A new Christmas doll dress is started…

I’m going to keep it a secret who this dress is for, but you can still guess… :o)

The fabric is a wonderful shimmery red homespun plaid. It doesn’t look like a cotton as it’s so dressy, but it is.

I did a little decorating in the guest room…these birds are cut out of some kind of metal and are 3-D. I loved them the moment I saw them…and like them on the wall even more.

I have to finish my alterations before I do anything else, so I’m not sure how much sewing I’ll get done today… or decorating!

Sorry, short post, but I have to get to bed.
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “A new Christmas doll dress is started…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, goodie, a new project!! Hm, you haven’t given us anything by way of a sizing hint, but I’m going to guess it might be for Lian. She looks good in bright colors, and those look like maybe 1/8-1/4″ buttons so that’s what I think.

    I love your bird plaques, too, and they look so nice on the wall, there by the little chest and the mirror.

    To answer Kathie’s question about getting together with other friends instead of Expo, most of the ones I meet there are from elsewhere. Some (mother/daughter plus another friend or two) are from Port Townsend, which is a ferry ride plus at least a half hour (maybe more–I can’t remember) drive from me. Two of them are up in Everett, so that’s quite a bit closer and more doable. The one really special one (who I actually met in a class at Expo some years ago, and she has become very dear to me–I told her she’s one of the best things to ever come out of Expo, as far as I’m concerned!) lives in Utah, which is a little far from the Seattle area!!

    I may do what I did last year–since I don’t do Zoom or anything like that: do something special that is sewing-related every day. Last year I shopped B&N for sewing books one day, spent time using the big table at church and cut out several garments another day, and went to Quilting Mayhem to shop another day. Stay tuned!

    Well, I thought I was going to have a really exciting announcement tonight, but my only announcement is that my wifi failed (I’m doing internet via the ethernet cord that came with my long-ago laptop–thankful it works well for internet!!) and I wasn’t able to send a payment via PayPal to this lady who had…..ROZEN….for sale, so I told her to go ahead and sell it to the next person in line, as I had no idea how long it would take to get things working again. I figure, if I’m meant to have a Rozen, some day I will have one. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to the arrival of Scarlett, the Christmas girl (in red). So at least I won’t have to go doll-less for Christmas!! LOL

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Too bad about Rozen. Wonder why Paypal didn’t work for you? I sometimes wish it didn’t work so well for me. Zoom is a piece of cake. It is possible to just be there and listen/watch without participating. I would give it a try so you can join in with the Expo. Hopefully, the sales room will be available too. 🙂

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Regarding your PayPal comment, oh yeah! The mail lady just showed up with a handful of my PayPal purchases. It will be like Christmas when I open them because I can’t even remember what all I ordered. But I’m sure it is all necessary. Sometimes I feel pretty sure the dolly girls do go shopping in the dark of night.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      I know you’re very disappointed to not get Rozen. She is lovely. Hopefully you will get another chance to welcome her into your home soon. But Scarlett is lovely too so, as you say, you won’t have to go doll-less for Christmas. I like your idea of doing a special sewing-related item every day during Expo. But I agree with Joy that Zoom is not difficult to use. I was a little intimidated when my Chorale started visiting that way during COVID but the people who set the program up made it very user friendly. And once you are on and see and hear all the people it is the next best thing to visiting in person. Kind of like the duo calls I have with my daughter. In person is better but when that is not possible other possibilities are good. I remember when all that was not possible and I thought Jane Jetson’s video calls were unimaginable, and now they are. But I certainty do understand why Jane needed a mask to answer phone calls. I cannot do an unplanned video call. But I had another incentive to do Zoom. My grandkids use it like it is nothing and I could not have them steps ahead of me in computer usage. lol

      I read your comment about visiting with your mom on the phone during your sleep. That would be me. Too funny.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    My first thought for who the dress is for was Molly! Red plaid just calls her name, but then after minute or two, I thought it must be for either a LD or RRFF doll, since it is going so fast! So I think it is for a smaller doll than an 18 incher. Out of that, I have no clue!

    The bird plaques are just darling and look so well on your wall, Jeanne! I’m not a decorator, but I think you need some color there in that corner. All i see is beige, tan and brown! Since we are getting closer to Christmas every day, why not put something “Christmasy” on the chest for a couple of months? By then, you will have a better idea of what to put there permanetly, and your holiday “busyness” will be over.

    Sorry to hear abut the Rozen deal falling thorugh, Charlotte. Scarlett should be fun to get! Lucky you, not everyone gets a doll for Christmas!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Haven’t a clue on the owner of the dress. Maybe one of the Meadow kids? Guess we’ll find out.
    The birds definitely help fill in that corner. They’re cute. Love birds. I couldn’t figure out why the mirror was installed so off center and close to the drapes, but now I know. Linda’s idea of something holiday is a good idea. Maybe a clear compote filled with vintage Christmas bulbs if you have any stashed somewhere. Might be fun. 🙂 Yesterday, I mentioned that a luggage rack would be a nice addition, and today, how about a chair on the smallish side. Depending on the depth of the bed mattress and toppers, it can be difficult to reach the floor to put on shoes. Coming from someone your exact height. 🙂
    My Joann’s trip for buttons yesterday was not exactly as planned. Selection was very poor and none of my favorite glue in sight. Probably on a container ship floating around somewhere. But, I did find a little wooden house that I think will work for the wreath I want to put together. After seeing Linda’s cute wreath last year, I’ve been trying to gather things to use on mine. At least I found a basic wreath this year. Last year by the time I got around to it, they were all gone. 🙂

  4. Well sorry Rosen didn’t work out!😳🙁 Charlotte. Zoom is not hard…any person who had kids attending school on Zoom could help…or any grade school child could help too.
    Jeanne….love, love the bird plaques….they just look beige because color changes in the pic ….the room is really grey right?😉 I’m a sucker for most bird pics.
    The red plaid dress will be cute no matter what doll gets it…you do puffy sleeves so well☺️
    Altering is never fun but I’m sure your friend will appreciate it.

  5. Sally from Colorado

    Charlotte, that is really too bad about Rozen. I have heard a few complaints about PayPal lately though I have not encountered any problems. I hope another good opportunity comes along soon. It sounds like the factory is catching up and you should have that lovely Miss Scarlett in another few weeks. She looks beautiful! I like your creative thoughts of alternative things to do on Expo day. Very smart!

    Jeanne, those birds are the bee’s knees and look perfect there. Great find.

    My guess is Little Darling for this next outfit..

  6. The bird pictures fit the wall very nice. It is the perfect grouping for that area of the wall.

    Love the red plaid ! I’ve got a feeling it isn’t for Molly either. Love the buttons in the front.

    It has been busy busy around our house, I’m hoping to get Christmas decorations out and wrapping presents to send off so they’ll be delivered in time.
    It’s the season!!

  7. So sorry about missing out on Rozen since you wanted her, Charlotte. PayPal has never me any problems and I’ve used it a number of other places besides Ebay/Etsy. Wonderful you are getting Scarlett though.

    My guess for the dress is either an LD or My Meadow doll because the bodice looks tiny.

    The bird pictures look very sweet in that space. The guest room is coming along nicely.

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    I’m terrible about coming up with an idea for the owner of the new dress. I always know who I want it to be but I’m usually wrong. Whatever dolly it’s for it will be lovely. I love red plaid and the buttons are very nice.

    I managed to survive the early morning sojourn to David’s appointment and I’m still on my feet at 4:30 pm, but I do keep yawning. He had his staples taken out today and they said he is healing ahead of schedule so doing the other knee on December 7 should not be a problem.

    I love the bird plaques and they look perfect where you put them.

  9. Dorothy near Pgh Pa

    The guest room IS coming along nicely and I love he bird pictures. I enjoy feeding birds all year long and like to see the variety that visit, so anything birds I love.
    I think the dress will be for Ten Ping. She’s been feeling a little neglected, although Navi is hopeful.
    Charlotte I am so sorry you weren’t able to complete the “travel” arrangements for Rozen. The universe works in mysterious ways so may be Someone else is meant for your home.
    I was able to get my booster shot this morning, yay!

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