Will it be blue or beige? Don’t vote today, just browse…. :o)

This isn’t the day to vote… just some eye candy to maybe help you decide… I’m hoping to flip flop the dresses on the girls tomorrow and mix it up even a bit more… I’ll let you know when it’s time to vote for which color dress you think will bring the highest price on Ebay… that’s what you ultimately will be voting for…

I made Samantha’s thigh highs today out of the same cotton knit ribbing as Nellie’s, only they are white, not cream.

I redid the blue sash…I pressed all the pleats flat and then re-pleated them so the sash was a little bit wider. It matches Nellie’s a little better now. Also the button had a long shank on it and stuck out too far from the sash. I didn’t like it… so I had my hubby cut it off and grind off the sharp edges. (it’s a metal button) Then I had no shank to stitch it on with, so I super glued a piece of felt to the back side and stitched a piece of felt to the sash… Then I super glued them together. The button now lays flat and is MUCH better.

Against some requests, I have decided to leave the beige dress sash shorter… If you could see it in person, you would know why… for some reason, it just needs to be short… It is SO pretty to me… BUT, if the winner is one of you reading my blog and you WANT it longer, I will be glad to make it longer for you. You can’t have both as this is my last butterfly charm (boohoo).

I took some new pictures of the girls tonight with better lighting and using my tripod to steady my pictures….

I hope you’ll enjoy this lot of pictures showing the girls at their finest…

Several ladies mentioned the dresses looked so fancy, they were more like church dresses instead of school ones…I do have a book I consulted, and 1900’s dresses, even the school dresses were quite fancy. Well, still in keeping with that first picture that was my inspiration, I bought a white chalkboard for Samantha and made her a blue book. If the winner doesn’t want them going to school, they can go ANYWHERE they like! :o)

So here you go… Remember today’s pictures are just for looking at the details. You don’t have to tell me today which dress you pick… that will probably be next week sometime. :o) Today is just for fun…

I hope you enjoyed seeing the pictures! :o) My sisters are coming today! YAY!!!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Will it be blue or beige? Don’t vote today, just browse…. :o)”

  1. I can’t choose.. both are so pretty! I’m going to show these photos to my AGs Samantha and Caroline and let them pick.. if they can!❤️

    Have a wonderful time with your sisters!🌹🌹

  2. You keep making good changes — Samantha’s button, for example, and the blue book for her. The black shoes are nice and nearly everyone has at least one black pair. My beige shoes came yesterday. They are at least a quarter inch longer than official AG shoes, but since AG feet are quite small, I think that’s ok.
    I haven’t liked this background for the beige dress, but the lighting — or something — has changed and now I think it works better for the light dress, It always worked well for the blue dress, so you are another step closer to Ebay. I do think this set will end up in your slideshow of favorites.
    Have a super weekend.
    I’m so glad your sisters will be there. You’ll have a lovely weekend and they’ll get to see these dresses in person.

  3. Hi Jeanne,

    I trust that you and your sisters have a wonderful time together.

    I always appreciate and admire the outcome of the work you do. Your decisions always seem to me to be outstanding and the dolls always look so very, very good in the choices you’ve made in their ensembles. I really like what you’ve done with these two dresses.


  4. In the last photo, it looks like Sam’s left sleeve puff is down more like Nellie’s. The right one up. I like the down look. 🙂 Getting used to the shorter sash/belt on Nellie’s, but still like the longer look of Samantha’s. They both look so sweet. Someone will be very lucky in this auction.
    Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

    1. it’s smoky here already instead of just later in the day. How is your area? Have you sent some things away to relatives for safekeeping?
      Several years ago when we had a nearby fire, I packed the car with some things but didn’t think of Visine, face cream, chapstick, and those small things, like kleenex, that suddenly matter a lot if they are missing.
      When I packed, I left room for another person, just in case.
      Most of all, stay safe, and God keep your family and house safe.

      1. Thank you Marilyn. We still have boxes of things packed by the front door. Just waiting until the red flag warnings are over before unpacking. Living out of my suitcase at the moment too. This will be the third time we’ve readied for fires, so we know the drill. We’re in town, so a bit more of a safety net here, but you never know. There are still many under evacuation. Since the whole power structure burned in a local retirement community, it might be some time until that area is able to return. With so much smoke here, it has made sort of a buffer from the 100 degree heat predicted. So that is good in a strange way. All fire work is on the ground though due to the smoke. We could certainly use some air power to knock out the bad spots. Sorry about the smoke.

        1. Thanks for catching us up. I’m glad you are prepared and hope you never have to use your preparation. Much better than the reverse.

  5. Both are beautiful dresses. Hard decision! I’m definitely leaning one way though and that has been my steady thought. You really did a remarkable job on both! Love the pin choices too.
    Enjoy time with your sisters!!

  6. We certainly have a pair of lovely dresses here ! I love what you have done with each dress to make it work for the different colors and material. I can understand taking the shank away from Samantha’s button, and it looks just perfect now.
    I think whoever buys the dresses could also use high button shoes for them. After all they are 1900 dresses!
    My favorite has never wavered, the beige, but the blue is just as pretty! Blue is a very popular color and I think people look at that first when the dolls are placed together, just because it is a stronger color. But I do think the beige looks more expensive. Now, whether it goes for more, is anyone’s guess, and I am still thinking about that!

    Have a wonderful time with your sisters, and thankfully that doggone wind has died down!

  7. Linda you are right, the first time I saw the blue I loved it and thought it was much nicer but since then I have looked more closely and prefer the beige, I think it looks lovely on Nellie, Ill be interested to see them swapped to see if that makes a difference.

  8. Your detail for perfection is admirable. I’ve never been swayed from my choice, the beige, either. I agree with Linda that it just looks more expensive and elegant and even though the blue is a brighter and stronger color, my eyes land on it and immediately jump back to the beige.
    Too bad you don’t have Caroline anymore, but lucky Paula who does. Even though it isn’t her era in my doll world, I’m glancing up and down between my Caroline and the beige dress and thinking how that neutral color would set off her flaxen curls and gorgeous seafoam eyes. A beige Civil war style dress with just a touch of seafoam,,, hmmm.

    Have a wonderful weekend with your sisters. I wonder which one they prefer and if you have a painting or decor project planned?

  9. I’m just now getting around to commenting. I couldn’t find my Perfect Pleater and ended up cleaning and doing some reorganizing in my sewing room in search of it. It took me all day. I found it in the last place I looked. No really. I started at one side of my room and went around searching in cabinets and cleaning in corners and it was in the last cabinet. I keep thinking it’s bigger than it is or I would have probably found it sooner, but my sewing room needed a good cleaning and now that’s done and I can get back to sewing.

    I just wanted to thank you for the idea for sewing on a shankless button. I have so many cute buttons but they have shanks and won’t work for most things. I was trying to think of a way to use them after I broke the shank off. You have solved that for me and now I can use some of the cuter than cute buttons I have.

    I have to tell you a funny thing that happened to me the other day. I went to the sale at Stein Mart and bought a purse. After I checked out the alarm rang when I tried to leave the store. The personnel looked through everything I bought and could find no problem. I left the store without further ado. Then a couple days later I was leaving Wal-Mart and the alarm went off there. Once again no one could find a problem and we left. The next day I was adjusting the strap on the purse and noticed that attached to the strap of the purse was an inventory tag that no one had noticed. I guess I can find a way to cut it off, but I thought I’d just run by Sunday and have them remove it for me. We looked all through the purse but never checked the ring that holds the strap.

    1. That is funny Barbara. Two completely different stores too. Some years ago, I believe that store tags had some kind of dye inside. Or so we were told. And should never be removed yourself. We got home from a Gottschalks store. Now defunct. And found a tag on something. I had heard that the manager there would actually come out to your house and remove the tag. Tried that and no wouldn’t do it. So back to the store we went. A quick clip and no dye. Guess that was just a rumor. I have actually had that buzzer go off with clothing too that I was wearing. For a time, there were tags stitched inside. Mine had been through the washer too, but it set off the alarm. I don’t think that particular theft detection was around for long. 🙂

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