That yellow and blue floral fabric used 6 different ways…

I found my yellow and blue pictures of the dolls in their various dresses and thought you might like to see them…I TOLD you I LOVED this fabric…

I found some better pictures of the dress on Janie…

How about this gorgeous fabric for a dress modeled by Elizabeth…

I can’t forget Lian in her version of the yellow and blue floral dress… this was her Easter dress one year…

This is Bitty Bethany, an 11″ Helen Kish doll, in this yellow and blue fabric…

Here’s Julie in her 70’s yellow and blue dress…

…and of course, Sara, my newest Ruby Red Fashion Friends doll in my latest version… You can find this one on Ebay if you haven’t seen it already… HERE

Hope you enjoyed these past versions of one of my favorite fabrics…

I think I found 7 versions of the pink fabric… and might share them Monday…

See you then,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “That yellow and blue floral fabric used 6 different ways…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wonderful! So neat, how the fabric “looks” different in the different styles and on different dolls! I think my favorite is Lian’s, because I just Love her little jacket and hat, but Sara’s is a close second!

    BTW, I replied on yesterday’s blog about shoes for RRFF, and with congrats and happy birthday to Susette, if you want to see.

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      I’m glad you enjoyed the dresses…and all the different ways I made them… It’s a great fabric for just about any doll…
      I did see that about the RRFF doll shoes… thanks!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. It wonderful that you can make so many different dresses out of the same material and have them each reflect the doll’s personality! I am with you on that darling purse you made for Janie!
    I do think that Sara just shines with that dress on! Her hair gives her face a glow! You aren’t going to change her hairstyle, are you, or take it down? It does look easy to work with!
    I do like your newer background so much better than the gray you have used preciously, and it does make for a crisper and cleaner looking photograph. Sara seems to have it all, pretty background, pretty dress, sweet smile and gorgeous hair! She is going to sell a lot of clothes for you, Jeanne!

    Hoping you get to be able to get more painting done! This weekend should be a real doozy with the arctic blast coming through! A good time to stay in, for sure!

    1. HI Linda,
      Glad you liked all the dresss too… that Sara certainly is a cutie, isn’t she? She holds her own very well in a group of favorites from the past…
      I’m working on doing more painting today… it’s a slow, seemingly, never ending project, but I can see progress..
      Yes, I’ll be staying in, hopefully sewing next week… BRRRR….
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. One wouldn’t know that it’s the same fabric right away as each dress is so distinctive. If I had to choose a favorite, it would be Elizabeth, but glad I don’t have to. I love the beautiful, cheery smile that Sara has and I like my Bella doll so much that I frankly hadn’t noticed that the eyelashes are real and not painted on. Silly me; I’m not much of a critic, am I? What a lovely post today. Still looking forward to hearing about the background lace.

    1. HI Susette,
      First of all… HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! And many more!!!!!!
      I have to tell you, when I first made Elizabeth’s dress, I was so proud of myself, I thought it was the prettiest dress I had ever made… it may have just been that she pulled off wearing it so well, and then again, there is that spectacular fabric I used! :o)
      I’ll get to that background lace…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. So fun seeing your current and former girls in the same print. Each dress has it’s own attributes. I really do like it on Sara and how you added that beautiful ribbon to her braid. So sweet.
    Sorry for those getting the winter storms. Have to rub it in, but we are supposed to hit 70 today. 🙂 On the other hand, we are low on water and looking at drought for the summer. 🙁

    1. HI Joy,
      Thanks so much for your thoughts on the dresses… I’m glad you enjoyed the slideshow of dresses for today…
      70’s???? It’s not fair, but we’ll be in Spring (maybe soon!)
      Enjoy your warm day… while we all huddle by the heaters… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Wow! I am so glad to see you back to making dresses Jeanne! And I think that the speed with which you made Sara’s dress is proof that this is where you have a true gift. Today’s post proves it: each dress is unique, but each is perfect!
    Thank you for showing all 6 of the dresses for those of us that weren’t around when you first made them!

    1. Thanks Mary Sue,
      Making doll dresses… who would have thought someone who majored in Clothing and Textiles with a specialty in Apparel Design would end up making doll dresses? Not me, but I’m glad it worked out like it did…
      Thanks for your kind remarks about my sewing and my dresses…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I loved seeing all the different styles of dresses from one fabric. I think I like Elizabeth’s the best but then I do rather like the more historical styles. I like Elizabeth as well of all the AG dolls. I can mostly pick her out. It is really interesting to see how your ‘staging’ has changed in your photography, your later photos are so much nicer with the pretty backgrounds and props.
    I’ve had a busy couple of days (that hasn’t included doing much in the workroom) and of course it is church this morning but tomorrow is free and as it is a public holiday I won’t have any where to be so hope to get the last of the sorting done this afternoon with everything put in boxes then Monday I can get on with cleaning the room, (my favourite job…..not) and then I can sew! I still have to fine tune the sorting, but if I do that a bit at a time it won’t be so overwhelming. If I had decided to do it that way in the beginning it would have been finished by now but I kept going out there, starting something then it would seem like too big a job and I would go back inside.

    1. Thank you Anne,
      I would have to agree with you there on the way my pictures have improved… some of my earlier pictures were nothing short of pathetic…
      I hope your cleaning gets finished quickly so you can get back to sewing…just keep your sewing in mind as your reward for finishing up the icky stuff you really don’t like to do, but have to…
      Have a great weekend Anne,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I don’t remember if I mentioned David came home from the hospital Tuesday evening. It was a day of he might be released today, he won’t be released today, he will be released today, you can come and get me now. It was about 6 p.m. when I left here to get him – about a 40 min. drive. Oh goodie, rush hour traffic on the Houston freeway. We’ve spent the past few days trying to develop a routine since there was more care needed than I had anticipated. I’ve been sleeping in my recliner so that I could hear him if he needed me. One night he dropped the remote to his power lift chair. Glad I was nearby. He is doing very well and getting tired of being around the house. Sean has been here some and Jason is next door so we take turns walking with him.

    I didn’t get to comment on the adorable jean skirt/t-shirt/fuzzy jacket/cute hat ensemble. I may not be a critic on things but I sure know when something jumps out and grabs my attention. This outfit turned our swimmingly. I hadn’t thought of shortening the jacket. I guess because these days I don’t wear short jackets, but I loved it. I’m big on tights and leggings so I liked the addition of the tights.

    The yellow and blue floral fabric dresses were all beautiful. I love mixing patterns and colors so Bitty Bethany’s sweet little dress with the blue/white gingham pockets was one of my favorites. But Elizabeth’s was lovely as were all the others. I really can’t pick a favorite so glad I don’t have to. I think you will love sewing for the Fashion Friends. They pull off an outfit, any outfit, really well. And the dolls are over the moon in popularity so I don’t think you’ll have trouble selling them. I almost wish I couldn’t sew so I’d have more justification for buying something someone else has done.

    I have not been able to spend any time in my sewing room for weeks now. Partly because of my roof problem. It rained yesterday and everything was fine so maybe that problem has been finally fixed. I’m hoping to maybe get in there tomorrow. I have had to help David do a lot of things right now but we are developing a routine and things are moving along a bit faster. He sees the doctor this Thursday so we’ll see how he’s coming along.

    If you’re getting what we call a “blue norther” maybe it will make it here. We usually at least have a blast or two before the end of February. Unfortunately they often come with an ice storm which we don’t need.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thanks for the update on your husband, Barbara! So glad he is home again. Each week should see him able to do more and more for himself as his body heals and he regains his strength. Right now it’s a challenge, but it will get better!!

  8. Hi Barbara,
    I’m glad your hubby is home now…things are always better when you get home!! Take care of yourself too…it’s easy to forget about yourself when caring for someone else…

    I’m glad you enjoyed the dresses shown today…I enjoy looking back at the different ones I’ve made too…
    It’s 27 degrees out with a windchill of 17. It’s snowing outside too…I don’t know what we’ll wake up to… not looking forward to it to tell you the truth.
    Take care Barbara,
    Blessings, Jeanne

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