Okay… I’ll show you which doll the new Christmas dress is for…

It’s 10 minutes after midnight and I haven’t had a moment to read the comments today, but when I get in bed, I will! Yes, it was one of those days! I’ve discovered I can only multitask so much and then it gets a bit overwhelming! Trying to finish the guest room, look for more “stuff” to decorate with, sew, figure out how to do Thanksgiving and Christmas at the same time, decide on Christmas presents for the kids, and make dinner is taking all my time. I also have a presentation for one of the doll forums that will be shown this Sunday and I’ve only had a year to get it together…and yet, I’m still a little nervous that it’s not good enough. Maybe the 40 pictures I added will make up for anything lacking in the text! :o)

Okay, enough of that…

I decided I could and should and would show you who the next Christmas dress was for… It probably won’t come as any surprise to you, since she just joined my collection, but Kendall, won the top spot and she was so excited. I decided even with her hair the way it was when I got her, I could surely do something to make her presentable… and I’m not certain I’ll keep the bows, but for today, she’s sporting them.

I have to tell you too, though, this fabric is NOT looking great in my pictures tonight. It is bright and vibrant and those metallic threads in the green and yellow and blue are just gorgeous in person. I have GOT to figure out a way to show the fabric to you so you can see it like I do, because it’s not drab in the least! :o)

Isn’t she a sweet doll?

Her skirt was very full, so of course, she had to get a slip. It’s not terribly full, but it still holds her dress out wonderfully.

AND… JUST AS I WAS HOPING… this dress pattern of mine, fits the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls… Here is Rozen doing the honors for you!

There is still more to come, but for now, I hope you enjoy seeing these pictures…

Well, this gal better get to bed…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Okay… I’ll show you which doll the new Christmas dress is for…”

  1. Coming along nicely loved the dress on the RRFF. Can’t wait to see the finish. You rock wwith all you do Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    I had my comment all ready to post, and then my computer did its occasional trick of a sudden “zooming” in and out, and the comment was lost. So here we go again.

    Oh, I should have guessed!! New doll=new dress!!

    And it is GORGEOUS!!!! But…. Those buttons are too far apart, I think–they just look “odd”. I would take them off and just do two or three in a row down the exact center front. Of leave them off and use a bow of narrow black velvet ribbon at the neck instead. That’s my opinion, for what it’s worth.

    Thank you all for your sympathy about my “loss” of Rozen. If I’m supposed to have her, another will come up, I imagine. She is so gorgeous, and I was so excited to be “first” to express interest!!

    As to PayPal…it turned out to be an internet problem, not PayPal (at least so far–I haven’t tried to access PayPal since I got my wifi up and running again). I had just made three purchases using PayPal in the previous two weeks, so I knew it Had to work, and there must be something wrong somewhere. And then last night my wifi quit completely! None on my Kindle Fire, none on my computer. Today I called and got it working again. I did emails last night with the ethernet cord (from my computer of 16 years ago!!) connecting the modem to the laptop, so at least I could do emails, etc.!

    I’m not afraid of Zoom so much as I’m lacking a dedicated space to use it where I can shut the door and block out the TV sound (and someone’s occasional comments!). Plus, I want in-person stuff, and am willing to hold out for that!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh Jeanne, Kendall looks SO cute in that dress! She looks like a little Addy! What a stroke of luck to have found her and that you were able to fix her up and make her a darling Christmas dress! I bet she loves living with you!!! Rozen looks equally pretty wearing it!

    Oh my, having you tell us all the things you are involved with, males me dizzy! Don’t worry about us not having a blog to read for a few days, if you have too much to do. Just take it as it comes so you can enjoy having Rebecca and Karn to yourselves! Family is number 1!!

  4. Susette from Southern California

    The dress is darling and the buttons are fine. Where else would they go? Her hair is fine, too. You should take a look at the hair on the Maya RRFF doll before worrying about Kendall’s hair.

    I’m with Linda on taking a few days off to enjoy your Thanksgiving and Christmas family gatherings. We will be thinking of you and all the catching up and celebrating you’ll be doing. πŸ¦ƒ πŸŽ„

  5. Joy in northern CA

    My first thought when I was reading down was, will the dress fit the RRFF kids? And then the answer, yes. πŸ™‚ But, how about the shoes? I don’t think they wear the same size do they?
    I’d like to see what buttons down the middle look like as Charlotte suggested with that little velvet bow, but they aren’t bad as they are and the black lace looks great. Kendall’s pony ends look much better and less scraggly. Did you curl them?
    So what doll forum are you talking about that will run your presentation? I’d love to see it. Sounds much better than football to me. πŸ™‚
    Can’t make a decision on who rocks the dress more as both Kendall and Rozen are equally cute. πŸ™‚
    As to the Thanks/Christmas celebration and to save your sanity, I would immediately cut out some things. No need to have everything from both holidays. Just the basic dishes (not too many) and a nice dessert. Who needs all of those calories anyway. As to gifts, maybe just a small token and then mail whatever else so it arrives on Christmas or New Years even. No need to go crazy. It’s not going to feel right anyway opening gifts on the wrong day. We tried having Xmas early once and believe me, we’ll never do it again. πŸ™‚ Think about having a fun day, not stressed out, and being able to enjoy some in person time with your family. Maybe enjoy an entertaining new board game too. There are so many new ones out there. πŸ™‚
    Headed out today to pick up the glue I like at Michael’s since Joann’s didn’t have any. Big day planned. Ha ha.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Re the RRFF/Wellie shoes, when I first started buying the RRFF dolls I checked the shoe size and it was larger than the Wellie size, but recently I have bought shoes that are supposed to fit both – and they do. I was buying shoes for my RRFFs but decided if they didn’t fit them I could always give them to my Wellie, Camille. I was pleased when they did fit.

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    I forgot to tell you yesterday how much I like the bird whatever-they-are that you put next to the mirror, where they fit perfectly. I really like the arrangement.

    You fixed the ends of Kendall’s hair so that she has an elegant hair style to go with her beautiful dress — I love the black trim, and I really love that the dress looks equally pretty on the RRFF doll. I can’t believe iit went together so quickly.

  7. Anne Coldron in New Zealand

    It’s great that your lovely dress for Kendal fits the RRFF dolls too. I love everything about it.

    Because Christmas is in summer here in the Southern Hemisphere it is much more casual than you all are used to. Lots of people simply have a BBQ. My table decorations are a tablecloth (usually my white damask as it is plenty big enough) and Christmas paper napkins if I remember! I might have crackers this year as I have been making some re usable ones. That way people might get gifts they actually want. So far I have made 2 and Sam has made 1! I still have a way to go since I need at least 10 but once made I won’t have to do them again next year. Unless I go crazy and decide to make another set all the same so they look good on the table lol

    Sam got a bit emotional yesterday. She has about 14 boxes of Christmas decorations that she has kept collecting but was never allowed to use (Greg hates decorations, she was only allowed to put up a tree and that under protest). She and Caitlin were sorting them yesterday to decide what to keep and what not to keep and it upset Sam when she found some that were never used but the children would have loved when they were younger but now don’t want because they have grown out of them! We probably won’t be able to move for decorations in my house this year, I expect they will try to use everything that is left!!!! They want to put a tree up on the deck as well and probably lights. I’m not so sure that is a good idea, not that I don’t want them but Canterbury is famous for Nor Wester winds (hot and dry and very strong) particularly at this time of year and I am not sure how long the decorations will last if one comes up. As long as I don’t have to climb ladders to put them up or take them down they can do what they like.

    I went to the doctor on Wednesday. I needed a check up (apparently) since I hadn’t been since 2019. I can still walk unaided so they won’t do anything about my hip yet though he has given me some tablets which I am a bit reluctant to take since I need another lot of tablets to counteract the side effects!!! I’m not big on tablets at the best of times. Since the warmer, dryer weather seems to be helping I might keep them for when it gets cold and damp again. I am still waiting for the results of the blood tests they took but everything else was fine and I have a low risk of dying of a heart attack or a stroke which is good news lol! I always had low blood pressure but it usually rises in most people as they get older so mine has gone up to normal! I should be getting a ‘green prescription’ though which is 3-4 months free membership of a gym or similar (includes things like Yoga and Tai Chi). I haven’t heard back about that yet though

    I had better go, got lots on today. Stay warm folks

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Glad to hear your physical went well. I don’t like taking medications myself and have no need for prescription drugs so far. I was just reading through my Medicare renewal information trying to see if any kind of gym membership is included. I’m still not sure so I may have to call. We were supposed to get a YMCA here in Sealy but the City and the Y couldn’t reach an agreement on something or other. I was looking forward to it providing things like Yoga and Tai Chi. Once David is fully on his feet again, we will be looking into the gym here in Sealy. We didn’t have one before but now we do so we’ll see what they offer.

  8. I should have guessed the dress would be for Kendall as that is always the routine. When you get a new doll, she immediately goes straight to the cutting table.The plaid dress is darling and the black lace adds an elegant touch. How nice that it fit both the WW and RRFF dolls.

  9. Joy Lynne Carter

    Kendall looks great, as does that plaid dress. As does her hair! Welcome to the world of hair that’s ‘different’!

  10. Barbara in SE Texas

    I should have known the dress is for Kendall. I just wasn’t sure she was ready for her modeling debut just yet. I love her dress and the black lace is perfect, but my take on the buttons is they need to be moved in and then maybe a narrow black tie at the throat. i usually keep my opinions to myself because creativity is such a personal thing, but since others mentioned the buttons and it was on my mind, I thought I’d tag along.

    And just another thought (opinion?), I agree that doing both Thanksgiving and Christmas to their usual fullest will be overwhelming and since this will be an every-other-year event, you need to create a new tradition with parts of both. Christmas dinner around here involves baked ham sandwiches and potato salad and make it yourself whenever you’re hungry (my mother’s tradition after a few years of cooking a Christmas dinner that we kids were too excited to eat), but we do the traditional feast at Thanksgiving, I would definitely go with the usual Thanksgiving dinner with Christmas cookies added to the dessert menu. But I would decorate with Christmas things rather than Thanksgiving. Around here the tree goes up right after Thanksgiving because our town has our Fantasy of LIghts Festival and Lighted Parade the first weekend of December and our house is on the road into town.. So putting your tree up for Thanksgiving might work – if you want the tree up at all. Depending on when Rebecca and Karn arrive, maybe they could help with that. I always dream of my children coming home for Christmas and we would all decorate together. As I said “dream”. If I mentioned that they probably wouldn’t come home. Sean helps me literally put up the tree because it’s heavy and he will help me put up my blow-up decorations but I don’t get any volunteers for putting up the lights so while David has had his knee problems and can’t help do it, I’ve actually left the lights up the last couple years. Sean attaches the extension cords and sets the timer for me. When he was still living home, he did most of the outside decorating but now he has his own house to do.

    On Fridays David has his PT at 11:00 a.m. rather than in the afternoon. Today he decided to go to lunch with Sean and I after he was finished. That was a bit much for him I think and he opted not to go to his shop this afternoon. That also told me he is not ready to go to church Sunday. I have a meeting I need to attend so I will go by my lonesome. Nice cool days here lately. Highs only in the 60s. My type of weather. Not too hot or too cold. But the people whose families have been here several generations are wearing parkas and mukluks when we’re just comfortable. They are also enjoying the heat of summer while we’re suffering. Most of their families were here before the days of A/C. I can’t even imagine.

  11. Awwww, Sew sweet on Kendall, AND on Rozen. Every time I see her, she reminds me of my granddaughter (yes the one I bought the Will for). Just a sweet dress all around!

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