Ten Ping wanted some modeling time

There is a new Ten Ping in town… she’s the new 12″ Ruby Red Fashion Friends Siblie.

I don’t happen to have her, but I DO have the original 8″ Ten Ping, by Ruby Red Galleria, and she wanted something new to wear.

My day was busy and I didn’t get very far, but I’ll show you her bodice…

This has to be the tiniest paisley print I have ever seen! I thought it was perfect for Ten Ping.

2 tiny red buttons just might be the start of something patriotic!!

Sorry, but that’s all for today!!
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Ten Ping wanted some modeling time”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That Is a tiny paisley print–just perfect for Ten Ping! (I am typing quietly as Gigi really doesn’t Need another outfit just yet!! LOL) Can’t wait to see what you do with it!

    By the way, I did reply to some of the comments about my azalea on yesterday’s blog, if any of you wishes to check. Lynne, Joy, and Kathie I know for sure, and I think Laura I replied to one of your comments (about not trimming it) within my reply to Kathie’s comment!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Read your ivy response. When I went out to sprinkle the plants yesterday, I spied ivy now trying to smother our back fence. Ah, it’s everywhere and creeping towards the raised beds. So much work to do out there.

      1. Laura in Ohio

        I did see your response, Charlotte. Funny to me about the ivy being a problem. My grandparent’s had ivy growing around the base and partially up the trunk of the huge linden tree in their front yard. i don’t recall it being a problem as it was just mowed around and personally I loved it as I would hide my small dollhouse dolls and tiny ceramic animals in it as a “Secret Garden”.

  2. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, she does look adorable. I think you are right about the red buttons setting things off.

  3. Marilyn in Colorado

    It’s lovely that you found a Ten Ping sized paisley. Blue and white (or maybe cream and white), like the blue willow china, is perfect for her. I’ve only seen one picture of the Ten Ping Sibbie, so I looked her up and here she is https://rubyredtoys.com/special-edition/134-ten-ping-siblies-limited-edition She’s an LE who comes in a whole range of dress fabrics — you won’t know which one until she arrives. She’s meant to be about 12.
    Here’s another picture of her face https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=ten+ping+sibbie&fr=yhs-trp-001&type=Y61_F163_200477_082620&hspart=trp&hsimp=yhs-001&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.unbonheurdecolibri.be%2F15486-large_default%2Fgigi-troisieme-edition-ten-ping-and-friend-ruby-red.jpg#id=6&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.unbonheurdecolibri.be%2F15486-large_default%2Fgigi-troisieme-edition-ten-ping-and-friend-ruby-red.jpg&action=click

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Ten Ping, the original, is such a cutie sitting there on that wonderful wooden hatbox or whatever kind of box it might be. Love how the bodice on her new dress fits so nicely too. Can’t wait to see what lies ahead.
    Well, yesterday was quite a doozy. Crazy heat, but we needed to do work inside organizing at the other house so, off we went. I really did not know how to handle receiving, according to Informed Delivery, and Fedex, two packages in one day. One in regular mail and one quite delayed after spending several days stuck in Sacramento, with Fedex. We played with our cat visitor when we got to the house. She lives up the hill. We worked hard all morning. It was very cool inside even without air conditioning there. Around noon, we decided to call it quits and head home for lunch. About that time, it dawned on me that there might be packages waiting on the porch. Working so hard had distracted me. As we were leaving, I grabbed a large black garbage bag containing a quilt in need of special laundering and asked other person to put it on the floor of the backseat while I locked up. As we headed home, I suggested that we turn and go the short way since we were going to only stop a few minutes before heading out to pick up lunch. We usually go around the block to get a straight shot at entering the driveway. That way, the porch and any package would be very observable from the street. So, we took the short cut. Anyway, as we approached the house, we saw that the garbage pick up guy had annoyingly dumped part of the trash in the street leaving it without picking it up as they usually do. As we drove into the driveway crookedly, I could see a small box sitting on the porch under the mailbox, but other person, distracted by the trash, did not. I fairly sprinted from the car calling to other person to please put the quilt in the garbage bag in the garage, thereby giving me seconds to work a plan. He however, distracted by the lousy trash pickup, said he needed a broom, so as I scrambled up the thirteen steps, he headed to the garage with the trash bag/quilt to get a broom. At that point, it was open game for me. It would be only a matter of seconds before other person was back up the steps because it was close to a 100 out there and scorching. As I hit the last step, to the left, I spied a huge box sitting there behind the railing as well as the smaller box under the mailbox. Both boxes were right out there and so visible. Trembling, I fumbled with my keys trying to open the door ever so quickly. For the life of me, I couldn’t get the key into the lock. Finally, still shaking, I got the right gold key and opened the lock, never turning to see if other person was following up the steps or not. Not a second to spare, the door popped open. As my thoughts returned, I literally threw my purse and sunglasses inside the door towards the chair, turned and grabbed the huge box since it was the most visible and stuffed it inside the door, backed up and picked up the smaller box as well. Once inside, still not looking back to spy on other person, I picked up both the giant box and the little box and spirited them to the back of the house to safety. Running back to the door, other person appeared just as I got there. I honestly do not know how the boxes escaped detection. I guess the trash distracted other person just enough. I don’t think putting the quilt/trashbag in the garage would have given me enough time to do this caper. The mail was still in the box outside, so I walked past other person and opened the box, pulling out the mail. Still shaky, I started to relax. Other person looked through the mail. My mind focused. Yay! I did not get caught. Boy was that a close one. 🙂

    1. Great work, Joy!! While reading this clever maneuver, I was literally holding my breath. I truly heard the Mission Impossible theme song in my head. Glad the distraction was trash laying on the ground though and not that match striking the fuse in the beginning of the theme song!! Excellent work and quick thinking.
      Glad the boxes made it in safely!

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Oh, I’m glad the packages arrived undetected as well. Resting today. Nothing due in for quite awhile. 🙂

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      You really need to give your trash people a bonus. Or maybe you should work it out with them to do this whenever you are expecting a package on trash day. I haven’t been commenting much lately, trying to get other things done, but I really have to tell you I love your Ten-Ping’s outfit. Did you make that? I love the hand stitching as an accent. If you did make it, where did you get the pattern? Too cute and I love the colors.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Yes, I did make my Siblie Ten Ping’s outfit. I used a free pattern I have for 14″ dolls, but reduced it for the dress. Made my own collar and also borrowed a sleeve from somewhere. The pinafore and pockets were made up. Just a waistband that overlaps in the back and a couple of straps. Easy peasy. Thanks 🙂

    3. Laura in Ohio

      Fabulous job, Joy! Your account read like a old Nancy Drew mystery with you racing to escape other person and getting the “treasures” to safety. The thirteen step tie in was funny, too. ( Mystery of the 99 Steps came to mind)
      I first expected you to use the trash bag/quilt as the cover up for the packages.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Thanks Laura. I like that 99 steps idea. 🙂 Had I had more brains at the time, using the trash bag would have been a good idea. Although, because of the large size of the arrival box, I don’t think it would have been enough cover. Maybe I need a fake box with an open bottom that I can slide over packages and pretend it is a box for recycling? Oh, maybe another time. Hum, I do have an old milk box that I’ve been meaning to put on the porch for fun. Now that might work to hide packages. Thinking. 🙂

    4. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, another mission accomplished! Like Paula, I was holding my breath as I read. Like Barbara, I was thinking that you should make an arrangement with the trash collectors to create future distractions.

      This was truly a covert operation. We, on the sofa, salute you!

  5. Jeanne, Ten Ping has the sweetest face. She was the one you had repainted her face, I think.
    I like the little red buttons against the pretty material you chose. Lookin forward to see what else you make for this little girl.
    I almost thought about getting the larger doll like Ten Ping but there are others I like also. As I keep saying, I really have too many girls already. The new ones are hard to resist though,

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Your Ten Ping is absolutely adorable. Hard to believe she is so tiny. It is hard to find prints that work well for tiny dolls. I find some from time to time but sometimes I buy fabric thinking the print will work for a smaller doll and it doesn’t. A patriotic dress should be great. If you sew fast she could wear it for Memorial Day and 4th of July. Or someone’s doll could.

    I’ve been switching clothes around so I’m not wearing clothes from two closets so I haven’t been commenting much. But I have to say that Charlotte’s Azalea is beautiful. I like that she has let it “grow”. I have two Crepe Myrtles in my front yard and we have never trimmed them. They are absolutely beautiful and bloom most of the summer if we get at least occasional rain. My neighbors trim theirs back so much the blooms look they are growing out of the trunk. Someone said my blooms would be bigger if I cut them back, but I’ll settle for just having more of them.

  7. Laura in Ohio

    Ten Ping looks cute in that tiny paisley. The red buttons are a great addition for a patriotic outfit.

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