Wow! Ten Ping now has 6 pieces to her new dress set!

I was a busy seamstress today! Ten Ping was delighted to see me working on things just for her and now she has SIX pieces to her set…and there might be MORE! Let me show you what I added since yesterday…

A pair of white lace panties…

A new patriotic slip…

A pair of red capri’s with white stars on them… :o)

They can be worn with or without the slip…

I added a red with white polka dots ribbon at the waist of her blue and cream paisley dress, and made a pre-tied bow for the back… which just snaps together. Easy peasy!

I found a red straw hat in my stash and think I can embellish it to make it look nicer…

So what’s the sixth piece?

Why, shoes, of course! This was my first pair of leather shoes for Ten Ping. I’ve made her some from Ultrasuede, but not leather… so they aren’t perfect, but still pretty cute.

I have some little white speckles I need to pick off the shoes…

That was my day with Ten Ping…

You like???

Sorry, I didn’t get to your comments… but I’ll read them in bed… it’s 2 minutes after midnight… so I must go!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Wow! Ten Ping now has 6 pieces to her new dress set!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, I think we are in trouble here!! Gigi was sneaking out of her room for a drink of water, and just looked over my shoulder, and informed me she likes red Almost as much as pink, and since she’s an American now, couldn’t she Puhleeeeeze have this outfit? That girl!!

    Anyway, I just love every detail of the outfit. LOVE!!

    Barbara, I read your comment about how hard to find small enough prints for our little dolls. I once read a sewing tip (for women) about how the dominant element USUALLY should be no bigger than the hand of the person wearing it. (There are some exceptions, of course, but it’s a good starting point.) I got to thinking, if it works for people, it should work for dolls, too, so that’s what I do. I use the doll’s hand as my “scale”. If you measure the doll’s hand across, you could use that measurement without taking the doll along. (Although I have been known to take my dolls shopping, especially after I got my first American Girl doll! In fact, I have a little story about that….)

    Joy, I’m so glad the packages got safely inside your house before Other Person was aware of what was going on! “Mission, Impossible” theme, indeed. I also think about the old “Perils of Pauline” silents, where Pauline is tied to the railroad tracks, the train is on its way, and will the hero get there in time?!!! Come back next week to find out!! (grinning…)

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks for the handy tip on using a hand as a scale, for both people and dolls. I love the “Perils of Pauline” movies. When I lived in Wilmington, DE, we had an organization that used to play all the old classic movies. “Perils of Pauline” was one of my favorites but I also saw a lot of the movies with Lillian and Dorothy Gish, including “The Birth of a Nation” That movie was long.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What a cute little, and I mean little, outfit Ten Ping is wearing, Jeanne! When I saw the size of the snaps in the back, it made me realize how little! She looks ready to get her place staked out for the Memorial Day parade! This could also work for the Fourth of July!

    When it comes to deciding on the size of the print, I just eyeball it. If it doesn’t look right, it isn’t right!

    Love the tiny shoes! I can’t do things like that, just too small to work with, but you certainly did in perfect fashion!!

  3. Summer is here…picked my first roses and Ten ping is ready for Memorial Weekend! Every piece of her outfit looks so sweet on her. Wherever did you find the hat in just the right size and color? Those tiny shoes add the perfect touch.
    Enjoy the weekend😉

    1. I Had to go back and read the latest chapter of Doll Detective😳 Joy….That was an amazing rescue. Now we need to see a picture of the latest arrivals😉

  4. Marilyn in Colorado

    Stars and … Paisley Forever! The shoes brought this whole outfit together. Would some of those tiny star buttons work on the hat — with maybe a navy ribbon? I always like the patriotic slips.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Little Ten Ping is looking all set for the holidays ahead. Love r/w/b. Jeanne was working very hard to accomplish all of that for sweet Ten. 🙂
    Thanks for the nice comments on my latest adventures with packages exploits. Hoping to release the dollies from their confinement today, after a ton of yard work that awaits. Ugh. Hate dandelions on single stalks that pop up everywhere they don’t belong in the landscaping. Refuse to use Round Up, so the only alternative is to dig. Although, they even come up through the landscaping fabric. Other person only uses power tools that cuts them off so they can regrow at twice the strength. 🙁 Good thing the heatwave is over or I’d be wilting along with any flowers that may still be alive. 🙂

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Hi Joy,
      We don’t use Round Up or any other pesticides on our yard either. I also dig the dandelions out of the flower beds and pathways, but I do admit I just mow the lawn every few days when the are at their height of blooming.

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, you have made another award winning outfit. I love the little shoes.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    What an adorable little outfit. Could you give me Ten Ping’s measurements? I have several dolls her size and often wonder if her clothes would fit them. I really can’t imagine how you work on things as small as her shoes. I had a friend once who did a lot of small needlework like counted cross stitch. I asked her how she did thing so small. She said she was so near sighted it was no problem for her.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        That is really a helpful diagram, Joy! Thanks. I may try to print off just the diagram, as it would be handier than trying to measure Gigi (they have the same body) every time.

        I was going to say, Barbara, that TenPing (and my Gigi, and the others in that series) is 8″ tall. I haven’t checked to see if either Ginny or Madame Alexander clothes would fit her, or compared her to either of those dolls, but I really should. I suspect she’s closer to the 8″ M.A. dolls than Ginny, but I’ll have to check that out.

  8. Laura in Ohio

    Ten Ping’s little outfit is just adorable. All the patterns and pieces work so well together. Love the tiny star buttons on the shoes.
    My peonies are blooming as always in time for Memorial Day. Some are in bloom and some buds yet to come. Smell so good!

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