It’s Addy’s turn to try on the dresses….

Several of you asked to see what Addy or Cecile might look like in the dresses I just finished making. Since I don’t have Cecile anymore, Addy gets the whole post to herself today… and she’s beaming! :o)

I tried both dresses on her so you could see which one looked best, (just in case you win one of them and have Addy or Cecile!) This will give you a good idea of what they will look like on YOUR dolls! :o) again!

I only wish my blog could capture my pictures like my phone does… on my phone camera, my pictures are as clear and crisp in detail as any magazine picture ever taken, but when they get to my blog, they appear a little fuzzy and maybe a bit grainy. I can’t do anything about that for now…

So here she is… Addy in Blue…

…and here she is in the Beige…

I will probably open up the voting for the dress you think will sell the highest on Ebay, Wednesday… that will give me enough time to get all my pictures sorted and arranged in a blog post. My sisters are leaving Tuesday, so I want to spend as much time with them Monday as I can… I’ll tell you all about the voting in the next day or two… Just stay tuned and you won’t miss it…

We are having a wonderful time… Deb, Cindy and me

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “It’s Addy’s turn to try on the dresses….”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, dear….now maybe I’m changing my mind again as to which I like better.

    Thanks everyone for all your kind comments. I’m glad I went to the doctor Friday; I got meds and tonight although they are still here, they are So. Much. Better.! Some areas were very swollen and sore to the lightest touch on Friday; today they are still red and somewhat itchy (but really, not too bad), and I can finally put my watch on again. The hives were everywhere I had a crease or a “hot” area–under arms (all the way down to my wrists), bra band, waist, etc. The worst might have been the ones that spread into my scalp and forehead. So uncomfortable, and one area felt like I had a big swollen gland! I’m sure if I hadn’t gone to the doctor on Friday, I would have been in ER that night or the next morning. But she gave me the right pills, and I am on the mend. Also, Pastor found someone else who could play piano for me this morning, so I didn’t have to think about that, just rest and heal! (I’m still on the docket to play next Sunday, though.) Thanks again for thoughts and prayers.

    1. So glad to hear you are doing much better! Thanks for your comment on train travel. I looked at the schedule to get from Houston to Wilmington, DE, and we would have to take a bus to a town near Dallas to pick up the train, then a transfer in Chicago and then another in D.C. Still pondering. We could drive instead of take the bus and I might like that better. Wasn’t sure I liked the transfer idea, but then I thought it might be fun to see so much of the country in one trip. Every time I think of a train trip I can’t help thinking of that movie “Silver Streak” with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. One of my very favorite movies but the end was a bit wild. If you haven’t seen it, you should. It was a fun movie.

  2. Addy looks so pretty in both drresses, but I am still liking the beige best, Jeanne! I see how some of the pictures get washed out, especially the ribbing on the beige dress, which doesn’t show up much in the full length pictures. Some of the pictures I send to you get that way after I see them on the blog, when I know they look different on my computer.
    Addy looks so special in that beige dress! I love that close-up of Addy, and still can’t see that as a school dress, well, maybe Sunday school dress!

    I had no idea that Cindy was so much shorter than you and Deb! My sisters are like that too, up and down, from one of them 52″ all the way up to me, at 5’9″!

    Glad to hear you are doing better, Charlotte!

  3. Itโ€™s so nice that you are getting time to spend with your sisters. I bet you three are enjoying your time together. I have been enjoying seeing the dresses you made on the different girls, just havenโ€™t had time to comment lately. Work is crazyโ€”we are doing a big project that we are trying to wrap up. Hopefully, things will be winding down after this week.

  4. Nice to see Addy girl. She shines in the blue.
    What a wonderful sister pic. Everyone looks so nice. Had to check out the styling. Wish it had shown the shoes. ๐Ÿ™‚ Deb’s goldish color jacket is perfect for fall, and I really like Cindy’s shirt jacket combo for me. Not that your floral isn’t lovely too, you are adorable and the color is so pretty. Thanks for the fashion update and getting to see your sweet sisters. ๐Ÿ™‚
    A sweet little Meadow girl should be heading this way soon. Can’t wait to meet her. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Joy,
      LOL Your Meadow girls multiple like rabbits!. Of course, you must share photos when she arrives. How much fun it must be to have a whole little group of cuties.

  5. i agree with Joy that the blue becomes Addy more, though she looks lovely in both. I’d put these pictures on AGPT and Dollhouse. Two special dresses shown on three well-groomed dolls is irresistible.
    The three of you look like such nice people — who wouldn’t want to be a sofa sister to that group. It looks like it’s still ice tea weather there, though the jackets indicate that hot tea might be welcome. But if I remember correctly, Jeanne is a coffee person. As the weather turns cooler, I turn to my Emma Bridgewater mugs. You can find them on her website or on Ebay. I especially like the cities mugs and the cities at Christmas.
    When do we vote on the dresses? I’ll bet it comes out a tie vote.

    1. I’ve never heard of the Emma Bridgewater mugs so I had to check them out. They are wonderful. Thanks for putting me on to these.

  6. Addy looks lovely in both, although the beige still remains my favorite.
    So nice to see the picture of all of you together and I’ll bet you are having a wonderful time
    You and Deb look to be almost the same height, but I also didn’t realize Cindy was shorter.
    Yes, you should share photos on AG Playthings and Dollhouse as Marilyn suggested. I’m sure everyone would enjoy them who isn’t on here.

    **** Anne- I know you haven’t posted yet, but I hope your dress competition goes well and you win!! BTW, OG dolls do not have the same face mold. I don’t have any, but member on the doll boards do and I’ve seen different molds. I have a link to AG molds, but I haven’t found one for OG to show you yet.

    1. Judi, itโ€™s not what you like best, it is which one you think will go for more in the
      EBay auction.

  7. I love your top, Jeanne. Did you make it? I didnโ€™t sew for myself for years. I started again and am sticking to my stash or what I pick up at thrift stores. That includes sheets, table cloths, and even shower curtains. I have set my inner hippie free and have fun making and wearing what I make! ๐Ÿ˜Šโ˜ฎ๏ธ๐Ÿ”†

  8. Now you are making it harder to choose? I think Addy is soooo pretty in the blue. It makes her shine and I swear she looks happier in the blue.
    Charlotte….so glad you are getting better…what an uncomfortable time you had๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜ข
    Sisters are the best. I just have one but she is a go getter so no grass grows under feet and when she is here it is go,go,go!
    Have a good week

  9. What a lovely picture of you and your sisters. My sister is only 4’11 and a half inches. She always adds the half inch! At 5’4″ I am considerably taller.
    Laura, I will find out tonight if I have won anything so will let you know in the morning when I check the blog. Don’t hold your breath though, the standard is very high, I am not expecting to win.
    I’m not sure if the OG we get here have different moulds, they are almost certainly made in Australia under licence and probably only have the one style. Or maybe I just haven’t seen a different one. They are certainly not as different as the AG ones anyway.
    I still prefer the style of the beige dress, even though they are the same style the small differences make the beige one more flattering IMO.

  10. Anne, I have 6 OG dolls and I have dolls with different faces among them. Certainly there are also different ethnic dolls.
    Jennifer, it’s nice to see you among the sisters. It looks like you are having a great time.
    I still believe that the blue dress will sell better.

  11. Wonderful picture of you and your sisters! I’m still not sure which dress I think will garner the most profit. Each change puts another dynamic to it. I’m working on a pleated skirt for Sophie right now. I used my Perfect Pleater for the first time. I’m still a little awkward with it. I used a Little Darling/Boneka pattern for it. The pattern called for 1/2″ pleats, but I really think the 1/4″ pleats would look better on the smaller dolls. They’re not really round enough to show of the 1/2″ pleats well. Too late to change now and it’s cute enough as is. I’ll finish it up tomorrow and then on to the blouse. Enjoy the rest of your visit with your sisters.

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