Still sorting in my sewing room…

I feel like I keep telling you I’m working in my sewing room and I’m wondering if you think I’m actually laying on the couch eating Bon Bons. I’m not, but you sure can’t tell it when you see how little I’m getting accomplished each day. It just seems to be taking me longer than I ever dreamed it would. Stephanie, that wrote the “decluttering” book with the Sewing Supplies chapter, would NOT be happy with me… keeping stuff I haven’t used for a while. But I’ll prove her wrong…I just couldn’t get to it before…now I should be able to. (IF I can just remember where I’m putting things!) :o)

The only thing I can do is show you what I finished today.

I asked my hubby if I could run in a store on the way home from PT and get some spray paint for a basket I wanted to use for storage. I only got these teal colored ones because they were on clearance.

The color I picked out is called “Serenity Blue” and I wanted it to sort of match my stenciled cabinet.

It works for me!! I just painted the one for now, but hope there is enough paint in the can to do 2 more.

I pulled more fabric out of tubs and have my white bookshelf pretty much loaded down. I have quite a few pieces of white fabrics and it’s nice to see it with the rest on the shelf.

I’m sure things will get shuffled around again until they find their perfect spot, but for now, I’m liking everything where it’s going so far…

One basket on the bottom has gallon zip lock bags of fabrics sorted by colors. They are big enough scraps for my smaller dolls to receive a new outfit.

The other basket has my little girl socks and tights and pieces I use to make doll thigh highs.

One of the boxes on the bottom has my Christmas and Fourth of July fabrics in it…guess I missed the fourth! :o(

The other box has scraps of white fabrics and vintage pieces of lace I use for collars and bodices.

I hooked up my TV and decided to put my slip making supplies in the stenciled cabinet. Some tulle is in a bag, some is rolled and some is on spools.

Well, that was my day…except for a few details I left out!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Still sorting in my sewing room…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I would not have thought to spray-paint those baskets–would probably have left them whatever color and just made the best of it. I think that color you chose is going to work well in your room.

    Your white bookshelf looks so pretty with all those fabrics arranged by color! How could one Not be inspired to sew something, with all that prettiness around one?!

    I also love how you’ve got the smaller pieces stored separately, and also the way you have your slip-making supplies stored together in that one cabinet. Well done!!

    I finally went to Hobby Lobby after PT today, and, by using a cart to kind of semi-lean on, managed to traverse the width of the store (from the cards and gifts section over to the fabrics)–walking! And in the fabric dept. I ran into one of my HS classmates and his wife, so we had a nice little visit. They live in the area, and it seems I run into either just him or the two of them every couple of years or so. So, it was a really good day for me! Thanks, everyone, for your concern.

  2. Excellent progress, Jeanne. Being a seamstress, and such a detailed, careful one as you are, requires little bits of this and that here and there. I’m not surprised that this project of sorting, placing and planning is taking you a while to do. I’m sure you’re glowing in the results of your labors.


  3. Good call on painting the baskets. When they were up at the top of the end wall, that teal kind of called attention to them as a focal point. The Serenity Blue goes nicely with that great stenciled cabinet. Did you use paint especially for plastic? I have a few things I’d like to do a switch on too. Any special prep before painting? This reminds me that I need to sand and repaint a stair step plant holder. Humm, another project.
    The fabric collection keeps growing, but wonderful to have likes together. I was just thinking that having an empty basket nearby might come in handy when shopping at the “new store.” After you pull things out, put them in a basket while you decide what is needed for a project. Then those not needed stay in the basket to be reshelved as time allows leaving no clutter around. Just a thought. 🙂
    How’s the garden coming along? Any tomatoes yet? We have a few flowers. 🙂

  4. Painting the baskets was a great idea. I painted a couple of planters with that Krylon paint that makes it look like stone and they turned out well. I also did it to a little metal bridge that has been in the garden, but I may wash and use it for my dolls sometimes.
    Sorting stuff does take time and you might as well make sure it’s where you want it to stay.
    Finally got to get my license renewed this morning. It was fairly crowded with people getting their renewed and tags etc. plus the kids taking the exam and initial driving test. Still I was in and out within 30 minutes.

    Did you see the new 1980’s doll, Courtney, who leaked yesterday? She’s from 1986, I was a senior then I’m not sold on her, wish she’d been light Josefina mold and a brunette and , most importantly of all, had winged back feathered hair, not the perm. I like her Walman and cassette though. I had a Walkman and used to make mixed tapes to carry in my purse or book bag. I think her meet actually fits later to me, unless that’s what kids wore. My friends and I were more of the preppy dressers with plaid skirts, cord jumpers, Bermuda bags. capri pants, dark peg legged jeans with pin stripes , Fair Isle sweaters etc.

    1. Hi Laura, I finally got my new licence last Saturday. Because I turned 75 during Lockdown I needed to get a medical so was way overdue when I finally got to do the renewal, (It was supposed to be done by my birthday). I had to carry a piece of paper around till the licence arrived by post.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, you are doing a great job. It may not seem like to you that you are getting as much done as you are because you are “in” the project but from the outside, we can see that the project is advancing nicely.

    And we definitely do not think that you are sitting on the sofa as we are all sitting there and cheering you along.

    It will be done soon and then will come the celebrating.

  6. Never thought of painting a plastic basket…it looks so nice! Now I’m thinking of making all my baskets match!
    You are doing just fine…that room will be just right when you are done!
    Hope it is done soon so you can actually sew😉😜

  7. Jeanne, you are doing a marvelous job getting things organizing and put away neatly. Sewing is your business so you are being strategic in what you need and what you can let go.
    One thing I can say is I can’t ever picture you laying in the couch eating bon bons. You are one of the most busiest persons I know!
    You want your sewing room done right and that’s what takes time. You go girl!!!

  8. Good idea to paint the baskets. Hobby Lobby had some on sale that I could have used, but I didn’t buy them because I didn’t like the color. I never thought to paint them. It looks like you are making progress on everything and I think you should take your time and get everything the way you want it. After all, the room needs to work for you. As for keeping stuff you haven’t used in a while, you have been sewing long enough to know what you will eventually find a use for.

  9. I missed commenting yesterday again so I want to say that I’m glad Charlotte’s PT is working for her. It’s taking forever for my knee to heel, something that probably wouldn’t have taken long when I was younger. When I was younger it probably wouldn’t have even happened.

    Your room is coming along great, but it does take time when you’ve totally removed everything. I went through that when my hubby built my sewing cabinets and I got rid of a lot of my previous storage furniture to make room for those. They were bigger and held more, but I was amazed at how quickly I filled them up. I must confess that at first I was more interested in getting things put up than where exactly I was putting them, so when I went to look for things I couldn’t remember for sure where they were. So, once I was settled in I had to rearrange things again to make be sense of things.

    Today the grandkids and I went to the pool for the first time this summer. I wasn’t sure it would open this summer but it did. It actually opened about three weeks ago, but for two weeks I wasn’t aware it had opened and last week it rained or looked like rain the days I had them. Today the weather was beautiful and so we went. They take your temperature before you enter and you have to sign in. The pool is never crowded so distancing is not a problem. It was good to have something for them to do other than screens, especially with the Texas heat. Playing outside is not something kids do around here much at this time of year.

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