…about those vintage buttons…. and more…

I decided to take a picture of the back of the cardboard the vintage buttons were on so you could see. The more I look at them, the more I think they were just collections by the owner (or someone) who stitched the buttons on for safekeeping or just to have them in one place for display.

If you click on the pictures, they will enlarge.

Here are a few more interesting buttons I found…

Okay, now onto Addy’s dress… I finished the sleeves with white lace and black bows… most Civil War dresses had long sleeves but if they happened to be shorter, they almost always were past the elbow and lots of times with lace to the wrists. I didn’t have any really drapy lace so this soft Swiss Batiste hopefully did the job.

Marilyn said a nice thing in her comments last night… she said this was my first dress of the year, but it “already” might be the ONE to beat in 2021… Oh dear, what have I done on the first dress??? I do have to agree though, Addy is looking so so pretty in it… She was wanting me to stay up late so I could get the skirt sewn on, but I told her I’d have to wait until tomorrow…

See what you think so far…

Here’s a little update on the Amaryllis… I had to put it in a cup because it was sitting crooked and was too easy to knock over…

Now, about traveling Chibbi Poppy… She did arrive today and Donnell and I had a great time talking dolls… She even brought some of hers (ALL of which I had never seen in person before) BUT… I’ll have to devote a whole post to Poppy, so maybe tomorrow I’ll show all that while I finish up Addy’s dress…

So that’s it for today…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

32 thoughts on “…about those vintage buttons…. and more…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    You know, I think that the buttons were someone’s collection, sewn onto cardboard for display. It looks like the collector was reusing a cardboard dress box (“Zwick’s–Finest and Largest Outfitters for Women in Southern Illinois”) for the purpose. I think if they had been sample cards from a button company, the company’s name would be on the Front of the cardboard!

    You did get some real treasures, there! I think my favorite (so far) is the pink one in the middle of the seventh picture, although that pale blue one is really pretty, too.

    Addy’s dress is coming along nicely!! Two fat quarters isn’t a lot, considering it’s for an 18″ doll! I like how you used the floral stripe to edge the sleeves and waistband.

    Your amaryllis will be in bloom soon!! Yes, they do get top-heavy; the big mug was a good way to stabilize it.

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      When I saw some of the buttons blown up on my computer, I realized there ARE some really pretty ones in the lot. Zwicks Ladies Store used to be a very famous store for women back in the day…
      2 fat quarters is barely enough for a dress like this… but I’m determined to make it work…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. The dress is going to be beautiful. Already I’m thinking of slip, pantalettes, thigh-highs — and bonnet, of course.
    It’s going to be fun to see Poppy and decide what she needs. I’ll bet handmade shoes would be appreciated — other people make dresses — few people make shoes and bookbags, complete with books.

    While I’m thinking of being creative, See’s Candies is looking for suggestions for a new candy. If there’s something you have always wished for, send them your suggestion in the form on their website.

    1. Oh my, Marilyn,
      I better get busy on the rest of her dress set… lots of things to make.. :o)

      I did get Poppy and the shoes I make for Navi fit her fine…without socks… so I might contribute a pair of shoes in the box when I have to pass her along to the next lady.

      Oh how fun… a candy contest…what could be sweeter? :o) How about they make me a “tester?”
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Jeanne, I think that lace was the perfect solution to the sleeves. If you do another, make a set of false sleeves first and then see where it takes you. I usually use a paperthin plain white batiste for those. Sometimes the design and/or the fabric inspiration is the most fun.
    It was so nice to meet you. If you ever want to see a particular doll, just pm me and if I have one we’ll meet and chat. Hope you had some fun reading the magazines.

    1. HI Donnell,
      I wish I had some mesh lace in white…I think that would have make pretty sleeves too, but I didn’t and this was the best lace I could find…believe me… I looked through ALL my laces and nothing but this really worked. It’s batiste and very soft so maybe it will be okay.

      It was very nice to meet you too and I really enjoyed seeing your other dolls…
      I haven’t had a moment to look at the magazines but I will!
      Thanks again,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Amaryllis first. The one here with two stalks has completely bloomed. Stamens dropped pollen a lot so you might want to put something protective under it. By the time the second bloom opened, the other was starting to look old. Now, all of the bloom edges are starting to wither. I did look up what to do with it after bloom. Some said to toss, but others peeled off the wax and cut off the mold growing on the bulb. Apparently, there can be a lot. Then, an alcohol rub to kill the mold and replanted in a pot with soil. I’ll probably try replanting to see if it might want to bloom again sometime. We’ll see. 🙂
    I just love the dress. That fabric is such a lovely color and design. Not so sure about the sleeve lace though. Seems a tad long and maybe something more sheer would look nice. Know you used the best you had available though. I guess it looks a bit too modern for me.
    After looking at buttons and displays yesterday online, I do think the buttons were from someone’s collection. She used the cardboard from a Zwick’s clothing store box to make her button displays. Do you know of anyone local who might be able to help you identify the buttons before you use them? There are button collectors and groups everywhere. It is possible that you have some rare ones. That said, I wonder if the rest of the collection is still in the shop or sold? Would be nice to have the whole collection even though pricy.
    Hope today shines more brightly than yesterday.

    1. HI Joy,
      I looked up the difference in the waxed and regular Amaryllis’s and it said the waxed ones were a one time thing… toss when they finished blooming….but Cindy bought one for my mom 2 Christmas’s ago and hers lasted at least 9 months… it only had the flowers bloom once, but then it just stayed like little green leaves standing up for all that time. I finally ditched it because it seemed kind of useless…
      I am debating about putting a bit of netting in the puffy part of the sleeves to make them poof out a bit.. they look sort of flat to me… and as far as the lace goes… I too, would have liked something more sheer and drapy but this was the best I had. I searched ALL my laces and nothing looked as good as this… My pictures make the white look heavy and thick but it’s Batiste and softer than it appears.
      I don’t know any button collectors and will probably just use them for my dresses…that’s what I bought them for… to use them… I just need to see how to make the metal ones prettier. :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Oh, those buttons are very interesting and unique. They look really old. What a wonderful find. I wonder what the story is of each. Were they part of a matching group for a certain outfit or were they saved on the card because they were one of a kind or did they once adorn a dress or shirt?
    I remember as a child, my mother had two large tins filled to the brim with old buttons. I loved scooping them up and studying them.
    Addy’s dress is coming along. The white collar and the lace at the end of the sleeves look so crisp up next to the material. I love the accents of the buttons down the front centered between the two black lines. Addy’s not going to like giving this outfit up.

    1. Hi Paula,
      If only I knew about the buttons… but I don’t so I’ll just use them and enjoy it even more when I find one that highlights a fabric like the one I picked for Addy’s dress.

      I’m liking this one VERY much too… it’s not just Addy… I was thinking of all the things I want to make to go with this one… I’m going to be busy… :o)
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Actually it’s the two lined dots coming down on the bodice in the front. Not buttons even though they look like buttons.

  7. Love this dress already. I haven’t made a dress of that era. Your use of the stripes has added a nice bit of contrast. I do that with stripes any chance I get.

    My suggestion for the amaryllis is to pull the pollen sacks off as soon as you can. I did an internship in a commercial greenhouse and we did that with Easter lilies. The sacks just slide off on lilies. I’ve never had an amaryllis so you would have to experiment a bit. Removing pollen quickly allows the bloom to last longer.

    I collect buttons. My favorites are shell buttons first followed by glass. I have mine sorted in the fancy candy boxes I’ve gotten from my husband for valentines over the years. Have done little research on them. I mostly like then because they are pretty. They aren’t as fragile and don’t take up as much room as some of my other collections.

    1. HI Julia,
      Thanks for the tips on the pollen sacks… I might give that a try on my Amaryllis.

      Button collecting CERTAINLY does take up less space… and I’m like you, I just like looking at the pretty ones… wondering what the button was on and what kind of fabric was it sitting on.
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      I was going to suggest that about the pollen, too. I remember years ago a florist told my father that, about the Easter lilies. Daddy had really bad hay fever, and was Terribly allergic to Easter lily pollen–quite a problem for a minister who is standing up in front of the church surrounded by those flowers every spring! He used to put an old envelope under the stamens, and scrape the pollen sacks off, into the envelope, which he then threw away. It saved his poor sinuses a lot of suffering!

  8. Here we go, finally! I had a bunch of errands to do this morning, so just read the blog, and thought I would get back to it later, so here I am!

    I love the way the dress is looking now! I think the lace you used is the perfect kind for this dress, since something more sheer would not quite “go” with the white pique collar, at least to me! Sorry Joy!

    The buttons do look like they were sewn onto the cardboard by a person collecting them. They also look to be one of a kind. That’s quite a labor intensive hobby, to sew buttons on cards! I can’t imagine pushing through cardboard with the needles, and doing it over and over. They must have had a love of buttons!

    Your amaryllis is going to be beautiful when it finally blooms! I think it looks kind of cute in the cup! While the real thing is much better than artificial, my fake one at least won’t have pollen all over!

    1. HI Linda,
      I’m glad you like the lace I used… since it was the best I had without having to go find something… I’m not even sure what I could have found that I would have liked better.

      I’m glad I splurged and bought 2 cards of the buttons… there is enough to last me quite a while and fun to just look at… Cindy even suggested I just hang the cards up, but not really practical when I bought them to USE them… I’ll make my money back on them over time.

      I might try what Julia suggested and pull out the pollen thingies and see if that helps… :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Those buttons were probably a collection, and being sewn onto a card made them easier to display. Some very fun ones there. The one you used for Addy’s dress is just lovely. Turning the flowered pieces for the waistband and sleeves would have been my choice as well.
    You amaryllis will be so pretty when it does bloom and with the double stalk you will have blooms for quite a while.

    My dad is at home now. The was some kidney damage, but thankfully not enough to need dialysis. I wish I could be there to help. It’s really hard being caught between needing to help one parent and needing to not risk infecting the other.

    1. HI Laura,
      I have enjoyed just looking at the buttons and really only bought to use like this for my doll dresses. I like doing striped fabrics like this too… this fabric looks VERY well turned like this, I think.
      I’m glad you for your dad that he didn’t have severe kidney damage… and didn’t need dialysis. I wish you could be with him, but it’s much better for you now, knowing that he isn’t in as much danger as he could have been. You are a good daughter, Laura!
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Laura, I am so happy that your father is home and on the mend. I am sure he is comforted in hearing your voice when you call.

    3. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you for the update on your dad, Laura. I’m glad to hear his kidney damage wasn’t any worse than it was. Answered prayer!

  10. The buttons remind me of taking my three-tear-old son to the fabric store. He would say, “Oh, Mommy, not the ‘terial store. But he was promised he could pick out a button from the rack if he was good. So I do have a tiny collection and my mother’s button box as well as a wonderful one from my great-great grandmother’s coat or cape. You have a wonderful collection there.

    You might want to unwrap the amaryllis, give it a drink and plant it in a pot. The foil wrapping is for the convenience of the seller and should be removed upon buying a plant so it doesn’t sit in water which rots the roots or allows mold to grow.

    The dress is beautiful and it’s amazing to have that button with exactly the same design theme! Can’t wait to see how the completed dress looks.

    1. HI Susette,
      Buttons are fun to collect and I guess that goes way back… even using it as a way to bribe a little boy to be good. I love that! I’m trying to think if I ever bribed my kids with something when I dragged them to the “terial” store. :o)
      The waxed Amaryllis’ aren’t the same as the regular ones. They are pretty much a one time blooming flower and you are just supposed to throw them away after they bloom. They are put in the wax to preserve everything they need for the 3-6 weeks that it takes for them to bloom.
      Thanks for the compliments on the dress… I’m liking this one so much, so far… more to go but I think I’ll like it even when it’s totally finished…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Addy’s dress just keeps getting better and better. I do like the lace. I’m sort of an eclectic person so just about anything goes for me. I don’t worry about it unless it really grabs me as not fitting.

    Thanks everyone for prayers and thoughts for my hubby’s procedure tomorrow. I did find out I can stay at the hospital. One person is allowed. They say unless something unusual occurs, he should be able to go home after four hours.

    1. Thank you Barbara,
      I’m glad you like the way the dress looks… I wish I could snap my fingers and it would be done… Addy is anxious for me to get it done! :o)
      We will be praying for your hubby tomorrow… you too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, I will be holding your husband in prayer tomorrow. Please take good care of yourself.

    3. Charlotte Trayer

      Thanks for the update, Barbara. I’m glad you’ll be able to stay at the hospital; that will help. Praying for a successful procedure and easy recovery for him.

  12. Oh my…that dress will be hard to beat! Marilyn is right . I hate reading negative comments to your beautiful dresses…but once in a while my thoughts come out my fingers :0) I liked the white Pique collar but the eyelet on the sleeves looks too new and too bright for that awesome fabric and era.
    Love the Amaryllis pictures. I kept one alive till spring one year and then trimmed it back and planted it under a bush outside. It did wonderfully and the bulb got huge…then my pitiful memory forgot about it under that bush and it froze 🙁
    My grandma had an awesome button box and I’ve used some and given some to button collectors . Those are great antique ones. The 3 petaled clover is cute…usually you see 4 leaf clovers on manufactured items but a 3 leaf is also on the one with the horse shoe:)

    1. Hi Kathie,
      Well, it was the only lace I really had that would work.. I don’t have much “old” stock in the bright white… so it will have to do… unless I run across something between now and when it’s finished… it’s a batiste… maybe I should show a close up of the lace so you can see that it’s not a cheap eyelet.. but a very fine and detailed embroidered batiste.

      My thumb is not that “green” so we’ll see how long I can keep my Amaryllis alive…

      I’m glad you liked my buttons… they are so fun to scrutinize and look very closely at…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I echo Charlotte, I think the buttons were someone’s prize collection. They are so unique and random that they were surely special to someone.

    Addy will definitely be a hit in Philadelphia (her location in her Meet book) as she strolls the streets in her new dress.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I wish I still had the picture of ALL the buttons on ALL the cards. I took a picture, but as I was looking for it last night, I must have deleted it… There was a huge basket with probably 20 cards just like these on it… It was so hard to decide and I did it in like 30 seconds…

      Addy is looking forward to strolling on those streets! Now if her mama would just hurry up a little bit faster, she’d be much happier!
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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