Ruby Red Fashion Friends, Rozen, gets new school books for her book bag…

I intended to get some comments answered today, but it’s 10:49 p.m. and I just finished reading them… oops… guess no comments today!

I was busy though… making books… doll books to be exact… Rozen’s school books to be even MORE exact. I’m not sure what age I picture these dolls to be, but I picked 5th grade…(10-11 years old) (what age are your Ruby Reds?)

Not only did I make books, but a few other “essentials” for school. Here I’ll show you… but first, I made her a headband with a bit of stretch to it… then I added a magnetic clasp at the back, so it’s super easy to put on…

Do you think the ends of the tie are too long… for some reason when I looked at it in my pictures, I could only think of a propeller! EEK!

Rozen loves putting her books and pencils and ruler in her new book bag and she took them out and put them in several times… :o) I made her pençils from mini skewer sticks that I cut about 1 1/2″ long…

I know I mentioned I envisioned Rozen as a 5th grader, and I know this chalk board is for younger children, but it’s the only school related prop that worked even a little bit.

I did just pick up that metal locker the other day, but when I put Rozen next to that lime green, it was too bright to suit me…

Well, I’ll see if I can get this listed tomorrow…
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Ruby Red Fashion Friends, Rozen, gets new school books for her book bag…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I think my RRFF dolls are probably 5-7th graders, depending on which one. I think (as with the Little Darlings) some faces just look “older” than others. I don’t think they’re much older than 7th grade, though, because although they are slender and have a bit of “shape”, they haven’t really started developing yet. (Of course, I do realize that some of us bloom later–a Lot later!!–than others!!)

    I love her headband, but I see what you mean about the ends of the tie. And I think the propeller looks comes more from the way they seem to stick straight out from the knot than from the length of them. If the fabric is a bit stiff, and won’t soften down a bit for you, then you might need to make the ends a little shorter to get the look you want.

    Rozen’s books and school supplies are wonderful! Wherever did you find such tiny pencils? (Or did you make them?!) I can see that she is quite excited to start school and get into those books, learning lots of new things!

    Once fair is over, I will try to find the pictures of the “parade” Daria and I did. I will need to scan them, though, as I don’t have a fancy smart-phone. I’ve also found it’s easier to get the pictures copied “straight” if I can lay each one down on a scanner! Somehow I can’t hold my camera quite straight to take a picture of a picture, no matter what I do!

    Joy, I did answer your yesterday’s comment about Dual Duty threads, if you’re interested.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks Charlotte for the Dual Duty info. I rarely buy thread because I have inherited thread from all of my relatives. Boxes of it. 🙂 However, I’m going to take a look at the blue spindle next trip to Joann’s.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I love Rozen’s back to school outfit, Jeanne! It looks so “today” and you have only added to the cuteness by adding the headband! Well, I do too, kind of see a “propeller”there, and I guess it could be shortened a bit so it doesn’t stick out so much, but overall, this is a really cute and timely set!

    As for ages of the RRFF dolls, I don’t have any, but see them as being around 10 or 11 like you do. For some reason, I am not a fan of teen or adult dolls, so I steer clear of them. To each her own!

    Ooh, school supplies too! Yes, where DID you get those small pencils? Those books look so real too! That’s going to be a real “Bonus” for this set!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Love the books and pencils. Where did you find those workbook visuals to make the books? They are perfect. Rozen’s all set for her big day. I’ve had the same problem with floppy bows. I do like the gathered look but maybe more basset hound ear shaped for the bows? Wouldn’t want the kids to tease her about wearing a helicopter. 🙂 Not that teasing is allowed anymore.
    Latest on Francesca RRFF, she’s back in CA after her flights to Alaska, Louisville, KY, and finally to Oakland. What a route. Now, she’s on a truck headed up north to her new home. Delivery is scheduled for this afternoon. Guess I’ll be watching the map on UPS Follow the Truck. Wish me luck. 🙂

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, the adventures continue. Please do give us a report. We here on the sofa want to hear about your latest “mission.”

  4. Debbie in North Carolina

    I am awed by the books and pencils! Thinking about AG Molly’s bookbag but better, handcrafted. You need to patent that clasp for the headband. One reason I never use the ribbons and headbands is to keep from sliding them on the wig. I am very protective of my doll’s wigs these days. I see what you mean about the propeller look, maybe it is just the angle of the photos. Yes, fifth grade seems right to me. That is the age I love on the Ruby Reds. Great outfit Jeanne!

  5. Sally from Colorado

    Jeanne, this is one pitch perfect set and the colors so gorgeous on Rozen. My Rozen raised her eyebrows at me, but I gently scolded her because she is wearing that spectacular teal dress, shoes and bag, probably forever, because that also suits her. She will get over it. 🫤
    Yes, perhaps making the bow a bit smaller or, as Joy mentions, basset hound ear bows. Excellent description, Joy. And good luck with OP today. If you hear the truck, mention to OP you think he needs to shower. Or peel vegetables out back, or…??Lotsa luck, girl! 🍀🙂
    Dorothy, you did mention UFDC chapters by state. I’m not big on large groups or zoom, though. Just would be fun to find one or two other people not too far away. I probably ignite succeed if I joined though, at least for short term. There was only doll gal who had been here in town, but I think she was certifiable…believed in aliens and all sorts of very, very unusual notions. She sort of scared me. 😬
    Happy Thursday. Seems like Ruby Red should be posting their Halloween girls really soon because Joy and I bought our Elinda girls last August 21. Siblie Evangeline is going on for preorder this Saturday morning, 10 Eastern. Ed’s dark skinned boy with Afro should be available soon. For quite awhile he has been saying end of August.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sally, okay, just let me know if you change your mind. I couldn’t find you on ning. You can ask Jeanne to give you my email address if you like.

      You could join a club and maybe find someone who is local with whom to connect. I belong to several clubs, only one is local. I have made several friends. We have play dates and go to conventions together. And of course, most importantly, we take Afternoon Tea together.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Got a laugh about the one doll person locally for you. What another certifiable doll person? No wonder people I know give me that strange look. 🙂

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the outfit is adorable. I could see this outfit on a Little Darling. I really love the colors.

    The book bag is sweet. It reminds me of one I had.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Dorothy, have you heard about the St. Louis UFDC convention yet? I would love to hear how it was!

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Linda, I am sorry I forgot to post about this. Our local club had a Zoom meeting this month, as opposed to an in person meeting. I wasn’t able to take any photos as the presenter did a Powerpoint show.

        The attendees had a marvelous time. In the doll competition, several folks locally won ribbons, well their dolls did.

        We have a small junior collectors club in our chapter. One of our young members attended the convention with her mother. She won 4 Helper (raffle) dolls. She had a great time and received much attention from the members. We have to hold on tightly to our junior members as they are the future of doll collecting.

        One of the upcoming issues of Doll News will have stories and photos about the convention. I enjoying reading that issue each year. I have only been to one national convention.

  7. I guess I think of my little Ruby Red as being 10 like my PC/AG girls.
    Rozen’s hairband is really cute. When my mom sewed for my daughter I often had her make those self fabric elasticized hairbands with bows or ties to match the dresses or jumpers. I loved that matching look.

  8. Rozen’s accessories really make that ensemble all the way to wonderful. She looks 9 or 10 ish to me too. Maybe you could tack the ends of the hair and down where you want them to be. Since it closes in back they cold stay in place that way. Your pencils are so realistic…bamboo sticks were just the right size.
    Our doll club meets next week and we will hear from our members about the UFDC convention. From other gals who went they seemed to think it was one of the better ones😉
    Sally…Colorado is in Region 6 If you Google UFDC one of the choices is MEMBERSHIP the top of the page is pics and right above the pictures there are choices to tap on…click on REGIONS…Karen Allen is the Regional Director for Region 6 and there are several things to see and read there about your region.
    Her email is She can tell you anything you are curious about🤗

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