A new listing on Ebay… It’s Caroline for sale…

I’m going to try hard to get a couple dolls listed as quickly as I can… Today it’s Caroline’s turn. She is such a pretty doll and if you’ve been pining for one, maybe this one is who will make you swoon… :o)

Here is the link to the auction…

American Girl Caroline on Ebay

or you can click on the picture at the right side bar to get there too.

I’m going to try and list a few new pictures, but it’s not cooperating very well…

Well, that should do it…
Blessings, Jeanne

27 thoughts on “A new listing on Ebay… It’s Caroline for sale…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Ooh, it can be so hard to part with any doll, but I imagine particularly if it’s one who’s been one of your models.

    I’ve been trying to thin my collection, too–when I had to do some mopping up in the basement the other night, I chose 2 or 3 to let go to the thrift store. Nothing quite as grand as Caroline, but nice dolls, nonetheless. However, I don’t think I will run out of dolls any time soon!! (giggle/wink)

    Good luck with your auction!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      It can be hard parting with dolls, but as you’ve seen before, if I get to missing one too terribly much, I just find another one and buy her back! :o)
      I hope your dolls go to some nice homes too!

      It’s much easier to manage when I have fewer dolls… not so long in between dresses either!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. She has such long pretty hair. My long haired doll dreams came true when I got Kanani. I’m sure someone somewhere is dreaming of long blond doll hair. ♥️

    1. HI Julia,
      I’ve never seen a Kanani in person… is she as lovely as everyone says?
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Jeanne, you have the BEST dolls! She has such a flawless face, and her hair is just gorgeous! I can’t imagine having a doll like that and then selling her, but I guess it is time for her to leave your home. I hope that someone who buys her will give her the same love and care that you did!

    1. HI Linda,
      Yes, it was time for Caroline to move on… like I said to Charlotte, if I miss her too much, I’ll find another one and bring her back.
      She will find lots of love where she’s going.
      Thank you too, for the sweet Birthday card. It came today and was the bright spot in my morning! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. You select your dolls so carefully that whoever gets her will know that she is one of the nicest Carolines ever produced. I hope she goes to a home where there are lots of pretty outfits waiting for her.

    1. Thank you Marilyn,
      I know she’ll be loved! I think there will be lots of pretty dresses for her to wear!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Sorry about your photos. So frustrating.
    Caroline’s photos are wonderful, and I’m sure someone will want to bring her home. Her hair is so beautifully styled.
    Hope no one is in the way of that hurricane. Very scary.

    1. HI Joy,
      I still don’t have it figured out… I’m going to use my camera tonight and see if “that” way of uploading pictures has changed…
      We were planning a trip tomorrow… just about an hour away, but now we’re waiting to see what happens overnight… don’t want to get caught in the rain…too much!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Caroline is so pretty….oh my….those eyes! Such a pretty color!
    Good luck with her auction! I bought a Sweet Sue Yesterday that is going to clean up like new. She has her over the top dress, nylons and shoes. Her hair is plentiful..just needs to be freshened. That makes today the beauty shop day.
    Hope Caroline loves her new home

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Kathie, how wonderful! I hope you and Sweet Sue enjoy a wonderful time at the beauty shop.

    2. HI Kathie,
      Yes, I’d say her eyes are her best feature… they really are pretty…
      Oh, you’ll have to share your Sweet Sue with us when you get her all prettied up! :o)
      I hope you had a fun beauty shop day…
      I had my own beauty shop day today.. .I put one of those rinse out colors on my hair. Light brown this time… my hubby wanted it darker, but I said, I need to start lightening things up.
      I realized I wasn’t quite ready to be as gray as I was getting so I postponed it a while longer! :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am sure that Caroline will find just the right Mama. Dolls always seem to do that.

    I need to pass along some dolls also. I would have donated some as door prizes to our Doll Club luncheon in June but, of course, it was postponed. I am holding on to the dolls so I can donate them next year.

    I can hardly believe that we are sliding out of August.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      Yes, there are always LOTS of mama’s out there looking for children to adopt! It’s a good thing they have nice homes to go to…
      So… you get to keep your girls for another year to enjoy! They are probably all very happy with that!
      Yep, August will be gone in the blink of an eye!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Caroline is such a beauty. I just glanced up at mine standing next to Felicity and I can’t imagine parting with her. She has such an angelic face. IMO, PC 1991 Felicity and Classic Caroline are the loveliest dolls followed by the first tan bodied Samantha 1991. I’m drawn to the decal eyes. Hmm, those are MY dolls, I wonder why? LOL
    I’m sure someone will snap her up. She looks adorable in Kirsten’s work dress and Addy’s birthday pinafore.
    Just went to look at your auction and I was right about snapping up, she’s sold!

    1. HI Laura,
      I know you are probably disappointed I sold Caroline, but she’ll be fine… I will too… She needed to be with someone who looked at her with loving eyes like you do yours! I took all your advice and bought the very prettiest one I could find and so I thank you for all your help when I was looking.
      Yep, she didn’t last long… Now I really can’t change my mind…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Well, she can come and live with me! She is beautiful and I love how Jeanne styled her lovely curls. I do have another Caroline named January. Only I bought her because someone had changed her eye color to the true blue eye color, which I liked. Granted, the true Caroline’s eyes are unique in color.
    My doll, January, is a civil war era girl and she loves all of Madame Jeanne’s beautiful clothing. This Caroline will be much loved and welcomed in my group of girls. It’s exciting that this Caroline really knows Jeanne and that means a lot to me! 😊

    1. HI Paula,
      Thank you so much for making a home away from home for my Caroline. She’ll be just fine at your house, I’m sure of it. Maybe Caroline and January can be sisters, with different colored eyes! :o)
      I still remember seeing those pictures of January and she is a knockout! I think she’s stunning as any doll I’ve ever seen.
      She was mailed out this afternoon, Paula…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Caroline is such a beautiful doll. Her hair is so beautiful. I know she will find a loving home.

    We dodged a giant sized bullet with Laura. It jogged east enough yesterday to put us out of the impact zone. Unfortunately, since it is a fast mover, it looks like we won’t get any rain and we sure need that. I just watched a report from Lake Charles. The impact there was far less than they anticipated and the storm surge was not near what was expected. A lot of power outages. The biggest problem is there is a shelter-in-place order because there is a large fire at one of the chemical companies. People who have power were told to turn off their A/Cs. Hopefully they will get that under control soon so people can leave homes without power to maybe find a place more comfortable and those with power can’t put their A/Cs back on. The timing of Laura was about the same time as Katrina a few years ago. But after Katrina the area got a front through that lowered temperatures and humidity and made it more comfortable for people.

    We got a video from our church yesterday about what steps we have to take if we return to in-person services. They were devised back when we thought we would be returning in May. I’m not sure all of it needs to be done now. Nearly all of the churches in the area are open and they are having no problems. Most churches are doing masks and distancing. Ours is way more involved. Some of it will probably keep people home. And the way we’re doing Communion is so restrictive it’s almost like it’s not at all. Our Coronavirus numbers are going down considerably all the time but nothing here is moving forward or even being discussed. We haven’t heard from our governor since July 2 when he shutdown some businesses and slammed the breaks on others.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Yes, Caroline is going to a nice home… Paula’s! She’ll be very adored there!
      I’m so glad you didn’t get hit hard like they were expecting… and glad you are safe too!

      Maybe the cooler weather we are supposed to get will kill that crummy virus and things can get back to normal. I sure do miss normal, don’t you?
      Thanks Barbara,
      blessings, Jeanne

  11. Hi Barbara
    I have a nephew in Houston and my brother sent me a message to tell me that Laura had avoided Houston and the family were fine. He (my brother) lives in Karnes City near San Antonio and says it is still fine there.
    Because we are in Level 2 we can still have church so long as it is less than 100 people. No Communion though. That isn’t the case in Auckland where they are in level 3 so no gatherings except for weddings and funerals and only 10 people allowed. From midnight Sunday Auckland will join us in level 2 for a week then hopefully we will be back to level 1 which is complete normality except the borders are closed. We have a News Special every week day at 1pm when the Director General of Health tells us all the new cases and where they are and any other information they have then either the Prime Minister or the Minister of Health (who I think will be a future Leader of the Labour Party) tells us what (if anything) the Government is doing. Then they answer journalists questions for half an hour. It is one of the frustrations of the Opposition that just weeks from the election they cannot campaign but they feel that the PM is continually campaigning. However if she or someone else from Government didn’t front up they would be complaining too. This for us of course is the benefit of being a country of 5 million! It just wouldn’t be possible in your country.

    1. HI Anne,
      I’m glad your brother was safe in Houston too…
      It seems like there are a million different rules and guidelines for all the churches nowadays… I’m sure they’ll get it all figured out eventually…
      Thanks Anne,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Hi Jeanne
    That was a quick auction, Caroline had sold before I even knew she was for sale lol. I couldn’t have bought her anyway it is the postage that kills any opportunity for me. 18 yrs go, when Sam was pregnant with Jonathan she was given a green teddy called Sam. Sam was very well loved, too well, and we wanted to replace him a few yeas later. He was no longer available in NZ so we went on line. He was only $11 so that was doable. Unfortunately the postage was $25! Since that was all US Dollars once we added in the exchange rate we were looking at around $50 NZ.
    Poo Sam, She has to go in to hospital this morning as the port she had inserted a few months ago has to be removed urgently so she had to go in for 7am this morning, then Greg has to go in for Chemo at 9.15. In the meantime Ashley has to get to school. Nana to the rescue again . Fortunately both of them have free taxi chits so I just have to pick up Ashley and take her, I may have to pick up one or other of them later.

    1. HI again,
      I so wish the postage could be the same everywhere so everyone could get all the dolls they wanted from wherever they wanted!
      Thanks Anne,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. I just got back from dropping off Ashley and read your comments from yesterday. You are right I would love a little less drama in my life at the moment!!!
    The mosque gunman did get the longest sentence ever given in NZ, life without parole. He is 29 and will now never leave jail. Was it worth it to him I have to ask? He didn’t even achieve what he wanted, division. It brought us all together and I have to say thank you to the Moslem community for their graciousness in spite of suffering so horribly. Their anger, if they have any (and not all do), is solely directed at the gunman. Our PM said at the time she would never utter his name again and never has, not even yesterday when she commented on his sentencing.

    1. HI again Anne,
      I did see where the gunman got that long sentence… They got it right, I think!
      Thanks Anne,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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