That pink floral print used for SEVEN different doll dresses…

I was hoping I could get something done (sewing wise) and wouldn’t have to use the pink floral pictures, but my weekend was too busy and I’m going to have to show them to you… I don’t think you’ll mind and you might even see something you haven’t seen before… some of them go all the way back to 2007!

These were 2 dresses a man hired me to make for 2 little girls he knew. He knew the girls had American Girl dolls but didn’t know which ones they were… he just said he wanted a short pink dress and a long purple dress. I was at liberty to make them however I wanted… He said they loved them…

You saw this dress on Wren but these pictures might be slightly better… I probably have 80,000 pictures or more and keeping them organized isn’t easy.

I apparently made 2 of these dresses as this one is for another special order I did for a lady… I thought maybe it was the same dress, but it’s different… I checked the print placement…It wasn’t even finished when I took these pictures and these 2 pictures are the only ones I have showing it.

This was a special order I did for someone several years ago. It’s the “pink” version of the dress I did for Elizabeth that I showed Saturday… I think it may have been Cecile’s finest moment in modeling for me…

Next I made a dress from the pink fabric for Patsy Tonner and Elin (Iplehouse), who shared the modeling… I used a wonderful vintage hankie for their apron…

Then there was that dress for Katie Effanbee…

…and that last one I just did for Bailey…

Well, I guess that proves to you that I REALLY like that fabric…

I hope you enjoyed seeing those pictures… even though some of them were repeats…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

29 thoughts on “That pink floral print used for SEVEN different doll dresses…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That really was fun to see those pictures, and how different each dress looked!!! Yes, Cecile looked glorious in her gown and bonnet!! I love how the bright pink trim on Katie Effanbee’s dress picks up the brightest tones in the print. (I love her slip, by the way. Maybe some day a tutorial of how you made it???? Just a hint…)

    But my favorite? Those who know me will know this! It’s the lavender one in the first picture!! That is so MY color!! Our bridesmaids wore a slightly lighter version of that color at our wedding, almost 47 years ago! It’s still my favorite color.

    1. Hi Charlotte
      I KNEW when you saw that lavender dress, you’d claim that one as your favorite. Glad the others were “okay” too! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Such a beautiful trip down your memory lane:)
    Wren and Cecile are especially lovely.. although I’m not supposed to play favorites 💕 wonderful work, Jeanne!

    I can imagine the expression on those little girls faces when they saw their AG dresses! I love having creative license🌹

    1. Hi Shara,
      Thanks do much… yes, it does seem more fun when you can create something the way YOU want, doesn’t it?
      Blessings to you, Shara ,
      ~ Jeanne

  3. I really like that fabric too! Both the pink and the yellow are just lovely and so feminine. I really don’t know how you can possibly locate any specific photos with a collection of 80,000! I don’t have anywhere near that many, and I still can’t quite keep them organized. I make folders, and try to group them, but then when I look for something, I can’t remember which folder it is in. Maybe one day you can share how you store your photos.

    1. Hi Carolyn
      Oh, my pictures are a mess…truth be told… I always put the dolls name, the color or colors and and if it was a Christmas. Easter, Valentines, etc. dress…then when I go to look for a pink dress I just type in pink dress and any and all pink dresses come up…then it’s just a matter of looking through my pictures.
      Nobody wants to do it the way I do…trust me..
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Wow, I’ll bet you are wishing you had kept Wren. Love that doll. The dresses are beautiful too. 🙂
    When Charlotte mentioned her bridesmaids, it made me wonder, have we ever seen your wedding photos? If so, my memory is fading.
    I just ordered another dolly wig. A couple of new additions are coming soon and will need to try it on. It is always so hard for me to pick the right one to go with their skin color.
    Did you have any time to work on the cabinets this weekend? 🙂

    1. Hi Joy
      I think Wren was the hardest to let go…if I remember correctly. She went to Germany or England… Song went to one or the other too…

      I have on my “sandng” clothes today…hoping to get going on more…Rebecca and her dad are being a cedar headboard for her…he said they needed a third brain so I got roped into helping with that…

      My wedding pics or Charlotte’s?
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Jeanne’s wedding pics. 🙂
        A cedar headboard sounds lovely. What kind of finish will be used?

  5. Sometimes it’s just good to really ‘know’ what you really like. And that it’s ok to ‘run with it!’. When I was a little girl I just loved pink. Now that’s ‘morphed’ to a color more like ‘raspberry’. Now I know that and understand why my eye is quickly drawn to that color, and resultantly understand it’s ok to buy and use that color any time I can🥰

    1. Hi Joy,
      I’m glad you agree it’s okay to keep using that fabric as long as I like…because I planned to…
      Glad you’ve found your “forever” color…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. It’s nice to see your various outfits of that particular print. This pink floral is so pretty and so feminine. All the models look beautiful wearing it. Some prints are just luscious, and they work for many of your designs.
    I remember the story you told about the special order for the little girls. Those outfits are gorgeous. Which doll is the blond doll? I don’t remember her.
    Cecile looks spectacular in her fancy pink gown. The whole outfit is so becoming on her.
    It’s always enjoyable seeing your designs modeled on the various dolls.

    1. Hi Paula,
      I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who likes that pink fabric…it really is fun to create with…

      I think you must be talking about Wren Pistashio…she’s a 14″ Helen Kish doll from the Chrysalis Collection… I did love that doll but she got to the point where it wasn’t worth my time to sew for her…that’s why I sold her..
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. What a sweet “fashion” show today, Jeanne! Easy dress is prettier than the next, but I do love the one Patsy and Elin are wearing with the delicate hanky apron! Of course beautiful
    Cecile just shines in the outfit you made for her, love it! The fabric is just so spring like and delicate, that I can see why you bought it! What happened to Cecile?

    Charlotte, I do remember seeing Jeanne’s wedding dress! Not sure if George was in the picture, but if my memory is right, her dress reminded me of the Gunne Sax dresses, so popular in the 80’s with a high neckline and long sleeves, and she made it herself! No surprise there!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Cecile was one that got sold too…I never bonded with her…well actually, never bonded with her eyes…they seemed too close together to me and always bugged me..I just did not like the looks of her face…but oh how I loved her hair…
      My wedding dress WAS made from a Gunne Sax pattern…yes it was. I was a HUGE Jessica McClintock fan…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Saturday was super busy, so I didn’t have time to view the post until very late. Wow, I just love that blue fabric. Blue and shades of blue (periwinkle, chicory, forget-me-not) is definitely my color of choice. Loved Elizabeth’s dress and the ribbon embroidery you did on Lian’s jacket.
    The pink fabric is very pretty as well. I do remember those two dresses and both are lovely. The lavender blue one is beautiful.
    Yes, I’m sure you wish you had kept Wren as well. What a gorgeous doll! Her face reminds me of my Kathe Kruse Heidi with dreamy eyes and flaxen hair.
    Cecile looks stunning in that dress. Would you mind sharing what pattern that is? One of my favorite Civil War dresses you made had the same pattern. “Blue Ribbon Valentine” on Addy. I bookmarked the page.
    I also remember seeing Jeanne’s wedding dress and it was very much Gunne Sax style. I loved those and Laura Ashley dresses, so pretty and feminine!

    1. HI Laura,
      I’m busy helping my hubby with a headboard for Rebecca, but I’ll get a picture of the pattern I used for Cecile’s dress… It fits snugly but perfectly…
      I do see an occasional Wren doll on Ebay, but I let her go once and unless she was more popular, I’ll have to just pass her by… She was a beautiful doll though… She still is… :o)
      Yes, me and my romantic dresses…for me AND my dolls… I guess I have them replicate MY style of dresses… I love pretty and feminine ones…
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Oh Jeanne, the blond doll I wanted to know who she is , is the AMG blond next to the AMG doll in the beautiful lavender dress.. thanks.

    1. Oh, sorry Paula,
      She is a #27 with the layered blonde hair…I had 2 different dolls… she was my 2nd one. I adored the first one I had but her head was pointed down and I absolutely could not get her to look straight out no matter what I tried, so I sold her and got this one…
      I love the #27 dolls… they are very pretty but the tend to have different looks…
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. It will be so sad when all that fabric is gone…it is wonderful. Everyone of those dresses shows off the fabric no matter what other color you have used with it. Ceciles dress is fantastic. I remember seeing your wedding dress in a picture too but we may need a reminder.
    So who is next? Will be fun to see who is the lucky one.My favorite color for clothes is a soft aqua and it seems to Nobel everywhere this year…along with florals so you may have something different to work with come spring and summer.

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I will be sad when this fabric is gone too…I better make the most of it while I still have some left.
      I love light aqua’s too…oh goodie…a new palette to work with that’s right in style…
      Who’s next? I’m working on her dress right now…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. I didn’t mind at all. I love seeing all the lovely things you’ve made. And now I/Lolla have our own version of the pink floral print.

    We had a little excitement around here this morning – and I do mean morning, around 4 a.m. David woke up but then said he couldn’t get back to sleep. Something wasn’t right. He took his blood pressure and it was not good at all. So we headed for the emergency room. We have two close, but it made sense to take him to the hospital where he had his surgery. They probably would have sent him there eventually by ambulance but it was quicker for me to take him. Of course I had to leave him in the ER. He had forgotten his phone and he would probably be there for awhile so I headed home to get his phone. I called a couple times to find out the status and the last time I was told he would most likely be there for four or five hours. I took my time getting back there. I walked in and handed the phone to the woman at the desk and she took it in to David. I returned to my car and headed back. I was about to exit the hospital when he called. Come back! They’re going to discharge me. No problem there. They changed his blood pressure medication and said that should fix the problem. They checked all his incisions, etc., and said all was looking great. Good to hear!

    Looks like we may get some of the Arctic blast. We will be down in the 30s over the weekend with possible mixed precip, which usually means ice for us. The next two days will be like late spring. Crazy!

    1. Oh how scary about David. I wonder why the blood pressure medicine worked and then it didn’t. Was it something new they had given him?
      You must be exhausted. Hope the new meds work and that the cold weather doesn’t last too long.

      1. Yes, it was a new prescription. He noticed over a few days it seemed to be climbing and had called his doctor who doubled the dose, but with the stress on his body from the surgery, I think he did need something stronger which he now has.

    2. Hi Barbara
      Yes you do have one of my pink floral dresses…yay!! I hope you are enjoying it…
      I’m glad things worked out and your hubby got things straightened out just in time. Blood pressure is nothing to mess around with…

      We are getting sleet right now and being in the low 20’s isn’t helping much…
      Who’s ready for Spring? MEEEE!!!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    3. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, I am so happy it was only a simple med change that was needed.

      I hope you can rest for the remainder of the week.

      1. No rest for the weary I’m afraid. Two doctor’s appointments this week plus I am doing double duty around the house. David usually walks the dog at noon but she is going blind and has to be put on her leash or she gets confused and ends up in front of cars. He can’t walk her because it would pull on his arm.

  12. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I loved the parade of dresses!
    I think Bailey is my favorite wearing the dress. She just looks so happy.

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