I’m TWEAKING again… but I think you’ll be happy…

A big thanks to the winner of the aqua/minty Civil War dress! She’s a newbie, but I hope she joins the Sofa Sisters Club soon! I love it when I create my own entertainment! And I especially LOVE happy endings! This one was! :o)

Now… I was working on something today, tweaking, if you will… and decided to take pictures of what I was doing so I would know how I did it and how to put it back together. I know if you don’t sew, this won’t mean anything to you, but to me… it’s gold! Let me show you what I was working on… trying to simplify this pattern I created, but thought I might try to make it have a few less steps…

I would stitch a seam, then decide if I stitched another seam first, it would work better, so I’d rip out the first seam…

Then I decided I didn’t need a waistband on the yoked skirt…and that made it less bulky…

I kept working and ripping out and stitching and making seams smaller…

I finished off the inside tab this time and left no serged edges on the yoke part…

Snaps were lined up and sewn on…

…and lookie…

Isn’t it going to be pretty? I know my picture is a bit washed out, but Frieda wears it well!

I hope to have lots more to show you tomorrow…

Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “I’m TWEAKING again… but I think you’ll be happy…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a clever way to reconstruct the little short overalls, Jeanne!! Can’t wait to see what else goes with it!

    Speaking of which, I see your camo outfit has one bid already! And congrats on the successful auction of your 1864 outfit! That was great!!

    In reference to comments yesterday: Barbara, I think I like the idea of layered tulle better than burlap. Burlap can be quite coarse, and might not look in scale with your girls (unless you can find some that’s finer). With the tulle, you could do two layers of brown with some beige between (or experiment with colors), to get a more interesting effect. I know that, in the past, anyway, quilting fabrics have come in “wood” prints, planks, etc. Something like that might work, too, although the holes might show more.

    As to repairing that “Huddles” character, I think I would use Aleene’s tacky glue. You can get it in either a bottle or jar. It dries clear and doesn’t stain; it’s also somewhat flexible when dry, so might just work really well. Be sure to let it dry thoroughly before allowing it to be played with again.

    Congrats on getting your new fridge in! What an ordeal, but now you have it! I know what you mean–when we got ours about 3 years ago, I had all the frozen food in ice chests in the basement, and refrigerated things in insulated bags, etc. upstairs (where the kitchen is), and it took a long time to get everything in its place! (We had someone coming, though, who took our old one out and brought the new one in, so we had to be Ready!).

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks for another idea for my stage flooring. I’ve got till next spring to figure this out. I was going to make all the dance costumes, but I’m going to cheat and buy some. There are a lot of gorgeous dance costumes out there for good prices and I have a lot of girls who will be participating.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, Jeanne, I don’t sew much at all anymore, so am trying to figure out what is going on there! If it works for you and makes it easier, so be it! I do love those little rompers, and am waiting to see how this one works out, and what is included!

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, it is fun to watch what you are doing, even though I am in the can’t sew category (smile).

    I wanted to let you and the Sofa Sisters know that Ed at Happily Ever After is doing a Zoom gathering tonight on the 1470 doll that Doug James created. They have these gathering just about every week. Anyone who is interested can send Ed an email and request the Zoom link.

    Can you believe that August is three days away? I want May back!!!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Congrats on the dress sale. That was a lovely one. 🙂
    Glad to hear that Jeanne was tweaking a dress and not Tweaking on whatever drug. 🙂
    I do think this pattern adjustment will make a difference. Much neater and easier to close. I also think it might be nice to have the skirt part sit a bit higher on the hips so the waist comes up slightly further. The girls look a bit long waisted wearing it. There I go opening my mouth again. :0
    Looks like we’re going to be heating up again. Weather has been very pleasant except for those in the wildfire areas. Ugly there. But, the firefighters have been working so hard to stop them quickly. If you look at a CA map, there are big red dots everywhere there have been fires. It’s pretty crazy, and we’re not even near the months when the big fires have started in the past. Can’t wait for late October rain.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Looks like the “tweak” worked perfectly. I can’t remember the original design but the new one seems great. I finally got a chance to take a look at all your pictures of Stella on her photo walkabout. Beautiful pictures and what a wonderful place you have to take them. Can’t even think of a place around here that would work as well – not to mention that between snakes and fire ants, walking through the woods around here would require boots rather than flip flops. My children never knew what it was like to go barefoot and whenever we were vacationing in Colorado, I was always checking under picnic tables, etc. for fire ant mounds before I remembered I didn’t need to do that there and could relax and enjoy the out-of-doors.

    My first experience with fire ants here was on a golf course shortly after we moved to Texas. Being from the northeast I didn’t know what fire ants were and I sat down in the grass, right on top of an ant pile. Modesty went out the window while I was trying to get those horrible things off me. Another time I thought I was being bit by mosquitos and I looked down and my leg was covered with the things. If you know anything about them, they will very quietly get on you and then send out pheromones that say “attack” and they all start biting at once. That time I ended up in the doctor’s office. I found out I was allergic to their bites.

    Charlotte, your fridge exchange sounds much more exhausting than mine. David and Sean picked ours up because we are outside the “free” delivery zone. They also picked up our small chest freezer. The delivery charge on that was almost as much as the freezer. Both of the other refrigerators we have stay here in one capacity or another so we didn’t have to have anything hauled off so this worked fine. Once we got the new fridge in the one side of the kitchen, they moved the other one to the far side of the room (fortunately I have a large kitchen) and I just transferred things from one to the other. But it’s like moving. You have no idea how much stuff you have until you go to move it. We were going to give the larger chest freezer away, but when David and Sean started moving it they realized it was in far worse shape than we anticipated. We will have to have that one picked up – lid removed of course.

    My kitchen and garage right now look like the wreck of the Hesperus. So much disarray just to put in a new fridge and freezer, but corners have been exposed that have been hidden for years. Not sure what to do with some of that stuff. And it’s like a sauna in the garage right now, but the temp yesterday was 93 so maybe things are cooling off some.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Love hearing about the refrigerator escapades. Glad it is in and fits the space. Other person once helped a friend move in a refrigerator only to find that they couldn’t open the doors unless it was pulled away from the wall. When the wife came home, it was not a pretty picture. 🙂

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Funny you should mention the doors. I was watching them push it back into its “space” – will never again have a house with a defined fridge space. I was holding my breath worrying about it fitting even though we measured before we bought it. I was just about to remind them they could not push it totally back in or the doors would not open fully – which was one of the things I loved about it. Just as I was about to say something they gave it the final push and sure enough the doors would not open fully so they had to finesse it out far enough to open the doors. Now I know why I wait a quarter of a century between fridge purchases.

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