real breakage. He said that they had a lot of things fall and break as well as an iron teapot on the freestanding fireplace which broke the specially designed glass base. Also, all of their pendant lights broke when they swung back and forth. Cracks in the foundation and a major down the middle inside. Guess we got off easy. He’s only a few blocks from us.

  4. Now that dress is getting some personality.🤗 It does look better with the snaps on and glad the flowers perked it up too.I know whatever you do for her hair will add to her sweet look too.
    I feel a Garage Sale Day happening ….should be fun😉

  5. Sasha, west of Denver

    The flowers and ribbon are a lovely addition. And the fit is very flattering. Pretty girl. : )

    I have lived in Colorado for most of my life (and we are not known for earthquakes), but I was born in San Francisco and my dad grew up in El Cerrito which is across the bay. My grandmother’s china cabinet had a wire running along the decorative wood moulding and bolted to the wall on both sides to keep it from falling in an earthquake. I found that fascinating as a child.

    I toured with a drama ministry after college, and the base was in Los Angeles. When we were in town for trainings, we stayed with host families. I was staying in Pasadena with a friend’s family when the Northridge earthquake hit in 1994. What stood out to me, was how loud it was. I woke up and the bed was shaking, but that seemed less important than figuring out what was making so much noise outside. The house I was staying in sustained some damage, but we weren’t too close to the epicenter. Later that week we were scheduled to have a commissioning at a church before heading out on mission. The entire roof of the church collapsed in the quake, and I’ve always been very grateful we weren’t in it when the quake hit.

    Joy, I spent part of my toddler years living in Sonoma on a goat ranch, and have many family and friend connections in Santa Rosa. I’m glad you made it through without serious incident.

    Jeanne, I know it’s been a few days, but I’m green with envy over Violette. She’s just darling. I frequently buy dolls from a shop in France, and they had Violette, but she was restricted to Europe. I will enjoy seeing her when she comes up in the rotation. : )

    1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      Sasha, I have to agree about the noise, Our September quake was at 4.30 am and it sounded like a freight train going through my bedroom. We had to leave our house after the Feb quake and we stayed with my son and his wife. There were aftershocks all that night and we could always hear them coming before we felt them.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      A goat ranch. How interesting. 🙂 The goats we see around here are eating brush/grass now to prevent wildfires. 🙂

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Oh, I love this dress. Everything about it is so perfect. Can’t wait to see what you do with her hair.

    I remember the Northridge earthquake very well. I was living in Houston but got some fall out in a different way. A lawyer I had previously worked for was officed in LA at the time. I can’t remember offhand where he lived but I don’t think he personally had damage but the office building where his office was located sustained a lot of damage and he was forbidden access for weeks. He turned to me in Houston for secretarial duties and I was glad to help. We didn’t have all the communication devices we do today which would have made it easier but we got it done. Surprisingly the lawyers I normally worked for and who had been his co-workers for years were furious that I was doing this. Their work was not going begging for me helping out but you sure would have thought it did. I got so sick of hearing about it that I asked if there was anything of theirs that wasn’t getting done. Kowtowing to lawyers was not on my “to do” list and they knew they pushed me too far. They very sheepishly said “no” and went to hide out in their offices. That was the end of the griping and very soon after that was the end of my having to help out.

    Another thing about the Northridge quake was that my cousin worked for a radio station in San Francisco. He was in the room housing the tapes and things when it hit. He had polio and was mobility impaired but fortunately he was out of the way when a large bookcase fell over. Thankfully my aunt and uncle didn’t know about his close call until it was over. But one thing about that quake that always gave me pause. Why in Heaven’s name would anyone build a double-decker freeway in an earthquake prone area?

  7. I remember a couple of earthquakes. one was back in 1980 or 1981, I believe. We were seeing “Gone with the Wind” down at the Ohio Theatre as part of the Summer Movie Series. Everyone turned around to seeing who was kicking their seat and then we realized it was an earthquake.
    Samantha’s dress is looking very pretty. Those velvet forget-me-nots are very nice. I have some her on vintage hats my grandmother owned.

    1. Laura I also lived in Ohio (Medina, Ohio):for that ‘80 or ‘81 earthquake and remember that it wasn’t until the news announced what had happened that we knew what the experience was. I was cutting someone’s hair at the time, funny how we remember the strangest details.

      how we remember the strangest things.

  8. Jeanne I love this dress. I think because it’s timeless. Accessories can really change it. Pantalettes and it’s civil war era, high top boots it’s Victorian, ballet slippers and could be present day!! Of course other accessories with the different shoes.

  9. Sally from Colorado

    Very, very pretty, Jeanne. Perfect flowers and that waist bow. New slip gets an A+. Those flowers remind me of the hats from my Madame Alexander dolls as a young girl. They are a lovely “blast from the past.”

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