Blue and Beige dresses…only reversed on Nellie and Samantha

I thought this might be fun to do a whole post on the girls wearing the opposite dress of what they have been seen in… We haven’t waivered here at my house… my hubby is still in the blue camp and I’m all about that beige… (he said it’s not beige, it’s cream) but I think it’s beige… the prettiest beige though.

So here’s a slide show of the girls and how they look in the opposite dress… Hope you enjoy seeing these pictures…

Hope that made you smile on this pretty Saturday!

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Blue and Beige dresses…only reversed on Nellie and Samantha”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    It’s interesting to see them on the opposite dolls. I really do like Samantha better in the blue one, however. She seems to need that little bit of color (other than beige/cream). Perhaps it’s the color of her vinyl, and there’s nothing you can do to change that.

    Nellie looks pretty in either one, though. Again, it could have something to do with the color of her vinyl. She seems a bit “rosier” than Samantha, to me.

    I’m fighting a Bad case of hives. I went to the doctor and got both oral and topical meds, and hope to get over this soon. The hives are everywhere, though–any place that is normally “hot” on a person (underarms, waist, forehead, groin, etc.) are covered with large red blotches, with smaller ones in the “cooler” spots, like my upper legs. About the only places that don’t have hives so far are my fingers and my lower legs/feet.

    Here I had some sewing I wanted to get done, and I’m supposed to play piano for church on Sunday, and everything is coming to a screeching halt. Not only are the hives itchy, they are also sore, which makes it worse, IMO.

    Have a wonderful time with your sisters, Jeanne! Tell us all about it after they head home!

    1. So sorry to hear about your latest health problem, Charlotte. Have you tried soaking in Aveeno like you would for chickenpox? I’ve heard that,aloe vera gel and witch hazel helps while waiting for antihistamines to kick in. I get contact dermatitis if I fail to wear gloves for yard wok and touch something wrong. Praying you feel better soon.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, oh my goodness, I am so sorry. I hope that the medication works swiftly.

      Your namesake, Charlotte Noelle, said that you should eat strawberry ice cream with whipped cream. It’s her favorite. She said it will make you feel better. Now she is a “doctor” as well as a “duchess” (laugh).

      [FYI for the Sofa Sisters, Charlotte Noelle is a Little Darling.]

    3. Charlotte I am so sorry to hear about your hives. There is so much stress at the moment that I’m surprised we all don’t have hives. I seem to have an ear infection. My doctor is closed at the moment and it doesn’t appear to be inner ear, so I’ll tough it out until Monday rather than go to emergency. I’m on my allergy medication now, but it appears I should have gone on them sooner. And I have a rash on my face I thought was just a heat rash from wearing a mask, but it appears to be something else. It does appear to be clearing up with the medicine I’ve been using, but I’ll have the doctor take a look at that too. Hopefully you will be feeling much better real soon.

  2. My girls voted.. Caroline wants the blue and Samantha loves the cream:) we cannot choose just one.. comes from having too many Geminis under one roof:) Both are gorgeous!

    Charlotte.. hives? Yikes! Thank goodness it’s not shingles.. hopefully you’ll get some relief and the swelling will dissipate. Lots of sympathy!

    Beautiful autumn day in Savannah.. mid ‘70’s..
    I bought some of the wide 3-drawer bins and can finally get my bags of yarn off of the sewing room bathroom floor. Knitting tiny sweaters and caps for Meadow Giggi Twinkles..sure doesn’t take much yarn!

    Have a great weekend everyone!🌞

  3. The old switcheroo eh? Isn’t Nellie’s meet dress blue too? I have one around here someplace that needs some attention. Both girls look all ready to attend that welcome back to school tea. Hope they don’t forget to bring something nice for their new teacher. 🙂
    Have a fun weekend.

    1. Hi Joy, Yes, Nellie’s meet is blue with white overlay. IMO, that, Felicity Rose Garden gown, and Kirsten’s are the prettiest meets. I think some meets even did the dolls a disservice. Of course, except for Felicity and Samantha, I put some of my historicals in clothing designed for other historicals and prefer it to the doll it was intended for. Case in point, Caroline in Kirsten’s work dress and Marie- grace in Addy’s birthday pinafore.

    2. Another funny story about store tags. I bought a wallet once at Wal-Mart. Nothing went off when I left the store that day, but the next time I shopped there the alarm went off. The store person looked through all my stuff but couldn’t find a reason so they let me go. A couple days later when I was putting cash in my wallet I noticed there was a small plastic looking thing attached to the inside of the wallet. I pulled it off and there has been no problem since.

  4. Be sure to have your sisters vote! Even if you don’t reveal their thought until afterwards.
    Both dresses are lovely. The dickies made the finishing touch perfect. I keep going back to someone’s comment early on…. turn the sash on the beige dress around and it becomes a cummerbund. At which point, I think you have achieved the “look” of the original photo. Well done! Congrats!

  5. Well, Jeanne, you sure do know how to mix things up! Both girls look very pretty in each dress. I still go with the beige dress as my favorite. I’m wondering though, what mother would send her daughter to school in a beige dress, when she can do it with the blue? I still consider these pretty church dresses!

    Yes, have your sisters vote too and see what they have to say.

    Oh gosh Charlotte, you have the worst luck! What caused the hives, do you know? Get better soon as you can! Hoping things get better with the meds.

  6. Wow! Two universally becoming dresses. I’d like to see the beige one on Addy. And then I’d like to see…. Fortunately you have a perfect excuse for not putting the dresses on each of your girls and photographing them — an all day project. Instead you have Cindy and Deb and probably a new project for the three of you. Hello to them both.
    Really, both dresses are beautiful. Say thanks to George for the idea of making a second version. This has been so much fun that you should do it again.
    When do we vote? And don’t forget to schedule the auctions at least 10 minutes apart. Can you link them on Ebay?

  7. Well, I was hoping to see them switched, and here they are. It doesn’t change my mind though. I actually think Samantha is very pretty in the beige. I think the beige is gorgeous on both. As Charlotte said, Nellie has a warmer vinyl tone and maybe that’s why Sam looks “less rosy”. My early PC Sam has rosy cheeks, but her lip paint isn’t as bright. I think you have a BF one. because her face appears much thinner, not the rounder PC faces. There are subtle, but distinct variations to the vinyl, even in the PC dolls. My Sam is what I would call “roses and milk” and my Felicity is “peaches and cream” You can really see variations when their arms are together.

    Make sure you see what Cindy and Deb think of the dresses and if they prefer one on one doll over the other. I’ll bet the three of you have wonderful plans.

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, how wonderful that you are having a sister weekend! I can’t wait to hear about the projects you three will work on. You are always doing something fun.

    Both doll dresses are lovely.

  9. Okay, that becomes a horse of a different color! I love the beige (and it is a pinky beige) on Sam, and Nellie looks over the moon in the blue. Now I really have a dilemma. I love that everyone has such a different opinion and a reason for it. My only reason is visual. I like what I’m seeing.

    Another fun sister weekend. Can’t wait to see where you go and what you do. You always have great fun together. My two remaining sisters live in Delaware with one of them spending the winter in Florida. Since my mother passed away I don’t get to Delaware anymore. I used to love to fly but my claustrophobia has gotten so much worse as I get older that I can’t do it anymore. My youngest sister doesn’t travel and my other sister would rather go overseas when she travels. She and her husband have made some amazing trips. I have never been to Florida except to drive through on I-10 but I keep hoping I can convince my hubby to travel to Florida while my sister is there some time. We actually cancelled our trip to Colorado this year. The A/C new builds are picking up and David wants to make hay while the sun shines – and maybe next year things will open up and we won’t have to worry about what’s available and what’s not. I get a newsletter from a man and his family that have been traveling through the U.S. from Florida to the Great Lakes region, down to New Mexico and up to where they are wintering in Idaho. They have loved the trip because they are often the only ones in a campground, but he says anything but fast food is hard to come by and cooking on a small camp stove doesn’t allow for many choices. He does an investor newsletter and many of the people who subscribe have offered the family food and lodging and/or a place to park their pop-up camper when in their area. Rather than couch surfing his wife calls it heart surfing because they have met so many wonderful people.

    Now that I have tidied up my sewing room I’m anxious to get in there and get sewing. I just finished the cutest pinafore dress for Lissy using my favorite Trentsation pattern. Today I’m going to start a pleated skirt outfit for Sophie.

  10. I forgot to ask. Does anyone have a Maru doll or a Mini Maru? I’ve been wanting one for awhile but the Maru dolls are 20″. I didn’t really want a doll that tall, but then I found the Mini Maru Pal which is the size of a Little Darling and takes the same size clothes. Yup! She’s on the way. Her name is Savannah. I’m really going to have to sneak this one in.

  11. Congratulations, Jeanne, on creating and presenting such beautiful outfits for your AG dolls. I really think the dresses look best with the switch that you made-the blue on Nellie and the cream on Samantha. Either way, they’re splendid. Enjoy your sisters!

  12. I definitely prefer the beige now. I love the blue, especially the colour but I like the way the beige dress is made, there is a very slight difference between the two. The beige dress has slightly wider shoulders which makes the pleats cross at a slightly different angle and makes either doll look much slimmer.
    Charlotte I am so sorry you are so uncomfortable. I think we would call what you have Prickly Heat rash. My second son, Darren had it once one summer. As you said yours is, his was incredibly itchy but painful as well. The only way he could get comfortable was lying in the youngest’s paddling pool. Unfortunately he was 18 at the time and a bit big for it. It helped the prickly heat but he got sunburned everywhere the water didn’t reach! I hope you feel better soon.
    Well, today is the day I take my items in for the exhibition, then tomorrow they are hung and Tuesday they are judged. Tuesday evening is our opening and prize giving then Wed morning Sam and I are helping with whatever needs doing for 4 hrs, then I have to drop her off at the hospital for Chemo. I finished the last thing off at 9.30 last night! Not that I am a last minute Charlie or anything! At least this year I finished everything I entered. At the last exhibition two years ago I entered 5 items and finished two!
    I am amazed at how much you sofa sisters all know about the dolls you own. Actually I am surprised at how much there is to know about them. I am pretty sure that the OG dolls are all the same mould and pretty much only the hair colour and the clothes change. They are definitely toys and not collector items. At this stage that doesn’t matter to me as it is the clothes that are my passion rather than the dolls but if I win on Lotto that might change lol.
    Jeanne, I hope you have a lovely time with your sisters. Mine lives 12,000 miles away and unless she visits me I doubt if we will see each other again. It is $2,500 dollars for the ticket and $1,000 for travel insurance for me (which doesn’t include pandemic insurance apparently). I couldn’t really afford my last trip but it was for her Golden Wedding so I really wanted to go for that. The down side of living on the other side of the world. Mind you I won’t be going anywhere for a while anyway, I would have to add $4,000 to that for isolation costs when I got back.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone

  13. Should have said that if I do visit my sister it is also one flight of 13 hrs plus another of 11 hours with waiting time in between. Can take up to 36 hrs to get there. Definitely a consideration as well as I am getting older.

    1. I understand this. My travel would not take that long, but being older now, any traveling seems a bit arduous. I just got an e-mail from my sister next in line to me. She is the keeper of my mother’s ashes since she didn’t have to get on a plane after the memorial service and my youngest sister didn’t want the responsibility. My sister with the urn lives between Delaware and Florida and was concerned for things, especially since they’ve had hurricanes when she’s been away (at both places) and she didn’t want to travel with the urn. My mother was an Army nurse in WWII, so my sister decided to get her a plaque and have her buried in the columbarium in the Veteran’s cemetery. I’m not sure exactly where it is but probably Delaware. She would like me to be there. It’s a year from now. I really don’t want to fly and I’m not sure David will want to drive that far, especially if he hasn’t had his knee replacement by then. Maybe train. Have to look into that I guess.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Train travel is a wonderful way to go somewhere, Barbara! You can get up and walk around any time you wish, and it’s much easier to adjust to any time changes (if there are some). I’ve traveled by train at least twice as an adult, once with my close friend and my son (who was 5 at the time) and once alone. The first time we had little roomettes–one for my son and me, and one for Joyce. The second time I just went in the regular coach, and brought along a small fleece throw for warmth at night. The seats reclined nicely, and I was pretty comfortable, as there was a leg rest that came up, too.

        I think it would be a good option for you and David. You could always rent a car at the “other end” if it doesn’t go quite as far as you need to go.

  14. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you, everyone, for your concern for me. My hives are getting somewhat better–most of the pain/swelling is gone now, and tomorrow I might be able to wear my watch again! I could take “1 or 2” of the pills every 6 hours, so have been taking two for the time being. However, they do make me tired, and I slept a lot today! I think it’s partly catching up, too, as the previous two nights were very uncomfortable for me, so I didn’t sleep well.

    Another lady will be filling in for me in church tomorrow, playing the piano in my place. I’m very thankful! I’m not sure if I’ll be there for Sunday School or not, yet, but may try to get to church in the morning. If not then, then evening service for sure.

    I still have some itchy areas, and my forehead/scalp are still pretty uncomfortable, but, overall, the hives are looking better–less “blotchy” and swollen. No idea what caused the hives, but sometimes they can just pop up on their own, which I’ve had happen before (although not quite to this extent). Again, thanks all!

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